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Bundy Ranch

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The American Cattle Rancher is thrown off public land so it can be sold at a very generous price to the chinese who are going to build a 5 billion dollar solar plant that we will be forced to purchase our energy from?....environmentalists will champion this even if it means trampling on our liberties and freeddoms because they will stop at nothing to force us to the inefficent & expensive renewable source of energy.







Edited by tomato can
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I'd oppose this eminent domain taking just like I opposed eminent domain takings in Newark and Philadelphia to build malls - I'd oppose the way the protesters are being treated just like I oppose the way the occupy Wall Street protesters were treated, I'd oppose China being used to build solar power stations just because they can do it cheaper just like I opposed American companies moving jobs to China just because the labor is cheaper.

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The American Cattle Rancher is thrown off public land so it can be sold at a very generous price to the chinese who are going to build a 5 billion dollar solar plant that we will be forced to purchase our energy from?....environmentalists will champion this even if it means trampling on our liberties and freeddoms because they will stop at nothing to force us to the inefficent & expensive renewable source of energy.







Once eminent domain was used to rip down neighborhoods so Malls and other private industry could take the space - under the theory that increased tax revenues = public good, what can't you use it for?
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It's not about turtles.


Bundy Ranch, the Federal Government,and the Nevada Water Tipping Point

American Thinker, by Monica Morrill


Original Article





I donn't want to comment on this. It would be too god damn aggravating. But the picture above from your article is !@#$ing beautiful.

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Word is out the Feds backed down and gave up.

I am aware.


And equally speechless.


Who gave up? What did they "give up?" What has already been surrendered?


I applaud the Bundy families actions and results, but I am frustrated that this is only one case and defined by such extreme circumstances and has such a small impact.


Nothing has been changed. This is just David putting a dent in the armor of Golliath.

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Does that mean they're refunding everyone else's public land-use fees from the past 20 years?


Good point.


I am aware.


And equally speechless.


Who gave up? What did they "give up?" What has already been surrendered?


I applaud the Bundy families actions and results, but I am frustrated that this is only one case and defined by such extreme circumstances and has such a small impact.


Nothing has been changed. This is just David putting a dent in the armor of Golliath.


Why should he be allowed to graze on public land while they kicked the others off?

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Good point.




Why should he be allowed to graze on public land while they kicked the others off?

It was his land to begin with before it was deemed public land.


I am not a big enviro... But is ranching one of the worst uses for land. I know you may disagree jboyst, isn't grazing terrible for the land?

why on earth would it be bad for the land? the whole cloven hooves thing? it's no worse then a lot of other uses for the land, if you want to go extreme. But, in reality and not being bias at all you must remember that cattle, buffalo and many other wild animals were on those plains long ago. The environment can sustain itself as long as it is not abused.
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It was his land to begin with before it was deemed public land.


No. Going back to the 1870's right? Now, if my memory serves me right, Nevada was admitted into the Union in 1868... Right? I don't get this whole "territory of the US" business... It is US soil first. If he thinks it is his land, then give it back to the Native Americans.


EDIT: Correction--Nevada admitted to the Union in 1864.

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Source all non-origional material, please. You're currently in violation of the ToS.


Yeah, they really should source it or @ least put in quotes. I was reading what gator wrote (I forget which news outlet) and didn't assume it was their own words. I think it is pretty obvious.


Why now get ticky tacky... Yet, your are well within your right to complain.


jboyst: Speaking of being hard on the land. I always though range cattle were land intensive with their grazing, etc... This is Nevada, not the Great Plains. Though Nevada is one of the most diverse state, there is fragile ecology.


IMO... This guy is simply out to game the system and say eff you to any concept of public land. This nutjob doesn't even acknowledge the US as his nation. IMO, immature & selfish. It is like he never got past age 14 with regard to authority... He accepts no authority.

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It was his land to begin with before it was deemed public land.


why on earth would it be bad for the land? the whole cloven hooves thing? it's no worse then a lot of other uses for the land, if you want to go extreme. But, in reality and not being bias at all you must remember that cattle, buffalo and many other wild animals were on those plains long ago. The environment can sustain itself as long as it is not abused.


I haven't seen a damn thing that indicates it was "his land" other than him saying "It's my land!"


Not that I'm on the government's side here, either. But the guy's arguing land rights at an "I was here first!" kindergarten-level.

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I haven't seen a damn thing that indicates it was "his land" other than him saying "It's my land!"


Not that I'm on the government's side here, either. But the guy's arguing land rights at an "I was here first!" kindergarten-level.

It did say there was some evidence showing it was given to him.


My grandfather made a similar case against the county here when they took 5 acres from him. They ripped down a fence and put up one of theirs and never said a thing. 3 months later when my grandpa noticed he went to ask wtf happened and they said they were using their land. He said it was their land. We end up hiring an attorney, getting witnesses and more and prove that he had used the land, maintained it, and all for his entire life and his father had, too. The biggest tipping point is he was taxed on it, for that acreage that they ended up claiming was their land.


That is going to be an issue here in this case - he did not pay because it is his land, he will claim. If it is truly his land and supported...well...crap here I am talking about it. Anyway, if he did farm the land was he responsible with it? Did he charge others? Why now is he making a big deal about it? What are the real sticking points of this story? It's all about the money but the only thing that will matter is the law and how it is read.

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At some point in the past Bundy stopped paying the grazing rights fees; does anyone know why he stopped paying? Did he just decide that the land was "his" and therefore stop paying? Was the land in his family in the past, or did he just decide he's an American and the land is inside America, therefore, it's his?


I've listened to him speak on the issue, but he really doesn't offer any facts to support his claim.

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