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On stage Saturday, Trump would not repeat what he said about impeachment — there are apparently limits even for Trump. But he did not hesitate to talk about Iraq. "Obviously, the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake, all right?" Trump said. "We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives, we don't even have it. Iran has taken over Iraq with the second-largest oil reserves in the world."

"George Bush made a mistake," Trump continued. "We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East."

And finally: "They lied," Trump said of the Bush administration. "They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction."




I'm so glad Jeb is staying in the race. People forget history so quickly, at least he helps us keep that Iraq War disaster in mind and who gave it to us.


This is probably why Trump ran

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Does anyone see Cruz or Rubio getting out of the race after Tuesday for the greater good so that one or the other can take on Trump head to head? I don't. I see them both stubbornly staying in.


March 15 is the real drop dead time.

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First question is about.....................................................................








Mitt Romney....................what a surprise.



I wonder if they'll ask about Obama or Clinton..............................LOL




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First question is about.....................................................................








Mitt Romney....................what a surprise.



I wonder if they'll ask about Obama or Clinton..............................LOL




And trump talked about the polls. What's your point?

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And trump talked about the polls. What's your point?



I just wish they would talk about something more important.






Oh never mind.........................we now have started discussing penis sizes :cry:



Trump brags about the size of his crank. ..............................Would hate to be the Politifact checker on that one.
In 2020, all male candidates will have to disclose penis size before Iowa caucus.
It's gotten to the point where Ted Cruz is the guy trying to drag the debate away from attacks and political theater.
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How many jobs have you created? What kind of question is that?








I'm now convinced that Rubio is trying to bait Trump into punching him.

Trump will hire a Mexican to punch Rubio.

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Ditch the EPA and DOE I like that.


Half of DOE's job is nuclear-related (weapons, power, fuel, waste disposal). It'd be a really bad idea to get rid of those functions, particularly if you're of the opinion that nuclear power should be expanded.,

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