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Fan Advisory Board - feedback wanted on a couple of things

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There were 2 things brought up as possibilities during the FAB meeting that I'd like to get feedback on.


1) For season ticket holders, they're looking at the possibility of doing what many other teams (college & pro) do and offer season-long rentals on seat cushions that would be attached to your seat. It would be one of the first 2 on this page: http://www.imgcollegeseating.com/our-seats.cfm - They would take care of any maintenance/replacement needed. Cost would probably be about $5/game/seat. These would not be available on a per-game basis - only season-long.


2) Note that this is just an idea and nobody's going anywhere with it right now. But the idea is that since smoking is banned in the stadium, what if they added cigarettes to the list of things not allowed to even be brought in (like alcohol)? A good portion of game-day enforcement is around the smoking ban. If being found with cigarettes was an immediate ejection perhaps the enforcement effort would be reduced.


If you attend games and have any thoughts on either of these, I'd be interested in hearing them.

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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There were 2 things brought up as possibilities during the FAB meeting that I'd like to get feedback on.


1) For season ticket holders, they're looking at the possibility of doing what many other teams (college & pro) do and offer season-long rentals on seat cushions that would be attached to your seat. It would be one of the first 2 on this page: http://www.imgcolleg...eats.cfm. They would take care of any maintenance/replacement needed. Cost would be about $5/game/seat. These would not be available on a per-game basis - only season-long.


2) Note that this is just an idea and nobody's going anywhere with it right now. But the idea is that since smoking is banned in the stadium, what if they added cigarettes to the list of things not allowed to even be brought in (like alcohol)? A good portion of game-day enforcement is around the smoking ban. If being found with cigarettes was an immediate ejection perhaps the enforcement effort would be reduced.


If you attend games and have any thoughts on either of these, I'd be interested in hearing them.


1) Why not? I wouldn't take advantage of the offer, but what's the downside? A little extra inventory at the store most likely.


2) Absolutely.

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2) Note that this is just an idea and nobody's going anywhere with it right now. But the idea is that since smoking is banned in the stadium, what if they added cigarettes to the list of things not allowed to even be brought in (like alcohol)? A good portion of game-day enforcement is around the smoking ban. If being found with cigarettes was an immediate ejection perhaps the enforcement effort would be reduced.


Not just no, but HELL no. Fascists.

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Not just no, but HELL no. Fascists.



One thing brought up was that people might want to light up as soon as they leave the stadium. But that doesn't work with beer... "I won't drink it in the stadium, I just want to have it with me to drink after I leave"

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1) You can buy seat cushions for less than $10. So $5 per game seems a tad steep. Personally I think they should make it a free option for season ticket holders. But the plan as you stated would be OK by me so long as they did not ban bringing in your own cushion if you wanted to.


2) Seems kind of silly and unnecessary to me. But if people are still acting like children and lighting up in the stadium then maybe they have to do something like that.

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One thing brought up was that people might want to light up as soon as they leave the stadium. But that doesn't work with beer... "I won't drink it in the stadium, I just want to have it with me to drink after I leave"


I understand what they're trying to do, but it's ridiculous. Are they going to frisk people at the gate in addition to the metal detectors?

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I understand what they're trying to do, but it's ridiculous. Are they going to frisk people at the gate in addition to the metal detectors?

They already make you empty your pockets so if they see them, they're out. And if found with a banned item in the stadium, you're out with no negotiation or claiming ignorance.

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1) I was never one for seat cushions, but if people want them I think that sounds like a great service


2) I agree with joesixpack...helll noo!!!!! I am an ex smoker , so no dog in this fight. But i can see wanting a butt as soon as I leave. I still cant belieive the Sabres and every other indoor stadium in the world can find a place for people to have a smokefor a two hour event, but an outdoor facility like The Ralph cant, for a 4 hour event.


Having said that, zero tolernace on smoking..if you are smoking, you are gone. No discussion

Edited by plenzmd1
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They already make you empty your pockets so if they see them, they're out. And if found with a banned item in the stadium, you're out with no negotiation or claiming ignorance.


Weird, I dont remember being asked to empty my pockets when i was last there.


This was for the last Thursday night game against Miami.

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1) You can buy seat cushions for less than $10. So $5 per game seems a tad steep. Personally I think they should make it a free option for season ticket holders. But the plan as you stated would be OK by me so long as they did not ban bringing in your own cushion if you wanted to.


2) Seems kind of silly and unnecessary to me. But if people are still acting like children and lighting up in the stadium then maybe they have to do something like that.

What you can bring in is now limited by the NFL as to thickness, no zippers or pouches etc. These will be more comfy and you won't have to carry them. Not that I'm selling them or anything just giving the pitch I heard.

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1) You can buy seat cushions for less than $10. So $5 per game seems a tad steep. Personally I think they should make it a free option for season ticket holders. But the plan as you stated would be OK by me so long as they did not ban bringing in your own cushion if you wanted to.


2) Seems kind of silly and unnecessary to me. But if people are still acting like children and lighting up in the stadium then maybe they have to do something like that.


Literally everywhere you look.


1) I was never one for seat cushions, but if people want them I think that sounds like a great service


2) I agree with joesixpack...helll noo!!!!! I am an ex smoker , so no dog in this fight. But i can see wanting a butt as soon as I leave. I still cant belieive the Sabres and every other indoor stadium in the world can find a place for people to have a smokefor a two hour event, but an outdoor facility like The Ralph cant, for a 4 hour event.


Having said that, zero tolernace on smoking..if you are smoking, you are gone. No discussion


I'm also an ex-smoker, and I never smoked at games (I sit with some young cousins and didn't want to influence them poorly). I can relate to wanting a cig as soon as you walk outside, but I just held on for the 5 more minutes it took to get to the car...no big deal.

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I still cant belieive the Sabres and every other indoor stadium in the world can find a place for people to have a smokefor a two hour event, but an outdoor facility like The Ralph cant, for a 4 hour event.

I think the difference is that RWS is owned by the county and therefore subject to their smoking policy. And I'm not sure you'll find any NFL stadium that allows smoking on premises now. Not sure if it's an NFL rule, or guideline, or recommendation, or what.




Weird, I dont remember being asked to empty my pockets when i was last there.


This was for the last Thursday night game against Miami.

Now you have to remove all metal objects - keys, phones, etc. They'd just add this to the list.


An interesting list of the smoking policies of all NFL teams as of last summer: http://www.no-smoke.org/pdf/smokingpoliciesNFLstadiums.pdf

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I think the difference is that RWS is owned by the county and therefore subject to their smoking policy. And I'm not sure you'll find any NFL stadium that allows smoking on premises now. Not sure if it's an NFL rule, or guideline, or recommendation, or what.



Now you have to remove all metal objects - keys, phones, etc. They'd just add this to the list.


An interesting list of the smoking policies of all NFL teams as of last summer: http://www.no-smoke.org/pdf/smokingpoliciesNFLstadiums.pdf



at the superdome they take a few of the gates out of use once the game starts and use police barricades to create outdoor smoking spaces during the game.

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I think the difference is that RWS is owned by the county and therefore subject to their smoking policy. And I'm not sure you'll find any NFL stadium that allows smoking on premises now. Not sure if it's an NFL rule, or guideline, or recommendation, or what.



Now you have to remove all metal objects - keys, phones, etc. They'd just add this to the list.


An interesting list of the smoking policies of all NFL teams as of last summer: http://www.no-smoke.org/pdf/smokingpoliciesNFLstadiums.pdf


Always a lightning rood topic. Looks on rough guess about 2/3 rods permit smoking somewhere in the Stadium.


OT..but damn Snyder even gets sponsorship for the ELEVATORS...say what ya will but that man can generate $$ in creative ways!

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My 2 cents is - as an out of towner who (particularly of late with bad teams) - I often sell or eat a lot of tickets so paying for a season of cushions is not worth it to me right there. So, I'd vote no.


As to the second item, I am a non smoker and really hate how often people light up near me. I do not, however, like the idea of banning them on a person in the stadium especially when the offense is an ejection. I would think a compromise would be if you are caught smoking, the pack is confiscated. Second offense, ejection. Obviously, I would like more policing of the stadium for smokers too.


By the way, love the plan for radio in the bathrooms and separate beer lines making it easier to get water,pop, food for non (in the stadium!) beer drinkers. Outside the stadium, I take in beer intravenously.

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Getting caught smoking in the stadium and merely having cigarettes ON you is two different things... I drive over 2 hours for every home game, and if I get banned or ejected for forgetting to remove my cigarettes from my pocket, not only can they kiss my ass, but they can count on 2 less season ticket holders and two less fans. I find it difficult to lobby FOR such an unhealthy habit, but I do like to have a smoke while walking from the parking area to the stadium. I respect the no smoking policy while inside. I like to have a cigarette on the walk back to the parking area from the stadium. I think any drastic measures is asinine.


What benefits to the fans would there be with the reduced enforcement that you speak of? The team certainly isn't going to reduce ticket costs...



What about those crack pipe looking e-cig things?? Are they banned?? I had someone down by me last year smoking on of those in his seat and the "enforcement" was called and had no idea wtf to do... It smelled like he was smoking pancakes... Hahaha.

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