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The Bills offseason (sans draft) was brutal

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Can't understand this clubs allergic reaction to having depth at all positions and hence the abiltiy to field a competitive team for a 16 game season.


The deepest CB free agent pool in the short history of free agency and we ....overpay for Leodis McKelvin


Go take a look at the CB's that signed in the market for less of near to the guaranteed money Leodis got.


For reasons unknown we cut two players who took significant snaps on defence, Wilson and Barnett, and replace them with.......Manny Lawson


But we'll shoe horn in a failed CB into the safety slot vacated by a servicable George Wilson and call it a day


Our linebacking corp is now a rookie, a 2nd yr unproven player who may have a drug suspension and a player on his 3rd team


And to top it all off we decide not to pay big bucks to our really good guard and decide to replace his spot with .............a giant nothing


Oh and we pissed off our star safety


I'm not saying the season is a wash, I think we can can field a pretty decent starting 22 but after you put a magnifying glass to the roster you see holes at areas WE created; safety, LB and Left Guard and absolute weakness in the backup roster

I agree.

I agree with the title of your name.


You really want Wilson and Barnett back on the roster?


How was the depth of LB in 2012?


Byrd pissed himself off. He wants to be the highest paid safety in the league. The Bills want him to be near the top. I'm usually a "Pay the Man" type of guy but this is hard to hang solely on the FO. It takes two to tango.


I hear you on Levitre. And LG is huge a hole.


LB - Year over year is stronger than 2012. (The Bills had probably one of the worst LBing groups ever on an NFL roster in 2012 so its hard to get worse) Still not an area of strength


LG - Got Worse


Safety - So the addition of Duke Williams and Aaron Williams at Safety has made the depth worse? I'd strongly disagree with you on that.


CB - I don't really see the stud FA CBs you're making up in your post.


My advise, take a chill pill.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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What are you supposed to expect with a regime change? Teams that fill holes in 1 year often don't get it right and get more screwed over for doing it then taking their time and getting the right players. For having a new GM and coach this team isn't half bad as far as what holes we have. It's so funny how the attitude on this board goes flying down after a bad preseason game. Barnett and Wilson leaving was addition by subtraction, if I remember didn't Barnett have a terrible season and isn't even on a team at the moment? And Wilson is a backup with the Titans? C'mon man this team is younger talent that is gonna grow together. Mini locker room purge.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that we needed to sign some free agent DB's. That should have happened.

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Thanks for making me feel worse! :death::cry::lol:


im not a spend for the sake of spending guy but we had needs, we had cash -- heck we had opportunity to set up the future even. weve done none of the above. if we dont eat up some of this cap with front loaded extensions or various restructure opportunities it will be hard to justify that winning is the priority with the "new regime"

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you should be upset - because they couldve eaten fitzs hit this year and still been 15m under. instead we are wasting everything we rolled over last year AND starting with a significantly lowered cap next year. disaster.

I agree with this. I didn't understand why they made it a June 1st designation. Take the hit in 2013 and be clean in 2014, it not like we have any CAP issues this year.


However its not "Significantly lowered" Its only ~3M in 2014, correct?

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you should be upset - because they couldve eaten fitzs hit this year and still been 15m under. instead we are wasting everything we rolled over last year AND starting with a significantly lowered cap next year. disaster.


And there are always depth friendly vets available at bargain rates...It's a mystery why they went into this season at CB with the depth chart they have...A complete mystery...Obviously they were assuming Gilmore locks down one position the entire season and plays at a Pro Bowl level...But anyone could tell they were woefully thin at CB behind him...


I just did a quick look and I counted 38 vet UFA's at CB signed to teams this off-season with one year deals...Not sure what the Bills were thinking here...


The best laid plans... :doh:

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I agree with this. I didn't understand why they made it a June 1st designation. Take the hit in 2013 and be clean in 2014, it not like we have any CAP issues this year.


However its not "Significantly lowered" Its only ~3M in 2014, correct?


3m this year, 7m next year instead of just taking the whole thing this year.

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it?


It is...But I do have to say that OG and CB got the most attention as far as poor depth on this Roster is considered...Most of us, and I'm sure you as well, were surprised they did not take a CB in the Draft...Whaley was asked about in the post Draft presser...So...But I hear ya... B-)

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it?


that we were thin at several positions and having to hope for great health despite a wealth of short term vet contracts being signed in FA and a ton of money to spend isnt hindsight. ive been saying it all offseason with the disclaimer that maybe they had a plan for the money - now the season is here, no plan has been unveiled and we are seeing the consequences of carrying a thin roster to keep money low

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I agree.

I agree with the title of your name.


You really want Wilson and Barnett back on the roster?


How was the depth of LB in 2012?


Byrd pissed himself off. He wants to be the highest paid safety in the league. The Bills want him to be near the top. I'm usually a "Pay the Man" type of guy but this is hard to hang solely on the FO. It takes two to tango.


I hear you on Levitre. And LG is huge a hole.


LB - Year over year is stronger than 2012. (The Bills had probably one of the worst LBing groups ever on an NFL roster in 2012 so its hard to get worse) Still not an area of strength


LG - Got Worse


Safety - So the addition of Duke Williams and Aaron Williams at Safety has made the depth worse? I'd strongly disagree with you on that.


CB - I don't really see the stud FA CBs you're making up in your post.


My advise, take a chill pill.


Nobody is saying that there were a bunch of studs


There was however a lot of decent DB's available for cheap


Culliver gets hurt in SF..no biggie ..they signed Nmandi for dirt..he can play slot cover and nickel for them


We lose a DB and like a house of cards we are completly exposed


And for the record NOBODY is looking at our LB roster and saying "yeah that's a strength"

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Cutting George Wilson is tough on us right now, although he wasnt good last season. Searcy is playing out if position at FS with Byrds absence. It is more of a preseason issue than a regular season issue. Look for him to move back underneath week one with Byrds return. Both those moves will help the secondary, and are an instant upgrade with what we are fielding now.


Aaron Williams will then come in back up either Searcy or line up at corner in large receiver sets is my guess.


I'm pretty sure the Bills were planning, and are still planning, on starting Byrd and Williams at the safety positions...Not sure if the Gilmore news changes that...If it does I feel REAL sorry for Aaron Williams because the target on him in week #1 will be HUGE...He's not an NFL CB...And he is looking to be a very promising Safety... B-)

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im not a spend for the sake of spending guy but we had needs, we had cash -- heck we had opportunity to set up the future even. weve done none of the above. if we dont eat up some of this cap with front loaded extensions or various restructure opportunities it will be hard to justify that winning is the priority with the "new regime"

I agree 100%. That is the reason I WANT to believe but after being a fan of this team for so long it is hard to sell it to myself. I've been able to remain even keeled all off season until the Redskins game reminded me that it is still the Bills. I don't expect them to be world beaters but I do expect them to try and compete!

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I agree 100%. That is the reason I WANT to believe but after being a fan of this team for so long it is hard to sell it to myself. I've been able to remain even keeled all off season until the Redskins game reminded me that it is still the Bills. I don't expect them to be world beaters but I do expect them to try and compete!


Most teams have at least one really bad preseason game where they look tired and over-matched...So I'm not too overly concerned about that...


Plus I think EJ is this teams spark-plug...He went out and there was a considerable letdown...These things cant easily be explained in team sports...But I will say this...As a lifelong Dodgers fan Puig has had a similar effect on that entire clubhouse...Before he he was called up that team was lifeless...After, they are world beaters...Every single player raised the level of their play to the point where the Dodgers are getting big plays and big hits throughout their line-up...There are certain players that bring that energy...And I'm hoping EJ is one of them...


Just a theory... B-)

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The deepest CB free agent pool in the short history of free agency and we ....overpay for Leodis McKelvin


Go take a look at the CB's that signed in the market for less of near to the guaranteed money Leodis got.


Let's consider this for a moment. Available free agent corners: Sean Smith (would've been a great pickup, but he got $6 mill per while Leodis got just ovver $4 mill); Aqib Talib (trouble maker who had to run back to his old team on a one-year deal); Brent Grimes (an Achilles tear for a player who is only good because he can jump REALLY high?); Derek Cox (would've been a good pickup). That's "deep?" Meh.

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Most teams have at least one really bad preseason game where they look tired and over-matched...So I'm not too overly concerned about that...


Plus I think EJ is this teams spark-plug...He went out and there was a considerable letdown...These things cant easily be explained in team sports...But I will say this...As a lifelong Dodgers fan Puig has had a similar effect on that entire clubhouse...Before he he was called up that team was lifeless...After, they are world beaters...Every single player raised the level of their play to the point where the Dodgers are getting big plays and big hits throughout their line-up...There are certain players that bring that energy...And I'm hoping EJ is one of them...


Just a theory... B-)


hopefully it does - and from my perspective the frustration isnt about the skins game. its a young team, young staff. they will run hot and cold all year i think. the one thing i really didnt want to see was positions depleted to the point of it making it hard to judge the overall unit and stunt growth. Gilmore going down could be one of those injuries where it makes it tough to evaluate a lot of the defense.




Let's consider this for a moment. Available free agent corners: Sean Smith (would've been a great pickup, but he got $6 mill per while Leodis got just ovver $4 mill); Aqib Talib (trouble maker who had to run back to his old team on a one-year deal); Brent Grimes (an Achilles tear for a player who is only good because he can jump REALLY high?); Derek Cox (would've been a good pickup). That's "deep?" Meh.


if you think that was the only CB market, you missed free agency completely. there was a HUGE volume of quality midlevel vets available - the #2/nickel variety that you can lean on more heavily in short stretches than id want to lean on rogers or brooks.


weve had a few really good moves but the cap management this year is a red flag larger than any of the positives.

Edited by NoSaint
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At the post Draft presser Doug Whaley did say that Duke Williams was going to play some CB...So I expect that will be the first move there (meaning Williams becomes the 3rd or 4th CB depth-wise)...Unless Williams has already shown he can't do it... B-)


If you think that was the only CB market, you missed free agency completely. there was a HUGE volume of quality midlevel vets available - the #2/nickel variety that you can lean on more heavily in short stretches than id want to lean on rogers or brooks.


weve had a few really good moves but the cap management this year is a red flag larger than any of the positives.


Agreed...Like I said previously I counted 38 vet UFA CB's signed to one year deals this off season...There was plenty of depth to be had on the cheap... B-)

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I don't know what the offseason plan for free agency was for the team, but as executed, it was horrible.


1. Levitre. They knew that they would not pay him top of the market before he hit free agency, so not finding an adequate replacement is inexcusable.


2. CBs. We needed a second starter and a third corner this offseason. Instead, the Bills re-sign McKelvin to an oversized contract and do not pick a CB in the draft.


3. LB. We will see about Lawson and Hughes, but Bradham has been a disappointment and Lawson was only a part-time player for the Bengals. The Colts gave up on Hughes. I am not optimistic.


4. Strong Safety. Do we have a capable strong safety on the roster?


5. Tight End. Seems that we are fortunate that Chandler has returned quickly from his ACL injury. Otherwise, the position is very weak.


6. QB. Enough has been written on the board about this.


We had a lot of needs, and we failed to address them, even with significant cap space.

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Agree and diagree. Wilson and Barnett were dreadful last year. How much was that Wanny or just them I don't know but they were not good. Would Barnett be better back at MLB where he played well in 2011 - maybe. Overall LB's are better but still not good.

We have cap space because this team lacks any superstars. Even Fitz's contract was not top 10. Cap management has been historically poor and the choice of which playwers to retain and at what price has been spotty at best over the decades. I agree with not giving Levitre the money Tenn gave him IF you are going to use that money elsewhere. If they sign Wood and Spiller to long term deals this week then all is good. If not this team is royally screwed next off-season. Wood and Byrd will be FA's and Spiller will be in the last year of his rookie contract and will hold-out for an extension.

Oh yeah and we still don't have an NFL capable tight end on this team.

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