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Gunman on train, passengers busy looking at phones don't see him

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This cracks me up, people are so caught up in their stupid technology. I heard a woman the other day berating her kid about playing video games all day and never going outside, meanwhile she was staring at her phone(probably facebooking). How can adults b*tch about kids and their video games when they are no better?

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Great post Dallas!


Yesterday I almost ran this chick over as she crossed against the light at an intersection. B**** NEVER LOOKED UP ONCE!!!!


-That is, Until I honked the crap out of her. At which point she glared at me as if I had interrupted a conversation. It's happened several times before too. Technology is evolving our society beyond the need for BASIC CAUTION.


If there isn't some cool app for it, nobody cares. The train gunman could have killed them all in the middle of a f****ing worthless TWEET.


Nice world we're making here...

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If there isn't some cool app for it, nobody cares. The train gunman could have killed them all in the middle of a f****ing worthless TWEET.


Nice world we're making here...


Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm not walking in the street or on the side of the road. It's still my worthless tweet, like it or not, and if I'm shot on a train, well then that's just plain unfortunate for me. You can't force me to pay attention to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who rides.

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Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm not walking in the street or on the side of the road. It's still my worthless tweet, like it or not, and if I'm shot on a train, well then that's just plain unfortunate for me. You can't force me to pay attention to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who rides.



Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm not walking in the street or on the side of the road. It's still my worthless tweet, like it or not, and if I'm shot on a train, well then that's just plain unfortunate for me. You can't force me to pay attention to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who rides.


Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm not walking in the street or on the side of the road. It's still my worthless tweet, like it or not, and if I'm shot on a train, well then that's just plain unfortunate for me. You can't force me to pay attention to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who rides.


I'm hoping there is some sarcasm here, no one is saying to pay constant attention, I think this is more a reflection on people who don't even pause for a second to lift their head up from their device. is sending a tweet about what you had for lunch or where you're going later in the day really worth it, when if you pick your head up occasionally you get to live?

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I'm hoping there is some sarcasm here, no one is saying to pay constant attention, I think this is more a reflection on people who don't even pause for a second to lift their head up from their device. is sending a tweet about what you had for lunch or where you're going later in the day really worth it, when if you pick your head up occasionally you get to live?


Riding a train in a metro area isn't living, it is merely transportation. Actual living is sitting at a table drinking coffee with friends, lounging by the pool, sharing a laugh at the bar, camping in the wilderness, sitting at home on the couch with a loved one enjoying Boardwalk Empire. If I choose not to interact with people or even lift my head up riding a train, it's my choice and I'm doing nothing wrong to be scolded like a schoolboy. The music on top of the apps really help with all the annoying noises by kids and loud talkers too.

Edited by BmoreBills
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Riding a train in a metro area isn't living, it is merely transportation. Actual living is sitting at a table drinking coffee with friends, lounging by the pool, sharing a laugh at the bar, camping in the wilderness, sitting at home on the couch with a loved one enjoying Boardwalk Empire. If I choose not to interact with people or even lift my head up riding a train, it's my choice and I'm doing nothing wrong to be scolded like a schoolboy. The music on top of the apps really help with all the annoying noises by kids and loud talkers too.


Didn't mean to come across as scolding, my apolgies if it did. I just find it amazing that many people are so wrapped up into their electronic devices, phone calls etc, that they seem to lose the ability to perform the most basic functions day after day. Again, not a shot at you, but in general it just seems to be a very scary trend that is something I struggle to comprehend.

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Staring at a f***ing phone all day isn't living. A phone is supposed to be a device used for communication. What ever happened to that? Oh that's right, -it's now morphed into "social networking", which, sadly, has replaced actual SOCIAL SKILLS.


You think it's just the train? People are on the freeways, driving the schoolbuses, and the trashtrucks buried in their i-phones... Folks are getting killed... No app for bringing them back to life just yet.


LOST in all this is the fact that you (by your own admission) choose to interact with your phone rather than your surroundings. Sure, it's a god-given right... However the fact that it makes you OBLIVIOUS to anything else going on should at least give you pause.


I wonder when your'e sitting with your freinds enjoying coffee :rolleyes:, Or off lounging by the pool :lol:...How much time you spend actually talking, as opposed to staring at your POS devices? -My guess would be ALOT... I would also guess that all your so-called freinds are doing the exact same thing.


Nice life, there buddy... Glad it ain't mine.



Since you obviously can't read what I posted in full, or cannot comprehend:

"choose to interact with your phone rather than your surroundings" on a train, bus, plane, i.e. public transportation


How much time do I actually spend talking on a train versus anywhere else as compared to a vast majority of ordinary Americans?? A NORMAL amount. You must not ride trains or buses very much if you think it is all a social yak fest... and I've been alive LONG before we had devices, and guess what? The NEWSPAPER or the BOOK was the choice of people on trains before. Get real with this agenda!!!!

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Get real with this agenda!!!!


And who's agenda is that?


Look, Smartphones are great, I've owned a few myself... I just feel social networking is largely replacing normal human interaction. If you saw someone reading a book while crosssing a busy street against the light, would'nt you be tempted to say something?




Well, Agree to disagree, then.

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I'm officially an old fart when I finish this note. An old song by George Harrison - slightly altered - comes to mind when I read the notes from the younger crowd.


"And because of [the Iphone], their eyes can't hope to see the beauty that surrounds us. Isn't it a pity?"


And if you have to ask me who George Harrison is....get off the damn board.


By the way, I'll be at the game this weekend, and would love to have a beer with some of the veterans. Drop me a note as to where you're landing at the Ralph.

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