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NLRB says college football players cannot unionize

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Going to what, form a fake union?

Why would it be fake? If they form a group of like minded individuals, skilled at what they do, who are difficult to replace and refuse to perform their duties in order to make a change. The stars would have to sit out games. You can call it fake or not a union or whatever, but if that happened, I'm sure some poo would hit the fan for the ncaa.


Their product is the student athletes. No student athletes, no games, no money. The athletes would have to be willing to put their future on the line though, and that is a risk that many, especially NFL bound stars, would most likely not take.

Edited by PortlandiaEast
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In terms of ideology, what this appears to mean is that since the NLRB refuses to rule on this "novel" case that individual rights of students will not be protected by recognizing the rights of individuals to freely associate and form unions.


What can happen instead is some rich individual student can sue and assert their individual right as an American not to have their rights as an individual to sell their services in a supposed to be free market. My guess is that some judge somewhere will have the cajones to uphold individual Americans rights.


When this is the case every individual college would be forced to actually participate in a free market. When the NFL team owners were confronted with this choice by the NFLPA threatening to decertify itself as a bargaining agent for the players, the team owners fell over themselves working to forge a deal with the NFLPA to deliver a deal with the NFLPA to deliver a majority of the assets to the players.


The collegiate players can eventually win the right to unionize if they can force the NCAA to make a choice between supporting a free market finding a different method for supporting individual rights.

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Why do you say that?


I was hoping they win.


I think the NCAA right up there with the FIFA and the IOC in terms of corruption and only being concerned with one thing....lining their own pockets.


I thought there were some interesting issues on the table...health care for life if due to injury suffered while playing, 5 year scholarships , being able to be paid for your own likeness etc.


On the flip side, I think scholarships would have become taxable and more " unintended" consequences would have developed.


Interested why you think this is a win


It's a win because it doesn't reclassify "students" as "employees."


There are significant issues with college sports that need to be addressed. Unionizing isn't the way to do it.

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There can be no more resounding a thud than that of this administrations'NLRB refusing to exert it's jurisdiction in this case. This issue s dead.



Why would it be fake? If they form a group of like minded individuals, skilled at what they do, who are difficult to replace and refuse to perform their duties in order to make a change. The stars would have to sit out games. You can call it fake or not a union or whatever, but if that happened, I'm sure some poo would hit the fan for the ncaa.


Their product is the student athletes. No student athletes, no games, no money. The athletes would have to be willing to put their future on the line though, and that is a risk that many, especially NFL bound stars, would most likely not take.


The "stars" are fee to sit out any games they feel they would benefit from not playing in. No one is stopping them.


There will always be more student athletes. They would stampede to cross those "picket lines"...

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