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Cheney Calls Obama A Very, Very Weak President

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Oh, on those mobile weapons labs








Show us the part where Cheney says Saddam was involved with 9/11.

Ok Tom, he never directly stated it, but he did very much impy it as you have stated and then kept repeating the insinuation over and over until he finally admitted "well, it can't be disproved" ha ha. You win the hair splitting contest, congrats, but you are still wrong
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday that he believes President Obama is a “very, very weak president” who does not understand America's obligations around the world.


NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent: ‘Hard Pressed’ to Find a Country Where U.S. Relations Improved under Obama


NBC News’s chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, couldn’t think of a single country where the United States has improved relations since President Obama took office in 2009. “I think you would be hard pressed to find that,”​ he told Home Depot founder Kenneth Langone​ on CNBC on Thursday.


“You would naturally want to say Europe, but generally the relations with a lot of European countries have gotten worse,” he added.


Engel explained that the Obama administration’s withdrawal from world affairs has “very rapidly” left a vacuum. The “vortex of instability” has led other countries to be unsure about what role the United States wants to take on the global stage, he said, especially following the “army-first, or fist-first” approach of the Bush presidency.


“Right now, we have a black hole in Syria, Iraq is in a state of collapse, Libya is about to go back into a civil war,” he said. “I think there is a lot of problems on the horizon in the foreign-policy world, just because you are off-ramping in Afghanistan.”



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"Along with the contention that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top administration officials have often asserted that there were extensive ties between Hussein's government and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network; earlier this year, Cheney said evidence of a link was "overwhelming.""


They lied?!?!




It seems more like you inferred than it does that he implied.

You are a complete idiot, please just shut up.
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Oh, on those mobile weapons labs




That article says nothing about Cheney.


Ok Tom, he never directly stated it, but he did very much impy it as you have stated and then kept repeating the insinuation over and over until he finally admitted "well, it can't be disproved" ha ha. You win the hair splitting contest, congrats, but you are still wrong


No, he never even implied it. You autoretards assumed that "Saddam supports terrorism" meant "Saddam was behind 9/11." But no one said - or implied - any such thing.

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"As recently as Monday, Cheney said in a speech that Hussein "had long-established ties with al Qaeda." Bush, asked on Tuesday to verify or qualify that claim, defended it by pointing to Abu Musab Zarqawi, who has taken credit for a wave of attacks in Iraq."







But hey, let's take his word as gospel about a Democratic President.




That article says nothing about Cheney.




No, he never even implied it. You autoretards assumed that "Saddam supports terrorism" meant "Saddam was behind 9/11." But no one said - or implied - any such thing.

You have to be a complete f'n retard and moron of the first order to believe what you just wrote. Sure, Cheney just took the time after 9-11 and before and during the Iraq War to causually mention the relationship--that never existed!!!-- between Saddam and the terror group that attacked us. Wow!
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You have to be a complete f'n retard and moron of the first order to believe what you just wrote. Sure, Cheney just took the time after 9-11 and before and during the Iraq War to causually mention the relationship--that never existed!!!-- between Saddam and the terror group that attacked us. Wow!

unfortunately, they needn't be either. one only needs to put ideals, however wrong headed, a higher priority than the truth. it leads to epidemics of revisionist history.
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"As recently as Monday, Cheney said in a speech that Hussein "had long-established ties with al Qaeda." Bush, asked on Tuesday to verify or qualify that claim, defended it by pointing to Abu Musab Zarqawi, who has taken credit for a wave of attacks in Iraq."







But hey, let's take his word as gospel about a Democratic President.


You have to be a complete f'n retard and moron of the first order to believe what you just wrote. Sure, Cheney just took the time after 9-11 and before and during the Iraq War to causually mention the relationship--that never existed!!!-- between Saddam and the terror group that attacked us. Wow!


Where did Cheney say that Saddam was behind 9/11?


That was what you claimed: Cheney SAID that. Not that he implied it. He SAID it. Where did he say it?

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