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ot- whoa. worst virus ever.


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i will try to condense this:


i have an ancient computer...a 1998 compaq...i run anti-virus software(the free AVG one), never open weird email attachments, and avoid sketchy porno sites( :D )...


HOWEVER, when i booted up the rig a few days ago, i got about halfway through the DOS stuff, when a funky error message popped up(the AVG software had already run and said "no virus found") that ended with the words "press any key to continue." there was also something about a "bad command," and "wininit.exe(i assume this is the virus)" on the screen.


when i pressed a key, the computer immeditely turned off, as though someone had yanked the plug.


i tried to start it up again, and this time when the message appeared, i DIDN'T press any key, but after about 15 secs, the machine still turned itself off. i tried reinstalling the entire OS from the quick install CDs that came with the computer, but again the machine turned off before the CD drive could even read them.


so it looks like my ancient rig is screwed good. i guess i'm not TOO broken up about it- i have been meaning to replace the computer anyway. and i didn't lose any truly irreplacable files or anything like that...but i gotta ask....WTF HAPPENED :doh: ?! does anyone out there know? whenever i've done something dumb in the past, i've always at least realized it when i did it, and was able to fix it one way or another....but this seems completely unfixable...and i still have no clue HOW i got infected- that's what scares me. and hell, if you absolutely cannot turn the thing on, how can you possibly fix it???


oh well, i bet it will blow up real good when i toss it off my third floor balcony. before i do this however, can anyone offer any insight??

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There was a virus out just under a year ago that would do that, as I recall my computer getting it. It's tricky because how can you go online to get the fix if the computer shuts itself down?


The answer: F8. Keep hitting it when you reboot your computer and you'll get a screen allowing you to operate in safe mode. I'm sorry I don't recall the virus, but whatever it was, the patch at MS fixed it.

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thanks a lot...i'll give it a try when i get home...


i just wish i knew how the hell i got it!




Jester, with all the deals they have now, you can get a really decent desktop for under $500... even less with rebates. You could keep your monitor, so that could save you even MORE..


just a thought.

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i will try to condense this:


i have an ancient computer...a 1998 compaq...i run anti-virus software(the free AVG one), never open weird email attachments, and avoid sketchy porno sites( :D )...


HOWEVER, when i booted up the rig a few days ago, i got about halfway through the DOS stuff, when a funky error message popped up(the AVG software had already run and said "no virus found") that ended with the words "press any key to continue."  there was also something about a "bad command," and "wininit.exe(i assume this is the virus)" on the screen. 


when i pressed a key, the computer immeditely turned off, as though someone had yanked the plug. 


i tried to start it up again, and this time when the message appeared, i DIDN'T press any key, but after about 15 secs, the machine still turned itself off.  i tried reinstalling the entire OS from the quick install CDs that came with the computer, but again the machine turned off before the CD drive could even read them.


so it looks like my ancient rig is screwed good.  i guess i'm not TOO broken up about it- i have been meaning to replace the computer anyway.  and i didn't lose any truly irreplacable files or anything like that...but i gotta ask....WTF HAPPENED :doh: ?!  does anyone out there know?  whenever i've done something dumb in the past, i've always at least realized it when i did it, and was able to fix it one way or another....but this seems completely unfixable...and i still have no clue HOW i got infected- that's what scares me.  and hell, if you absolutely cannot turn the thing on, how can you possibly fix it???


oh well, i bet it will blow up real good when i toss it off my third floor balcony.  before i do this however, can anyone offer any insight??


I had the same problem with my desktop about a month ago and I still haven't fixed it. I tried to keep rebooting as someone mentioned and was unable to run in safe mode. My question is would replacing the hard drive fix the problem. Theres nothing important to me on the drive, in fact the only thing I used it for was burning CD's. If you have any luck let me know my notebook doesn't have a burner so I'd love to get it up and running again.

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Jester, I had this last year. Microsoft has a utility program that lets a network administrator shut down a computer remotely. When IBM fires a guy in the Singapore office, they can shut down his computer so he can't screw up thier system on his way out the door. Of course, pranksters figured out the protocol and figured out how to put it in a virus.


What internet connection do you have? I think if you disconnect and reboot the protocol doesn't run. In any event, booting into safemode and running the fix from MS would do the trick but you might have to get the fix using another computer. I was able to fire up my browser and download the fix just before the thing shut me down and then I started up after disconnecting and ran the fix.


I think it is called the MSblast worm, here is a site with some fix instructions:


MSblast worm

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Jester, I had this last year.  Microsoft has a utility program that lets a network administrator shut down a computer remotely.  When IBM fires a guy in the Singapore office, they can shut down his computer so he can't screw up thier system on his way out the door.  Of course, pranksters figured out the protocol and figured out how to put it in a virus. 


What internet connection do you have?  I think if you disconnect and reboot the protocol doesn't run.  In any event, booting into safemode and running the fix from MS would do the trick but you might have to get the fix using another computer.  I was able to fire up my browser and download the fix just before the thing shut me down and then I started up after disconnecting and ran the fix.


I think it is called the MSblast worm, here is a site with some fix instructions:


MSblast worm



If you hit start and choose run, you can type the following command: shutdown -a


This command will abort any automated shutdowns and let you apply the fix. Catch is, you have to be quick about it.

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well, i hit "f8" as labillzfan suggested, tried to start in safe mode and it shut down. then i picked option 4...which was something like "single command mode" or somesuch...it is the one that runs all your startup commands one at a time and forces you to pick a "Y" or "N" for each. if you hit Y (for yes), it runs the command and asks you if you want to do the next one. after some trial and error, i isolated the command that was causing the machine to shut down. when i got to it, i hit "N" instead of "Y." this was good, because it didn't run the command, and therefore the machine did not shut down, but i have no clue what to do next. i thought maybe i could just bypass this command and move on to all the others and maybe the procedure would culminate with a successful startup, sans virus(i can dream can't i?). but it never gave me any other commands after i picked "N" so now i am at a dead end. oh well...


and i don't think the site referring to the ms blast worm applies to me because i am still running win98. i think i will print this thread, then go home and try to do what mickey and joesixpack suggested.

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you have the bymer virus


Bymer Virus



you're right...that describes it perfectly...i have "variant A"


the instructions for removal are a little over my head at this point. i am about to google it( so please no one yell at me, or send me the link to "effinggoogleit.com or whatever.... :( ) , but does anyone know a forum where i can get a simpler explanation of the removal process? i STILL may throw the computer off the balcony just on principle alone, but for now i am enjoying the challenge of solving this problem.


and there still is matter of just how the bloody hell i got it... :( ...still trying to figure that out...


anyway, thanks everyone for your input. i am convinced there is almost no problem you can't solve by hanging out at TBD.

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What OS are you using? If 98 or earlier boot to dos and format C:  If XP boot to the cd rom and format. Nuke it. Its the only way.




i am using win98...problem is the computer shuts down before the dos bootup is completed. i can't get to safe mode, and i can't execute any other commands.


after doing a little research, i am starting to think it may not be the "bymer" virus after all- i have gone to several sites, and while they do show the bymer as operating under the command "wininit.exe," none of them describes it as causing immediate shutdown of the computer before it is fully booted.


i soldier on...

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i am using win98...problem is the computer shuts down before the dos bootup is completed.  i can't get to safe mode, and i can't execute any other commands. 


after doing a little research, i am starting to think it may not be the "bymer" virus after all- i have gone to several sites, and while they do show the bymer as operating under the command "wininit.exe," none of them describes it as causing immediate shutdown of the computer before it is fully booted.


i soldier on...



It's that damn rightwinger.exe virus jes, trying to keep a good lefty like you from using your computer and spreading that liberal joy to the world...



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Well, if all else fails and you have the following:


-your original win98 cd,


-your authorization key number for your win cd,


-a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive,


-a diskette containing ibmbio.com, ibmdos.com (or the ms equivalents), command.com, format.com, and fdisk.com (these files are on the so-called start-up diskette that win 98 prompts you to create during installation, at least the first three system files are).


Boot from the floppy, use FDISK to create a partition or partitions. Make one primary, make that active, and make it bootable. Then format the partitions. Then reload win98 using the original cd and the authorization key.


And hope that that ole' compaq isn't hobbled by some propriatary junk!

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