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Where did this DT Cohen come from

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C'mon, bro. I copped to trolling. Don't treat me like a moron here.


You've clearly bent backwards to achieve the virtuous high road (in your eyes). When you say 'our values are different,' there's more than ample context to suggest you really mean 'my values are more virtuous.'

Oh really? And exactly where did I say that? In fact I said the complete opposite. I said that values are our own. You have yours I have mine. Nothing more, nothing less.
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How could I understand your purely emotional response, especially since you can't explain it? Its totally illogical. You're offended by something which isn't there.


I read the words written and first interpret them with that part of me that thinks not that part of me which feels. When I read something and it makes me feel a certain way I can at least explain why.


I didn't find it funny. I didn't find it offensive. He may as well have written "I like turtles" as far as I'm concerned. Or quoted Aladdin. You're reacting to the "too soon?" part, which is a question asking if its "too soon" to say Ork. Why is too soon to say Ork?


Is it too soon to say "I like turtles"?

Alright Spock you win. I have emotions.
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I hear he went to the University of Mars.


Anybody notice the guy has been a monster (along with Charles) in preseason......


I would actually like to see the kid get some work with the ones



He was born in Spartansburb, SC. Went to Ohio University. 7th Round pick by Detroit in 2008.

He's from his mammy and his pappy if you really gotta know, and I'm glad we've got him now.

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And your lack of them are uglier and weaker. Care to keep playing. I can do this all day.

I've got plenty of emotion but my emotions don't run the show. Thats the beauty of being a human being. While some of us chase cars or get territorial and never stop to think why, we are equipped with the ability to apply logic and reason to external stimuli and react accordingly. Being at the mercy of your emotions is every bit as virtuous as your sense of outrage.


Your capacity for losing is impressive but I think you're exaggerating.


I hear he went to the University of Mars.

Too soon!!

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Now might be a good time to close this thread. I don't think Cohen--who I'm hopeful turns out to be an impact player on this defensive line, fwiw--is the subject matter any longer.

The thread name should be changed "Is it too soon for Cohen to be from Ork?". Current title is misleading.

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I've got plenty of emotion but my emotions don't run the show. Thats the beauty of being a human being. While some of us chase cars or get territorial and never stop to think why, we are equipped with the ability to apply logic and reason to external stimuli and react accordingly. Being at the mercy of your emotions is every bit as virtuous as your sense of outrage.


Your capacity for losing is impressive but I think you're exaggerating.



Too soon!!

First of all I am not outraged and it is curious to me that you think that you are "winning" this argument. Think highly of your opinion much? You don't know me and you have no idea to what level emotions impact me. I am not the least bit emotional about this issue and could really care less how you feel or think about it. Most people who think logically would have no problem finding the insensitivity in the OP. It had nothing to do with the phrase "too soon" by the way. The fact that it was too soon was blatantly obvious. It was the reference to the character played by a man who had just died. Yes I found it in poor taste and not the least bit funny. It really isn't very complicated at all. I read it, I analyzed it, I didn't find it funny and I commented on it. What about that did you not understand? For such a highly evolved being as yourself, I would think you would completely understand.
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First of all I am not outraged and it is curious to me that you think that you are "winning" this argument. Think highly of your opinion much? You don't know me and you have no idea to what level emotions impact me. I am not the least bit emotional about this issue and could really care less how you feel or think about it. Most people who think logically would have no problem finding the insensitivity in the OP. It had nothing to do with the phrase "too soon" by the way. The fact that it was too soon was blatantly obvious. It was the reference to the character played by a man who had just died. Yes I found it in poor taste and not the least bit funny. It really isn't very complicated at all. I read it, I analyzed it, I didn't find it funny and I commented on it. What about that did you not understand? For such a highly evolved being as yourself, I would think you would completely understand.


Who was it insensitive to?

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First of all I am not outraged and it is curious to me that you think that you are "winning" this argument. Think highly of your opinion much? You don't know me and you have no idea to what level emotions impact me. I am not the least bit emotional about this issue and could really care less how you feel or think about it. Most people who think logically would have no problem finding the insensitivity in the OP. It had nothing to do with the phrase "too soon" by the way. The fact that it was too soon was blatantly obvious. It was the reference to the character played by a man who had just died. Yes I found it in poor taste and not the least bit funny. It really isn't very complicated at all. I read it, I analyzed it, I didn't find it funny and I commented on it. What about that did you not understand? For such a highly evolved being as yourself, I would think you would completely understand.

I don't understand how the mere utterance of Ork offended you. Judging by your explanations, neither do you.


What if BigCat had said "Maybe he came from South Beach?" which is where Robin Williams character in the Birdcage lived? Is that offensive?

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I don't understand how the mere utterance of Ork offended you. Judging by your explanations, neither do you.


What if BigCat had said "Maybe he came from South Beach?" which is where Robin Williams character in the Birdcage lived? Is that offensive?

Not even remotely close to being the same thing. You may as well give it up, because if you don't get it, you just don't get it. As I said previously, no explanation will suffice for you and you will stick to your opinion that it meant nothing and wasn't the least bit offensive or insensitive. You haven't proved that it wasn't any more than I have proved that it was. Do you really want to keep going back and forth like this? And by the way, it was not the "mere utterance of the word Ork". It was the context in which it was used and the time frame. Let me ask you this. If Robin Williams had not just died, do you think the OP would have made reference to Ork? Of course not. There is a line in an Edgar Winter song that very aptly describes this whole thread. "You know I've heard it said theres beauty in distortion, By some people who withdraw to find their head, And they say there is humor in misfortune, Now, I wonder if they'll laugh when I am dead."
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