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Daryle Lamonica ....

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I love those old NFL films highlights. The music is so epic.


Sadly, Joe Collier dumped Daryle when he should have been looking to unload an aging Jack Kemp. Personality conflicts (of the Nolan-Hasek sort) may have played a role, but it was a dumb move that doomed the Bills, who went seven years before winning more than four games in a season.


Lamonica and the Raiders won a bunch of games, but always came up short in the big ones. He won his first time in the AFL championship in 1967 (to lose SB II to the Packers), and then the Raiders lost AFL/AFC championships in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971... My dad became a Raider fan after Lamonica went there, but then turned on the Raiders and on John Madden when Madden pulled Lamonica from the Immaculate Reception game and then made Ken Stabler his starter in 1973.


Watching those highlights, though, you can see the talent on those Raider teams. Warren Wells was a burner, and Fred Biletnikoff caught everything.

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And, if I'm not mistaken we traded a very good split end in Glen Bass.


Bill Miller also ended up with the Raiders (trade?). He caught two touchdowns in the SB. I run into him a lot at a couple local bars where he "spins the wheel" for happy hour,


BTW, Pete Banaszak also lives nearby and it a client of mine.


Both of these guys like to talk football.

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There was the Cookie Gilchrist trade for Billy Joe.....then Lamonica and Bass for Powell and Flores....Then we let Dunaway and McDole go off the defensive line to star for the Redskins....we do have a pretty long history of really bad trades. I saw a list of Belichiks recent trades for number 1's and number 2's and I think about what we got for Lynch, Johnson et. al. We just don't seem to be able to tangle with the big boys.

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My first Bills game was in 1968, a total beatdown by the Raiders with Lamomica at the helm....


Same for me. We were on pressbox side, about the 10 yd line at the endzone with the concrete bleachers. Even thought the Bills lost, I was happy our car still had four wheels on it when we left for home. Tough neighborhood.....

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This^ worst trade ever too, I might add.

When the USFL was folding Al Davis was asked if he thought he had a chance of landing Jim Kelly. Davis responded that he had no chance, Ralph Wilson still hadn't forgiven him for the Lamonica trade.
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Bill Miller also ended up with the Raiders (trade?). He caught two touchdowns in the SB. I run into him a lot at a couple local bars where he "spins the wheel" for happy hour,


BTW, Pete Banaszak also lives nearby and it a client of mine.


Both of these guys like to talk football.


Yes, same trade. We sent the Mad Bomber with Miller straight up for Flores & Art Powell. QB & WR for the same. I still recall the new swear word combinations my Dad spewed that day..

Miller caught a TD pass in SBII from Darryl, BTW..

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