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Goodell makes 44 Million for this.


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And who is to blame for that?



Exactly. I'm a big sports fan but I refuse to endorse political leaders who let businesses fleece the coffers. Same **** with the Expos here. There is talk of bringing them back and a big chunk of the plan is government money funding a new stadium. Thanks but no thanks.

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Especially considering all he does is mess up the game. I'm still po'd at moving the ProBowl.


If it bothered people, they'd turn off the TV. The NFL is very close to losing me as a customer.


The state of the bills isn't helping though.

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Exactly. I'm a big sports fan but I refuse to endorse political leaders who let businesses fleece the coffers. Same **** with the Expos here. There is talk of bringing them back and a big chunk of the plan is government money funding a new stadium. Thanks but no thanks.


It never ceases to amaze me how people get all pissed off at businesses over 'corporate welfare'. And then most of them (thought probably not Pete if I had to guess) run out to vote for the same politicians who signed off on the huge giveaway.


It's like blaming panhandlers because the street is full of beggers. Guess what would happen if no one gave them anything?

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It never ceases to amaze me how people get all pissed off at businesses over 'corporate welfare'. And then most of them (thought probably not Pete if I had to guess) run out to vote for the same politicians who signed off on the huge giveaway.


It's like blaming panhandlers because the street is full of beggers. Guess what would happen if no one gave them anything?


I don't agree with the panhandlers.


Most of them are mentally ill. At least the ones I come across daily.

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I don't agree with the panhandlers.


Most of them are mentally ill. At least the ones I come across daily.


Agreed on that, but there's a reason they line 42d street near GCT (and other tourists-heavy spots) at certain times of the day. Back when I was walking to GCT I'd always notice the same 4 beggers in the same spots if I was catching the 5:30 train. If I was catching the 7:30; not a begger in sight.

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You guys forget what he has to deal with. Have you not seen his inbox???




Now THAT is genius....




Agreed on that, but there's a reason they line 42d street near GCT (and other tourists-heavy spots) at certain times of the day. Back when I was walking to GCT I'd always notice the same 4 beggers in the same spots if I was catching the 5:30 train. If I was catching the 7:30; not a begger in sight.


There really aren't too many any more in general, especially compared to years ago--when I was a student there in the mid-80's you (a) couldn't walk 3 blocks without seeing a homeless beggar and (b) with respect to GCT itself, pre-renovation it was a SCARY place. I've worked in midtown or downtown for 20 plus years now and the city's gotten a lot better in that regard. Not sure if the solution has actually been to help those folks or to simply keep them out of sight....

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There is no justifying his salary. For comparison. the President earns $400,000. **** is out of whack


Absolutely not. Elected officials don't make money they take it from those that do. I see no reason for Robin Hood to be compensated even more generously than the businesses businessmen he is robbing.


The NfL has been built into one of the best entertainment products on the globe. It should make some people rich.

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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As has been pointed out, his salary is in line with CEO's of top companies. You're probably talking about a company with 5000 or so employees, do you honestly believe if you were to look at other companies you wouldn't find similar results. Not to sound racist here but add on top of that that what do you think the statistics of other companies would be if they did most of their hiring through halfway houses or worse. For many of these players take away their athletic ability, they'd likely been in jail before they ever made it to 18. And maybe I'm overstating the number, it might only be 10%, but that's still more than the number of players that are in trouble.


I was reading a list of stories currently posted on ESPN and here are the highlights.


Aaron Hernandez of the Patriots has been charged with murder.


E.J Henderson of the Vikings has been released due to multiple DWI's.


Richie Incognito is a racist bully when it comes to J Martin.



Hugh Douglas was just charge for beating up his girlfriend.


Darren Sharper charged with two counts of rape.


Vince Young just filed for bankruptcy.


Greg Boyd just jailed for tax fraud.


and just this past week we find out that Michael Sam future NFL Draftee says he's gay. Which may not be so bad when you consider what the guys above him have done.


OJ Simpson is still in jail and I believe Rae Carruth is as well , not to mention Dave Meggett. Im sure there are others.


Great job Roger!

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Top CEO's on his level make this. I'm fine with it.
That's simply wonderful. The past 30 years have been wrought with CEO's cashing in at the expense of employees who make less, have pensions taken away, pay more and more of their health care costs, and that's if they're lucky enough to still have health care. Between mergers, closing manufacturing facilities, outsourcing, they destroy what made this country great. Here's three cheers for Bernie Ebers, Kenneth Lay, Dennis Koslowski, and virtually all the CEO's in general.
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That's simply wonderful. The past 30 years have been wrought with CEO's cashing in at the expense of employees who make less, have pensions taken away, pay more and more of their health care costs, and that's if they're lucky enough to still have health care. Between mergers, closing manufacturing facilities, outsourcing, they destroy what made this country great. Here's three cheers for Bernie Ebers, Kenneth Lay, Dennis Koslowski, and virtually all the CEO's in general.

and a hundred times more then those bad eggs are the good eggs. The ones we never hear about. Keeping companies afloat as best they can in some cases. So if you focus on the bad you'll see only that. There is still good out there and Goodell is on top of 32 billion dollar franchises.
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That's simply wonderful. The past 30 years have been wrought with CEO's cashing in at the expense of employees who make less, have pensions taken away, pay more and more of their health care costs, and that's if they're lucky enough to still have health care. Between mergers, closing manufacturing facilities, outsourcing, they destroy what made this country great. Here's three cheers for Bernie Ebers, Kenneth Lay, Dennis Koslowski, and virtually all the CEO's in general.

those jerks aside (and our darwinian system produces guys like them frequently as a natural consequence), it's still ridiculous. i don't see why anyone finds a return to the gilded age desirable. the last time income inequality became this bad, it didn't end well.



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those jerks aside (and our darwinian system produces guys like them frequently as a natural consequence), it's still ridiculous. i don't see why anyone finds a return to the gilded age desirable. the last time income inequality became this bad, it didn't end well.



You just go ahead and let us know when you're ready to give up your First World, 21st century comforts such as: clean running water, indoor plumbing, modern medicine, a stable food supply, abundant shelter, readily accessible transportation, the internet at your fingertips, cellular communication, etc.; and elect instead to become a savage guerrilla warrior.


I'll be waiting.

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You just go ahead and let us know when you're ready to give up your First World, 21st century comforts such as: clean running water, indoor plumbing, modern medicine, a stable food supply, abundant shelter, readily accessible transportation, the internet at your fingertips, cellular communication, etc.; and elect instead to become a savage guerrilla warrior.


I'll be waiting.



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