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Now the Pats Have Added Brandon Browner

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As many have said in many other threads, you don’t build the core of your team through free agency. It hasn’t worked for any of the teams that have tried, at least that I recall. It didn’t work for the Dolphins last year, didn’t work for the Eagles “dream team” from a few years ago, didn’t work for the Redskins despite their many tries over the past 15 years and it didn’t work for the Bills when they signed Mario.


IMO, the only time it makes sense to really spend on the top FAs is when you already have that core and just need those few pieces to get over the hump and win a championship. So it makes sense to me with what teams like the Broncos are doing. The *Pats* are trying to make that last push before Mrs. Brady hangs them up so I get why they would try as well. Does anyone really think that even if we had signed Byrd and Levitre to those huge deals and then signed a bunch of high priced free agents that they would be the missing pieces to a championship? I don’t unless one of those top FAs was a QB. Until we have one of those – and hopefully EJ ends up being that guy – I believe solid drafting, resigning the guys THAT WANT TO BE HERE and adding a few role player type of FAs is the better path to take. That way, in theory, when we do have that core, we still have some cap space to go get that missing piece and hopefully we can finally win the big one.


The nail was hit squarely on the head right here. Well put.

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As many have said in many other threads, you don’t build the core of your team through free agency. It hasn’t worked for any of the teams that have tried, at least that I recall. It didn’t work for the Dolphins last year, didn’t work for the Eagles “dream team” from a few years ago, didn’t work for the Redskins despite their many tries over the past 15 years and it didn’t work for the Bills when they signed Mario.


IMO, the only time it makes sense to really spend on the top FAs is when you already have that core and just need those few pieces to get over the hump and win a championship. So it makes sense to me with what teams like the Broncos are doing. The *Pats* are trying to make that last push before Mrs. Brady hangs them up so I get why they would try as well. Does anyone really think that even if we had signed Byrd and Levitre to those huge deals and then signed a bunch of high priced free agents that they would be the missing pieces to a championship? I don’t unless one of those top FAs was a QB. Until we have one of those – and hopefully EJ ends up being that guy – I believe solid drafting, resigning the guys THAT WANT TO BE HERE and adding a few role player type of FAs is the better path to take. That way, in theory, when we do have that core, we still have some cap space to go get that missing piece and hopefully we can finally win the big one.


I agree, for a team like the Bills that is in re-build mode, doing so via FA doesn't work.


But, for teams like the Pats and Broncos, adding top tiered FA's to fill select spots, is ideal.


A guy like Browner could end up playing SS mostly for the Pats. Or, CB. Or, cover LB. He's the kind of versatile player BB loves.

Edited by Pneumonic
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As many have said in many other threads, you don’t build the core of your team through free agency. It hasn’t worked for any of the teams that have tried, at least that I recall. It didn’t work for the Dolphins last year, didn’t work for the Eagles “dream team” from a few years ago, didn’t work for the Redskins despite their many tries over the past 15 years and it didn’t work for the Bills when they signed Mario.


IMO, the only time it makes sense to really spend on the top FAs is when you already have that core and just need those few pieces to get over the hump and win a championship. So it makes sense to me with what teams like the Broncos are doing. The *Pats* are trying to make that last push before Mrs. Brady hangs them up so I get why they would try as well. Does anyone really think that even if we had signed Byrd and Levitre to those huge deals and then signed a bunch of high priced free agents that they would be the missing pieces to a championship? I don’t unless one of those top FAs was a QB. Until we have one of those – and hopefully EJ ends up being that guy – I believe solid drafting, resigning the guys THAT WANT TO BE HERE and adding a few role player type of FAs is the better path to take. That way, in theory, when we do have that core, we still have some cap space to go get that missing piece and hopefully we can finally win the big one.


Seems like the Broncos fortunes turned decidedly with one particular free agent signing.

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As many have said in many other threads, you don’t build the core of your team through free agency. It hasn’t worked for any of the teams that have tried, at least that I recall. It didn’t work for the Dolphins last year, didn’t work for the Eagles “dream team” from a few years ago, didn’t work for the Redskins despite their many tries over the past 15 years and it didn’t work for the Bills when they signed Mario.


IMO, the only time it makes sense to really spend on the top FAs is when you already have that core and just need those few pieces to get over the hump and win a championship. So it makes sense to me with what teams like the Broncos are doing. The *Pats* are trying to make that last push before Mrs. Brady hangs them up so I get why they would try as well. Does anyone really think that even if we had signed Byrd and Levitre to those huge deals and then signed a bunch of high priced free agents that they would be the missing pieces to a championship? I don’t unless one of those top FAs was a QB. Until we have one of those – and hopefully EJ ends up being that guy – I believe solid drafting, resigning the guys THAT WANT TO BE HERE and adding a few role player type of FAs is the better path to take. That way, in theory, when we do have that core, we still have some cap space to go get that missing piece and hopefully we can finally win the big one.


The best post on this thread! Well written 3-10 connection. This was premature as he is not signed. This would be an upgrade with Revis on the other side, but that doesn't mean they gel as a unit.


As I've posted before, everything is about EJ's development. We actually have a solid team with a glaring hole in the pass. We upgrade this line coupled with a couple of weapons for EJ and we turn into a 10 win team. We don't need to overpay for free agents. I'm guessing Whaley in the next week or so finds a couple of nice pieces to add to the team and not overpay. I'm guessing another guard pick up. Then in the draft expect a lineman, LB, WR, TE. He knows our needs. I don't expect a pass rusher.


Then again I'm wrong like everyone on this board as much as I'm right. I am still disappointed on the Byrd situation as we could have locked him up last year for $8 mil a year and would have been a value extension. The injury would have gone away and we win a couple more games. Oh well.

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I believe you are thinking about one of his running mates in the Hawks backfield. Browner was good because he was able to rely on WR's fears to run inside routes with Seatlle's top tier Safety duo. However, he was called for way too many holding penalties and the Hawks have since found him very replaceable. Nothing to make us too fearful


No, I'm thinking about Browner - the 6'4" 225lb CB that is regarded as the most physically intimidating press corner in the league. His departure from Seattle had nothing to do with his performance, it was because the man could not stop smoking weed. Yes, he does get flagged a lot (no prob in NE), primarily because he plays the position like a professional wrestler. He's a vicious hitter that loves contact, and his signing would give NE the best secondary in the AFC.


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No, I'm thinking about Browner - the 6'4" 225lb CB that is regarded as the most physically intimidating press corner in the league. His departure from Seattle had nothing to do with his performance, it was because the man could not stop smoking weed. Yes, he does get flagged a lot (no prob in NE), primarily because he plays the position like a professional wrestler. He's a vicious hitter that loves contact, and his signing would give NE the best secondary in the AFC.


Taking out 3 guys on ST











The guy was an All-Pro ... and has a serious nasty streak to his game.


But, if "he sucks" makes one sleep better at night then let's roll with it. B-)

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The guy was an All-Pro ... and has a serious nasty streak to his game.


But, if "he sucks" makes one sleep better at night then let's roll with it. B-)


Conversation with a friend last weekend:


Me: Where do you think Browner winds up?

Him: Well not here, so I really don't care as long as it isn't NE

Me: Nah, no chance of that, they won't want to deal with the off-field stuff

Him: Yeah, no way he goes there, he's still suspended for like 4 games anyways.



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He's suspended the first 4 games of 2014, but man, Browner is a beast :(


He really isn't. He's sheltered by the backs that work around him. I watched him A LOT in the CFL. In a pass-happy league like that, he was average at best. I can only imagine him now with a few years of mileage on him.

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He fits the Pats model of cheating.


This-- I believe he's the rare bird that's both a PED offender (while Seattle led the League there the last few years as per PFT, the Cheats* weren't far behind, so this may put them over the top) and substance abuse offender. Maybe he figures joining the Cheats* gives him a better chance of not getting suspended in the future. Hey, it worked for Dennard, why not him?

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The Patriots are busy building a team to beat Denver. They certainly don't need two of the games best corners to cover the lowly receiving corps' in the AFC East.


Browner is a force. I believe he is a PED cheat.....but he is a force.


Side note: His father Joey was a great safety in the NFL for the Vikings in the 1980's.


He really isn't. He's sheltered by the backs that work around him. I watched him A LOT in the CFL. In a pass-happy league like that, he was average at best. I can only imagine him now with a few years of mileage on him.


The smaller NFL field and better NFL PED's obviously made a difference. He stepped out of the CFL and immediately into the pro bowl.

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The Patriots are busy building a team to beat Denver. They certainly don't need two of the games best corners to cover the lowly receiving corps' in the AFC East.


Sked's not out yet, but it would be funny if they hosted the Donks in weeks 1-4, wouldn't it?

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Sked's not out yet, but it would be funny if they hosted the Donks in weeks 1-4, wouldn't it?


I think this move is all about the playoffs for NE.


IMO, it speaks to the weakness of the AFC that geezer-lead QB teams in Denver and NE feel like they are just jostling to beat Seattle/SF and Denver, respectively.


The third best team is Indy and their weak division makes them a virtual playoff lock but after that the rest of the AFC playoff spots are wide open.


Not loving the Bills approach to free agency.......I think all of the guys they have signed are only going to last 1-2 seasons....but perhaps the depth and experience will help them grab one of those wide open wildcard spots.

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Didn't realize Joey was Brandon's father. Thanks for that info.


So, Revis will generally be locking down the oppositions best wideout and Browner's got the size, and skill set to perform effectively at multiple spots (CB, SS cover LB) ..... I can only imagine what schemes and tactics Belicheck will come up with.

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I think this move is all about the playoffs for NE.




I understand your point, but to build a team around a playoff matchup that may or may not happen sure seems flimsy. It's a long season, attrition leaves it's mark on every club.


Didn't realize Joey was Brandon's father. Thanks for that info.


So, Revis will generally be locking down the oppositions best wideout and Browner's got the size, and skill set to perform effectively at multiple spots (CB, SS cover LB) ..... I can only imagine what schemes and tactics Belicheck will come up with.


Think he'll have the personnel to not get gutted up the middle?



Didn't realize Joey was Brandon's father. Thanks for that info.


So, Revis will generally be locking down the oppositions best wideout and Browner's got the size, and skill set to perform effectively at multiple spots (CB, SS cover LB) ..... I can only imagine what schemes and tactics Belicheck will come up with.


Think he'll have the personnel to not get gutted up the middle?


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I understand your point, but to build a team around a playoff matchup that may or may not happen sure seems flimsy. It's a long season, attrition leaves it's mark on every club.


Like I said....it speaks to the weakness of the AFC.


The "young" team in the AFC is Indy.......and their GM has not done them many favors the past 12 months.


Otherwise a lot of older and middle-aged and underwhelming rosters. The Bills have opportunity here, they need to take advantage of it. No excuses.

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