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A sign of better times for the fan base?


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The fans at least, expect more. Guess which stat line was called a bad outing for a first time QB and which was hailed as the next big thing?





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The "hype" grew because Edwards, for a few games at least, seemed to have all the things that Losman was lacking. Losman had more athletic talent, but always played like he had a bumble bee in his helmet... Edwards seemed to be a little cooler under pressure...somewhere along the way, though, Edwards game regressed...terrible coaching, bad o-line play seemed to bring out the worst in Edwards. It may have exaggerated or overstated over the years, but that hit that Edwards took in Arizona really did knock any further upside out of the kid. Well...that and Dick Jauron...


Edwards had a tremendous pre-season during his rookie year, and there were some draft experts that felt that he was one of the real steals of the NFL draft that year...Losman was the starter, and was not playing well...when Losman went down, Edwards came in and was able to manage the offense, between the 20's very well...they still couldn't score enough in the red-zone...and the play-calling in those days was just atrocious...they were the ultimate "play not to lose" team under reward..low risk, low reward was the philosophy.


Funny thing is, I don't remember a lot of "hype" for Edwards, so much as a realization that Losman was not good, and some wanted to see the Bills move on...there was a time, about 5-10 years ago, when Bills fans still rooted for the guys that were playing, to succeed...but that is so 2007!

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Trent Edwards was really looking like the answer to QB during that fateful season that started 5-1, but an earlier poster stated as much. When he took the conucssive hit in Arizona, he was never the same. I don't know if it was physical or mental or both...but after that day, all of his promise and all of his previously solid performances were gone under the haze of that hit...wish it weren't so, but them are the breaks....and you know, one good talent evaluator saw serious promise in Edwards, a man who knew a thing or two about QBs...Mr. Bill Walsh. Edwards career was in the upward motion when he took that hit...and then, the rest is history.

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