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Enough incoherence/whining from WGR re: EJ

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Your right PTR I thing Schopp loves controversy and in his mind thinks he's Morton Downey Jr. Ever notice how slow he talks? So....Sal...would ...you...say ..then that Rex has a problem...with...EJ? He talks slow to eat up air time.


Ever hosted a radio show, college, local, national? Nearly every on-air talent needs to be acutely aware of their words and being deliberate isn't a bad thing in that context. You can't just be a stream of consciousness type and let it all out, especially when it's charged issue.


It's so absurd reading this thread. I guess some people are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't share their opinion...and...they then seek to silence the opposing view instead of just ignoring it. I don't understand why, when someone doesn't like what another says the first person just can't go somewhere else and not be offended.


Essentially, this is a digital temper tantrum. And there's no appeasing those throwing the tantrum until the other side absolutely capitulates.

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Ever hosted a radio show, college, local, national? Nearly every on-air talent needs to be acutely aware of their words and being deliberate isn't a bad thing in that context. You can't just be a stream of consciousness type and let it all out, especially when it's charged issue.


It's so absurd reading this thread. I guess some people are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't share their opinion...and...they then seek to silence the opposing view instead of just ignoring it. I don't understand why, when someone doesn't like what another says the first person just can't go somewhere else and not be offended.


Essentially, this is a digital temper tantrum. And there's no appeasing those throwing the tantrum until the other side absolutely capitulates.

I am not sure anyone is offended. I truly do not care if they are bias(which from an objective view point I would say they are) or not. Just be honest about it and do not try and pretend to be objective or using empirical data.

Edited by A Dog Named Kelso
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Ever hosted a radio show, college, local, national? Nearly every on-air talent needs to be acutely aware of their words and being deliberate isn't a bad thing in that context. You can't just be a stream of consciousness type and let it all out, especially when it's charged issue.


It's so absurd reading this thread. I guess some people are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't share their opinion...and...they then seek to silence the opposing view instead of just ignoring it. I don't understand why, when someone doesn't like what another says the first person just can't go somewhere else and not be offended.


Essentially, this is a digital temper tantrum. And there's no appeasing those throwing the tantrum until the other side absolutely capitulates.

Meh. I guess Mike's show could be more based on informative information and it might help if he didn't come off as a condescending pretentious twit, but thats jmo. I just listen and follow Sal now.

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Each #Bills QB had bad misses/off days. When I was at camp, EJ was most accurate/decisive 3/4 days. Showed most advanced QB'ing in preseason


Can't figure how to feel. I don't care who wins the job. Very odd that a start goes to the guy clearly in third place. #KillThePreseason

Any one see a difference in these two? Please tell me that there is not a bias against EJ.

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Listening to the last 20 minutes of the Dope and the BS show has proven everything I said in the OP.


Reading Tea Leaves and Listening to Coaches.....only to have them blow up when the coaches start EJ.


Hey fellas: just listen to the coaches! "Even EJ" gets to start after all.


Hilarious. I love it when a thread comes together.


:lol: :lol: :lol: ity :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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They painted themselves in a corner, you could see this coming a mile away.


I look at Their show as more of a radio talk show with a little sports mixed in, rather than a sports talk show anyways.

Edited by mastershake
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I have listened to WGR very sparingly over the last week, however, each and every time I have I heard the same 4-5 statements made by multiple hosts, with regard to their coverage of EJ this preseason.


These statements are either bereft of logic, or, on par with the whining of a 2nd grader. Once again I heard Jeremy White re-hash this crap this morning, and normally I wouldn't care, but, enough is enough. So let's get to it:


1. "We have been getting emails and tweets that our coverage has been biased against EJ"


You don't say? :rolleyes::lol: Well, this morining Sal Capaccio said "We aren't as bad off at QB as was expected. It's a tribute to Greg Roman being able to get these QBs ready to play....EVEN EJ." Ah, when you say schit like this, what, exactly, do you expect listeners to conclude?


Hey WGR? Fans have observed a clear pattern of behavior from you. Why the F else are you getting the response? Mass Hysteria? A conspiracy to troll you? :rolleyes: No. You are causing this problem with comments like that, and instead of introspection, it's blame the fans?


I literally heard...what you say you aren't doing...in 2 separate instances this MORNING!, never mind this past week. :wallbash:


I like Sal, but, Sal? You chose those words, not the fans. Why throw in the "...even EJ"? Greg Roman has done a good job with all 3 QBs. Well, that is supposedly Sal's premise. Greg Roman is being paid a compliment...so why is the "...even EJ" necessary? It is not. It's totally irrelevent...so why say it? Answer: bias, supporting the choice, made long ago, that EJ == Bad.


2. "Either we are liars, or, we don't know how to do our jobs".


Holy drama batman. :rolleyes: Yes, arguing to the extreme isn't a logical fallacy or anything. Follow that link fellas.


Nobody is accusing you of being liars. Some of us have been accusing some of you of not doing your jobs for a decade+ (anybody want to have a meat draft? :rolleyes:) so this is nothing new, and not specific to EJ coverage.


The simple fact is that these aren't the only 2 outcomes, and to suggest otherwise is childish. There is all sorts of research that shows the influenece one person or group can have on others. Both confidence bias, and choice-supportive bias are very real, every day occurances that are much more likely to be the culprits here, than intentional deceit, conspiracy, or staggering incompetence. Groupthink is also infinitely more likely, especially in this case, since the QB issue is so acute. Everyone knows the problem, its importance, and thus fears making a mistake, and its consequences, as both will be maginfied. It's much safer, and natural, for everybody to run in the herd together, and nobody strays too far away. This is prime Groupthink territory. Do the reading.


So, please, enough with the incoherent emoting. Nobody is accusing you of anything...other than not seeing your own bias. And that's perfectly normal. IF you could see the bias, you wouldn't have it(unless you really did have an agenda).


In ALL cases, liar/incompetent aren't the only 2 possible outcomes. I'm not sure WGR's coverage is biased, because I haven't listened enough. But,it sure smells like it given what I've heard in the last 24, especially the statements I've bolded.


3. "We do this for a job"


What are we doing? Running through EVERY logical fallacy? Now it's Argument from Authority? Thus, this thread is necessary.


Do you really want to have this conversation? How about with X and Os, or draft, or other heavy content posters here? Why is it that every time I write a heavy content post here...my topic is discussed by WGR the next day?(Most recent example: 1985 Bears-->46 Defense == WGR articles and air devoted < 24 hours after my post.)


This is 2 Bills Drive, and I have news: WE do this for a job too, often 2-3x better than you, and have for years. The only real difference is that we don't get paid, and we aren't "required by our job to watch the Jets game where EJ was horrible". We'd do that anyway. The WGR host/reporter/contributor who thinks they can go toe to toe on Bills Football with any heavy duty poster here is fooling themselves.


According to some respected posters here: WGR has an anti-EJ bias. These people have a long history of being right about this team. WGR is just starting to get some football credibility with Sal Capaccio(ahem, see? I have no bias), who actually knows the Xs and Os well enough to discuss them(unlike others at WGR who refuse to learn the game, and defend that by telling us that Xs and Os are: boring...to Bills fans, of all people. :lol: /facepalm Hint: This is not Miami.)


WGR: You have a problem. Stop blaming others. Don't argue from authority. Especially when you haven't earned said authority. Your work has been shoddy at best...which...is WHY 2 Bills Drive exists.


4. "This is coming from some weird place amongst the fans".


Um no, the reason fans are saying WGR's coverage is biased: is because it's empirical.


Get over yourselves. Fans simply don't care that much about WGR. The notion that this started in some evil little corner of the internet/twitterverse, dedicated solely to the downfall of WGR, is patently retarded.


The fans are responding to: you, WGR. If you don't want to hear the calls and see the emails? Simple: clean up your act. Be conscious of the feedback, aware that you DO say things like "...even EJ"...and make the necessary corrections. Realize that people aren't pointing this out because there's something wrong with them. They are pointing it out because there's something wrong with you. As soon as your behavior changes, the response will change.


I am tired of the whining as well. You ARE getting paid to do a job. We AREN'T getting paid to listen to you. I am sick and tired of hearing you B word about doing a job you signed up for, and all that comes with it. Keep your whining to yourselves, look inside, realize you are the cause of your own problem, and, how's about resolving to do a better job?


Beats the hell out of more incoherent/weak arguments and whining.


5. My personal favorite "We are reading the TEA leaves from the coaches/We are merely reacting to what the coaches are saying"


Q1: Who asks the coaches the questions?

A1: The media.

C1: What the "coaches are saying" is driven mostly by the media's questions and how they are framed.

QED. The notion that the media is merely reacting in this situation, is patently retarded. Especially when we consider the fact that "reading the TEA leaves" is the basis for most of this analysis.


WGR: You are telling us that most of your work is based solely on interpretation....EVERYWHERE! Interpretation of what you see on the field, interpretation of what the coaches are saying, interpretation of how EJ answers the question "How do you expect things to go at your next team?" :rolleyes: (No bias in that question at all)


NOTHING here is empirical. ALL is based on interpretation...and WGR people are trying to tell us that there's 0 chance for bias? :lol:


Here's what I do for a job: tell people like WGR that they are the opposite of right, because this environment is the MOST likely to produce bias. Enough delusion, dissonance, problem denial and shifting the blame to fans as though they are the cause.


Enough whining and blaming fans for merely responding to what they can clearly see is broken.

For a guy who listens sparingly, those are some diligent notes. WGR thanks you for tuning in....again.

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Each #Bills QB had bad misses/off days. When I was at camp, EJ was most accurate/decisive 3/4 days. Showed most advanced QB'ing in preseason


Can't figure how to feel. I don't care who wins the job. Very odd that a start goes to the guy clearly in third place. #KillThePreseason

Any one see a difference in these two? Please tell me that there is not a bias against EJ.


that is what happens when you drink the Kool Aide

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Vanessa Williams listens to Schopp!


@VWOfficial: @Schopptalk So we'll be at the game and I'll bring my new hubby along :) Plus we love Drew Blum as well


@Schopptalk: @VWOfficial Can't wait!

I belive that children are our future

Treat them well and let them lead the way

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For a guy who listens sparingly, those are some diligent notes. WGR thanks you for tuning in....again.

Unfortunately for WGR and friends, it takes only two shows to understand everything OC said is true. I know they suck so I stopped listening. Normally I read these posts from anyone who went to practice other than those butt hurt fools, but I needed to know just how bad was bad. I just turned it on for the first time in two months strictly because of this post. Wish I hadn't... ears bleeding. And, my balls ache a bit. Oh wait those are Brady's not mine. Chit I just heard A'Schwipe again, and now they do.


Either way, do we have definitive evidence that in fact every single WGR announcer went to every single practice? Something tells me no. Watch your quantifiers and qualifiers please.


ESPN is raw doging this to the bone as well without saying anything new. This is not a debate about WHO should be the qb its an exclamation on how awful our media coverage is; in and about Buffalo. I for one think its time for a change.


Time for Mr. and Mrs Pegula to buy a new station and put OCinBuffalo on it. Actually put ANYONE on it and just let them read twobillsdrive.com out loud all day and night with a commercial every 5-10 minutes. Pretty sure it would crush WGR inside of 2 weeks. In fact they've bought enough, lets start a fan fund to play "Pegulas are jolly good fellows" 24/7 on air. I'd listen to that for 24 hours straight before WGR. No I like my first idea better.


At this point I think I've said "I" about as many times as A'Schwipe does so I'm done.

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For a guy who listens sparingly, those are some diligent notes. WGR thanks you for tuning in....again.

Reading is fundamental. I specifically said that these not-bullet points are merely what I lifted out of the few times I tuned in.


What can I say? I am a good listener. This is why I am able to directly quote people, whether it's yesterday, or 3 years ago. I'll grant it's annoying as hell for some people, but, it is equally as annoying as it is: effective.

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