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Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

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I don't get too pissed about many things but this infuriates me.


I've always known and have communicated with my father that Obama's foreign policy team cared more about the public perception of their actions than the actual results. This is yet another example that validates my suspicions.


His team is made up of a bunch of cocky inexperienced under 40's who thought they had all the worlds answers back when they were still at their Ivy league Universities.


Couldn't he have at least have waited to gloat about in a book how he lied and manipulated the media lapdogs sometime after Obama was out of office? Nope, this kid had to try impress his upper east side Manhattanites and progressive buddies by bragging how he pulled a fast one to advance Obama's agenda in helping provide him one of his self-perceived greatest "achievements".









Now comes Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes to reveal the lies on which Obama’s alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran was promoted. See David Samuels’s May 8 New York Times Magazine profile of Rhodes, “The aspiring novelist who became Obama’s foreign-policy guru.”

Rhodes is not, as he should be, confined to fetching coffee and performing other menial tasks befitting his qualifications to formulate national security policy. “He is,” writes Samuels, “according to the consensus of the two dozen current and former White House insiders I talked to, the single most influential voice shaping American foreign policy aside from Potus himself.”

Rhodes himself, however, is an odious ignoramus who knows one thing. Obama’s servitors in the mainstream media are useful idiots.

He’s got that right. Samuels quotes Rhodes observing: “All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus. Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg doesn’t fit the 27-year-old average. Maybe Goldberg raises the average to 27. He is a fool for Obama. In his case, however, youth and inexperience are no excuse. I do look forward to his response to Rhodes’s estimate of him now that Goldberg must have come to know his friend Rhodes as an ingrate.

All of which raises the question: What does Ben Rhodes know? He knows he’s selling a bill of goods to fools and he knows how to sell to fools. Congratulations.

On this point, Rhodes’s “mind meld” with Obama (discussed by the Obama officials interviewed by Samuels) is complete. Rhodes’s knowledge and Obama’s overlap perfectly.

“He doesn’t think for the president,” Samuels observes, “but he knows what the president is thinking, which is a source of tremendous power.” Samuels quotes Rhodes saying with a touch of bafflement, “I don’t know anymore where I begin and Obama ends.”


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or were they ?




White House Press Corps Asks Obama Three Questions About Trump, None About Ben Rhodes.


That too.

You would think this would be a pretty big scandal. They are openly and actively lying about the Iran deal, which has huge potential ramifications and to make things worse they think they are so above the law that they can go on record and gloat how they deceived the American public. With the Jonathan Gruber Obamacare issue, they could at least say he was contracted and somehow try to pass off the blame to some unauthorized dude, but this guy is one of the main centerpieces of their FP team.



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That too.

You would think this would be a pretty big scandal. They are openly and actively lying about the Iran deal, which has huge potential ramifications and to make things worse they think they are so above the law that they can go on record and gloat how they deceived the American public. With the Jonathan Gruber Obamacare issue, they could at least say he was contracted and somehow try to pass off the blame to some unauthorized dude, but this guy is one of the main centerpieces of their FP team.



The end justifies the means and they know the media will ignore it.

Edited by keepthefaith
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If our new ally, Iran, does close the Straits of Hormuz in response to Congress considering legislation permitting US citizens to sue foreign nations, will POTUS send Rhodes or Kerry to the compromise conference where we cede Vermont to Iran?

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Lucky for B. O. and the Pimple of Rhodes the article was published in the NY Times Magazine. No one reads that except the sycophantic left who are conditioned to understand "Bush Bad, Obama Good", and a few conservatives that like human interest stories but their voices are never heard except on The Drum that is the Intarwebs.

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Now comes Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes to reveal the lies on which Obama’s alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran was promoted. See David Samuels’s May 8 New York Times Magazine profile of Rhodes, “The aspiring novelist who became Obama’s foreign-policy guru.”

Rhodes is not, as he should be, confined to fetching coffee and performing other menial tasks befitting his qualifications to formulate national security policy. “He is,” writes Samuels, “according to the consensus of the two dozen current and former White House insiders I talked to, the single most influential voice shaping American foreign policy aside from Potus himself.”

Rhodes himself, however, is an odious ignoramus who knows one thing. Obama’s servitors in the mainstream media are useful idiots.

He’s got that right. Samuels quotes Rhodes observing: “All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus. Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg doesn’t fit the 27-year-old average. Maybe Goldberg raises the average to 27. He is a fool for Obama. In his case, however, youth and inexperience are no excuse. I do look forward to his response to Rhodes’s estimate of him now that Goldberg must have come to know his friend Rhodes as an ingrate.

All of which raises the question: What does Ben Rhodes know? He knows he’s selling a bill of goods to fools and he knows how to sell to fools. Congratulations.

On this point, Rhodes’s “mind meld” with Obama (discussed by the Obama officials interviewed by Samuels) is complete. Rhodes’s knowledge and Obama’s overlap perfectly.

“He doesn’t think for the president,” Samuels observes, “but he knows what the president is thinking, which is a source of tremendous power.” Samuels quotes Rhodes saying with a touch of bafflement, “I don’t know anymore where I begin and Obama ends.”


No, actually the major media organizations have veterans reporters all over the world. But continue to post garbage

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No, actually the major media organizations have veterans reporters all over the world. But continue to post garbage


These are actual quotes from Rhodes, why aren't you upset with him and the administration? He admitted to lying.

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These are actual quotes from Rhodes, why aren't you upset with him and the administration? He admitted to lying.

No, does not bother me in the least. They created a narrative that was technically untrue, I guess, to show progress. But as far as lies go this was a pretty tiny one. And if my president has to tell some lies to create peace, I'm all for it. It's not like lying us into a war

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No, does not bother me in the least. They created a narrative that was technically untrue, I guess, to show progress. But as far as lies go this was a pretty tiny one. And if my president has to tell some lies to create peace, I'm all for it. It's not like lying us into a war


Or lying about why you left four Americans for dead in Benghazi.

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No, does not bother me in the least. They created a narrative that was technically untrue, I guess, to show progress. But as far as lies go this was a pretty tiny one. And if my president has to tell some lies to create peace, I'm all for it. It's not like lying us into a war


Well, wasn't this prophetic...

Turns out...the entire deal was a con by the WH.


Not that anyone should be surprised. It's just odd that they admit it so openly. Not that the left would care, really, given how little they ever think for themselves.


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