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Songs You Heard But Realized Decades Later That You Love

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I was doing the circuit on itunes and I listened to some Brenda Lee and Patsy Cline songs. Both of their voices are terrific. Now have some of their pristine songs on my ipod and listen to them while working out. I may be late to the party but Maroon 5 and Rihanna are also very good.

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As far as Willie Nelson, I think I have heard all of this actual songs, but some of the very short songs and bits that are less popular; think Red Headed Stranger minus the popularity... those are fun. Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground is still one of my favorite songs of all times.


I know all of Hank, even if I can't remember it. I'll just put it on some days while cleaning the house.



I know a lot of music and I know a lot of their music but hearing it in the compilation that is assembled on this album is amazing. Angels and Airwaves had an album that gave me the same feel. The lead singer of Blink182, and guys from 30STM, NIN/Lost Prophets, and such came togehter to form this group. They had a song on some MTV show, the one about the football team in Texas, that helped skyrocket them.


The album I am thinking of is We Don't Need To Whisper. Their music is similar to The Cures, musically rich, a unique lead voice in the lead singer, and flowing emotions in to the composition that creates a vacuum to engage conscious mind to follow the music.



You can sort of hear the same thing the Cure does with the music here. A&A is more industrial at times, though.


Hey man, thanks for posting this. Never heard of this band and I have to admit, even though it's not really my niche of music, I am loving the songs I have heard so far.

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Hey man, thanks for posting this. Never heard of this band and I have to admit, even though it's not really my niche of music, I am loving the songs I have heard so far.

I am amazed they never caught on more. Same with 30STM. But I think both bands are happy as is.


Nikkie Six has a group that's pretty unique too. Sixx AM.

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My wife doesn't like him at all and I don't get it seeing we have very similar tastes in music. He must have kicked her dog years ago.

Maybe it is personal... But I hardly think it is about her dog. ;-P


Van has always been getting the rap of having a pretentious personality. Some would even call him a douchebag. LoL... From what I read, he's pretty intense. I remember reading a story where he stopped a set he was playing and scolded somebody in the audience and asked them to leave. I don't know how true that is... I don't have a link... But, I bet you can find stuff on him and his personality


Good thing your wife's "pretentious douchebag detector" seems to only be stuck on Van.


:-P :-P :-P

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Growing up I never cared much The Stones. Aside from a few songs, their music never had much depth lyrically, and was quite simple from a musical standpoint. They've become my favorite band recently, and for the same reasons. I love the simplicity, and how they don't take themselves too seriously.

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