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I am ab fab delish! (except for my back which was owie)


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Yeah well I went to 3 different quacks.The burning in both legs ,did not leave . My chiro also said the same thing about my shoulders ,leg length. Spasms will cause one side to tighten up more than the other. If it works for you fine. But I have found no good in it. You can actually get worse if he jams the disc that is injured.This could cause more nerve damage.


All true,, Which is one reason why I prefer a DO, Not that you can't get a bad DO, or MD, but at least a DO can treat you for things that a chiropractor simply isn't equipped to do. And typically they won't attempt any manipulation until they know the scope of the issue, to prevent the sort of thing you describe.


I concede it was a pretty crappy post. I actually do have a decent understanding of psychogenesis though.


I've made crappy posts too.

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My skeleton is all jacked up due to an uncorrected sports injury I sustained in college. I separated the AC joint in my shoulder, and it didn't heal properly causing my hips, shoulders, and neck to be askew. I was having significant pain in the muscles in my upper back, and it got to be so bad that I had to miss some work. At the recommendation of a colleague, I tried a chiropractor (then in Concord, NC). After just one adjustment, I was amazed that all of the pain disappeared within about an hour of treatment. I think I went in for one or two other maintenance visits. I haven't had that level of back pain since, but if I did I would head straight back to the chiropractor.

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I have a feeling that there are a lot of MD's who would flip out to see the word "DO" and "real doctor" in the same sentence!!


I personally have had pretty good experience with DO's (and MD's).


Fewer than you think, nowadays. That was the case years ago, but DOs are a regular part of most hospitals and many practices have a mix of MDs and DOs. Plenty of DO surgeons, too.

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I swear by them.....


I was in a car accident some years ago that left me with bulging disks in my lower back.....and every so often something back their would cross up and my lower back would go out......


Physical Therapy - I was sent by my doctor to physical therapy....now I loved the tens and massage....but then one day she put me on one of those spine compression things that put you upside down....something happened and I literally fell t the ground in pain when I got off it and could NOT GET BACK ON MY FEET.......they spent the next 2 hours trying to figure out what to do. Eventually one of the therapists got a great idea to have me hang onto the end of a bed that goes up and down and have it lift me to my feet...once on my feet I was able to walk out...I never went back


So then I went to a chiropractor....and i was really nervous about the whole "cracking" thing....but I will tell you what this same chiro has been able to fix ever back and shoulder problem I have had in the past 5 years.......and usually on the spot.


Just went 2 days ago for pain below my shoulderblade that was shooting pain down my arm....he fixed it. I had a partially separated shoulder and 2 ribs out of place and I dont even know how i did it.

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All depends on if you go to a good one, because in my experience there aren't many.


I broke my back when I was 15, and the first 2 chiropractors I went to were lousy. About 3 years ago, I started going to a guy that does chiropractic work and whole-body structural adjustments.


Massive difference.


No more pain waking up in the morning, no more sciatica, etc. Very valuable to a power lifter.

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after someone else changed it!!! Any idea who that was???

:ph34r: nope :ph34r:


My skeleton is all jacked up due to an uncorrected sports injury I sustained in college. I separated the AC joint in my shoulder, and it didn't heal properly causing my hips, shoulders, and neck to be askew. I was having significant pain in the muscles in my upper back, and it got to be so bad that I had to miss some work. At the recommendation of a colleague, I tried a chiropractor (then in Concord, NC). After just one adjustment, I was amazed that all of the pain disappeared within about an hour of treatment. I think I went in for one or two other maintenance visits. I haven't had that level of back pain since, but if I did I would head straight back to the chiropractor.

injuring yourself playing ultimate Frisbee while stoned doesn't constitute a "sports injury" Johnny.
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Are you trying to say that ultimate frisbee isn't a legitimate sport, pal? If my short-term memory wasn't so impaired, I'd remember to put one of my Birkenstocks up your arse.


Not a real sport? The why do they have their own equipment? I give you the Frisbee Helmet:



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