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Positive Side - Bills were a playoff caliber team this year


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I have to side with the non-playoff-caliber comments. The Bills benefited from a very soft NFC schedule (although no one saw the implosion of the NFC North at the beginning of the season). Their AFC record says all you need to know about how they are as a team, which is still not close. Our D was good this year, but not all the time. Sure, too much was asked from them, but they gave out at inopportune times, especially against the run. It was nice to go into December with a chance, but it wasn't real hope, now, was it? If they took care of business against KC and Miami (or just held serve in their own stadium!), things would have been different. Hey, you lose to bad teams on the road sometimes. Remember the 90s Bills? They occasionally laid a stinker in Indianapolis or somewhere. You have to win enough games to survive that sort of thing. I don't like the offensive plan this team has (which I still don't understand). The D has some great talent and can be good enough, but Schwartz is no genius, either. He just has better tools and doesn't make unforced errors like Marrone (whom I believe has been in charge of the offense). I really don't expect the team to be better next year if we keep the staff and the same basic players.

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I have to side with the non-playoff-caliber comments. The Bills benefited from a very soft NFC schedule (although no one saw the implosion of the NFC North at the beginning of the season). Their AFC record says all you need to know about how they are as a team, which is still not close. Our D was good this year, but not all the time. Sure, too much was asked from them, but they gave out at inopportune times, especially against the run. It was nice to go into December with a chance, but it wasn't real hope, now, was it? If they took care of business against KC and Miami (or just held serve in their own stadium!), things would have been different. Hey, you lose to bad teams on the road sometimes. Remember the 90s Bills? They occasionally laid a stinker in Indianapolis or somewhere. You have to win enough games to survive that sort of thing. I don't like the offensive plan this team has (which I still don't understand). The D has some great talent and can be good enough, but Schwartz is no genius, either. He just has better tools and doesn't make unforced errors like Marrone (whom I believe has been in charge of the offense). I really don't expect the team to be better next year if we keep the staff and the same basic players.

NFC North soft? U on drugs-- to quote Judge Chamberlain Haller? Or are you confusing the North and South?

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Had we won out and finished 10-6, missing the playoffs due to tie breakers, I could agree that we were a playoff caliber team that needs tweaks and a little luck next year.


But, as it turns out, we're pretty much a rock solid 8-8 team that's missing the playoffs because they still got a ways to go.

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Nothing new in what I'm about to say, but so as to not waste this defense...


First tier must dos:

get a real NFL QB no matter how or how much

improve the o-line. at a minimum we must get markedly better at 2 positions.


Second tier:





Everything else is depth or dependent on possible losses. Am I missing anything?

No you are not. The challenge is finding a QB. Not sure there will be any answers at QB next year. Teams hang on to franchise type QBs. Maybe DC cuts Griffin out? Kaepernick? Obviously you try to jump on either one, but I doubt they will be out there. I guess Cutler is a possibiily and that would be fine ... don't care if he is an ass. He can play. OLine is a priority, need to spend some $ here as well. We'll see if its the same old crap or a new beginning with new ownership..

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For everyone saying the Bills aren't a playoff caliber team because they didn't make the playoffs, do you not understand the distinction? Or do you think that there is only one "championship caliber" team every year?

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For everyone saying the Bills aren't a playoff caliber team because they didn't make the playoffs, do you not understand the distinction? Or do you think that there is only one "championship caliber" team every year?

Keep dreaming!


Had we won out and finished 10-6, missing the playoffs due to tie breakers, I could agree that we were a playoff caliber team that needs tweaks and a little luck next year.


But, as it turns out, we're pretty much a rock solid 8-8 team that's missing the playoffs because they still got a ways to go.

Reality! Thank you.
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For everyone saying the Bills aren't a playoff caliber team because they didn't make the playoffs, do you not understand the distinction? Or do you think that there is only one "championship caliber" team every year?

I totally understand the distinction.

By a literal definition we are not a playoff caliber team, since we're not going to the post season.

But also by a standard view of what a playoff caliber team looks like, we dont fit the profile either. A playoff caliber team would have beat the raiders riding on the momentum from beating the hottest team in the nfl. A playoff caliber team would have a semi decent offense. Not a pathetic one.


So in both ways we are not playoff caliber.


Close the thread now.

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