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Last Comic Standing Season 9 Premiers July 22nd, 2015!!

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I wasn't a huge rocky fan, but I agree re Nikki. I find her delivery to be really uncomfortable and forced too. Her set was terrible. I thought rocky was so-so last night, but my wife thought it was hilarious.


I actually thought rod man had the best set. As much as I like Machi, I wouldn't mind seeing rod man win this.



I'm with you.


I think Rod Man will win hands down and I think it will be him and Lachlan in the final




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I'm with you.


I think Rod Man will win hands down and I think it will be him and Lachlan in the final





Welcome to the party yet I wouldn't dismiss Lachlan or however he spells his name to take it.

Edited by The Jokeman
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I don't know, I thought Nikki was funny the last two episodes. I also thought Rocky's set was also pretty good this time. I really couldn't decide who I thought should have been eliminated this time based on those sets. But based on the overall show, I'm glad it was Rocky and I'll be glad when it's Nikki next time. If she beats out any of the other 3 next go around I'll be very disappointed.

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i haven't read any of this thread, so this may have been said.


Honestly I think they are all pretty funny. Rocky got cut too early, IMO, but he had his worst performance that night. Still funnier than most; Machi was also a victim of a sub-par performance the other night.


With that said, the only reason I can see for Lauchlin still being around is they believe he can be a sit-com star. Remember, this is as much about NBC getting a sit-com star as it is finding talent.

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I agree with the posts about Nikki Carr not being close to as funny as the rest of them. I think maybe she made me laugh 2 times all season... I just don't think she's funny. Rod Man should win, he's been GREAT since day one... I didn't think Joe should have left last week, obviously Nikki should have been gone weeks ago... This happens every season of LCS for me. There is always someone who hangs around for some reason that just isn't funny to me. I do like Lauchlin and hope it's him and Rod Man in final 2.

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Good call on the sit com angle. I find Laughlin to be quite amusing in a sitcommy way, actually-- if that makes sense.


Btw, re Nikki, I think Roseanne thinks she's hilarious and that's why she has stayed.


If I have to hear her say that she is the last woman standing one more time I swear........




Good call on the sit com angle. I find Laughlin to be quite amusing in a sitcommy way, actually-- if that makes sense.


Btw, re Nikki, I think Roseanne thinks she's hilarious and that's why she has stayed.


I always thought that Rocky would have made the best sitcom.


I could see him doing a family type sitcom and it being hilarious



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Lochlan is pretty dam funny. He's trying to work the tosh/jezelnik angle a little and it works.


I think Nikki is ok, she seems like she should stick with the roasts.


I think Machi rules though. His first few lines where he greets the crowd kill me.



Edited by Ryan L Billz
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