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The party of tolerance. It's okay to treat women like dirt as long as they're conservative women.


You might not think you're angry, but you should do some inner work and be honest with yourself. Saying something like this is not only gross, it's a sign of person with a lot of deep seated issues.


Or someone with two more payments before the Land Rover is his free and clear. You'll never hit blue sky if you don't post anything that pops in your head.

Edited by LABillzFan
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The ACA is supposed to be providing access to all the same services for everybody that PP does, so why do we even need PP anymore?


Because PP's "federal funding" are "family planning" grants from the Office of Population Affairs. So it's not health care funding, technically. Stupid? Of course. A sane health care law would have reconciled that.


Also...the family planning grants don't fund abortions. PP's abortion business is pretty much self-supporting. So "defunding" PP makes them economically more dependent on performing abortions.


And...how many people know that Planned Parenthood has a PAC? Think about that for a minute...

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Your questions have no basis in fact

Used condoms I hope, lol


I'm a little busy today, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Can you call yourself an idiot every 20 minutes for the rest of the day? It would be a big help.


Thanks, I'll owe you one.

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Your questions have no basis in fact


Used condoms I hope, lol

Stay classy gatorman.


Not sure what is worse, a tax payer funded organization paying activists to protest and throw condoms at a critical political candidate or you wanting a lady you disagree with to potentially be attacked by biohazards.


Wow what the hell is going on.

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Stay classy gatorman.


Not sure what is worse, a tax payer funded organization paying activists to protest and throw condoms at a critical political candidate or you wanting a lady you disagree with to potentially be attacked by biohazards.


Wow what the hell is going on.


You're talking about a guy who admittedly laughs at the idea of the WH leaving four Americas for dead in Benghazi. I'm sure throwing used condoms on a woman is something that would never register on his moral compass.

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You're talking about a guy who admittedly laughs at the idea of the WH leaving four Americas for dead in Benghazi. I'm sure throwing used condoms on a woman is something that would never register on his moral compass.

LABlitz, you are a Christian so you forgive me

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CALLING IT LIKE IT IS: S.E. Cupp, “Democrats: The Party of Abortion, Not the Party of Women.”


If you didn’t know any better, you might be under the impression that Planned Parenthood clinics are the only place a woman can go for any variety of health services, including abortions, mammograms, contraceptive services and screenings.

That’s because Planned Parenthood actively fosters this impression to bolster its own necessity, aided by Republicans determined to end federal funding of abortions who have unwittingly helped elevate the organization’s image out of scale with its actual importance.

In reality, however, the 700 Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the country — predominately in urban areas — are dwarfed by the nearly 9,000 community health centers or CHCs around the country, with one in almost every Congressional district. . . .

Though Planned Parenthood routinely insists women need it for mammograms, the clinics don’t actually perform any (they are legally not allowed to). The CHCs, however, do. . . .

Congressional House Republicans passed a measure this month that wouldn’t just defund Planned Parenthood, but redirect its funding to CHCs. Republicans are making the argument for more access to more women’s services, while Democrats are actively trying to limit them.

The Planned Parenthood battle isn’t over, but it has proven one thing: Democrats are not the party of women. They are the party of abortion. There’s a big difference.




Well, yes. But Democrats’ are much better at getting their “spin” accepted by the mainstream media; hence the oft-used “War on Women” label, the battles of which oddly focus exclusively on providing an unfettered access to abortion, as if abortion were the only issue of salience to women’s lives. How paternalistic of the Democrats.



Moreover, never mind that Republicans are spearheading the effort to make birth control pills more widely available by classifying them as over-the-counter–something the Democrats and Planned Parenthood vehemently oppose. And never mind that Republicans wish to expand access to all kinds of women’s medical care–not just abortion and contraception–by expanding funding for community health centers. None of that fits with the Democrats’ “war on women” label, so it can’t be too widely discussed.



If the Republicans in Congress were smart (a big if, I know), they would start talking about the Democrats’ “war on birth control” and “war on women’s health.”


by Elizabeth Price Foley http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/215545/
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You're right. Earthworms having a heartbeat is a non-indicator in the assessment of when human life begins.


Nice work there.


That's cute. You took what I said, and purposely pretended to misinterpret it in order to think you somehow deprecated my observation. Good job, gatorman! :thumbsup:

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