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Marathon Bombing and the Media

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You said it would be one of the last places they would go...I thought you were implying that a radical Muslim would get a burger, a haircut, but a new suit and then get a lap dance before blowing the place up (similar to what Pacino did in "Scent of a Woman"). My bad.


Wasn't there reports of the 9/11 guys going to a strip club the night before?

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I stand corrected...a radical Muslim did visit a strip joint and it was one of the last places he visited.


That's what they want you to believe. That they're Muslims and they brought down our towers because they hate our way of life here in the states. And yet they go to a strip club. SMH.

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1. One thing has nothing to do with the other. I was simply making things clear to those that didn't see my PM to you.


2. They aren't Muslim at all. They're down for their cause and it ain't Islam. A devout Muslim will never go to a strip club.


3. Building Seven. Why did it fall? Ignore the question all you'd like because it makes you feel better. Is it a conspiracy theory that the owner of the building himself stated that they pulled building seven?




Is this a serious question? Wtf are you talking about? My point is simply this, if those terrorists were devout Muslims then they never would have been there. Nothing more-nothing less. I didn't say anyone deserved to die for it.


So, what is it, they aren't radical or extremists if they go to a strip club, then are they moderate Muslims? Do moderate Muslims do mass murder? Do moderate Muslims approve of mass murder and dance in the streets when it happens to infidals at the hands of either moderate, extreme, radical or fake Muslims?


STFU about your conspiracy theories. All they are is a canard to this discussion.

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No, they went to a strip club to see what every other warm blooded male wants to view...a naked woman.

Tough to believe that a devout Muslim would go to a strip joint or any disciplined religious follower would get mixed up in sex?? Google "religious leader sex scandal"

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So, what is it, they aren't radical or extremists if they go to a strip club, then are they moderate Muslims? Do moderate Muslims do mass murder? Do moderate Muslims approve of mass murder and dance in the streets when it happens to infidals at the hands of either moderate, extreme, radical or fake Muslims?


STFU about your conspiracy theories. All they are is a canard to this discussion.


That's tough talk. Telling me to STFU. You're my hero.


They ain't Muslim. Period. You dense drone. Building 7, ass.

Edited by NoJustice
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That's tough talk. Telling me to STFU. You're my hero.


They ain't Muslim. Period. You dense drone. Building 7, ass.


They call themselves muslim,


but, since you are claiming to be the official arbitrator..........I guess they are not...............................I'll alert the media.





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They call themselves muslim,


but, since you are claiming to be the official arbitrator..........I guess they are not...............................I'll alert the media.






Dead men don't talk. You never once heard the perps say they're Muslim. Their actions prove they're not Muslim. Suicide is strictly forbidden in Islam. Murder of innocence is strictly forbidden in Islam. Going to strip clubs is also forbidden. There's more proof that they aren't religious than proof that they are.


We get hit on 9/11 by Saudi's and we attack Afghanistan and Iraq? Yeah, sounds kosher. Smh.

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Dead men don't talk. You never once heard the perps say they're Muslim. Their actions prove they're not Muslim. Suicide is strictly forbidden in Islam. Murder of innocence is strictly forbidden in Islam. Going to strip clubs is also forbidden. There's more proof that they aren't religious than proof that they are.


We get hit on 9/11 by Saudi's and we attack Afghanistan and Iraq? Yeah, sounds kosher. Smh.


They follow their own interpretation of Islam. That is obvious.

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They follow their own interpretation of Islam. That is obvious.

What was that announcement that we all heard one of the pilots/hijackers yell before the plane crashed...I forgot how to say it...was it "Hope you enjoyed flying US Air?"...no that wasn't it...oh yeah, it was something like "all praise to Allah" as I recall.

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What was that announcement that we all heard one of the pilots/hijackers yell before the plane crashed...I forgot how to say it...was it "Hope you enjoyed flying US Air?"...no that wasn't it...oh yeah, it was something like "all praise to Allah" as I recall.


These guys were on a mission and part of their mission is to let the public think they're Muslim and are doing this for Islam. It's all BS.


We trained those fools. The Taliban were in DC just prior to 9/11. 9/11 allowed us to attack two nations that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Our Vice Presidents' company, Haliburton, got paid big-time off of it. Conflict of interest, anyone?


Anytime a crime is commited you look at those that directly benefited from it. Who do you think reaped the rewards of 9/11? Damn sure wasn't Al Qaeda or the Taliban.

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These guys were on a mission and part of their mission is to let the public think they're Muslim and are doing this for Islam. It's all BS.


We trained those fools. The Taliban were in DC just prior to 9/11. 9/11 allowed us to attack two nations that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Our Vice Presidents' company, Haliburton, got paid big-time off of it. Conflict of interest, anyone?


Listen. There are numerous threads discussing this very subject matter from September 2001 to God knows when.


Use the search function because you're not bringing up any new points.



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Listen. There are numerous threads discussing this very subject matter from September 2001 to God knows when.


Use the search function because you're not bringing up any new points.




You're right. I'll back off from posting in this thread. I got carried away.

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These guys were on a mission and part of their mission is to let the public think they're Muslim and are doing this for Islam. It's all BS.


We trained those fools. The Taliban were in DC just prior to 9/11. 9/11 allowed us to attack two nations that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Our Vice Presidents' company, Haliburton, got paid big-time off of it. Conflict of interest, anyone?


Anytime a crime is commited you look at those that directly benefited from it. Who do you think reaped the rewards of 9/11? Damn sure wasn't Al Qaeda or the Taliban.


Now you are just being ignorant. Support the Taliban and Al Qaeda all you want and then proclaim that it was Dick Cheney who was responsible for 9/11? You are not being very honest here. You say one thing but the stench of your duplicity is pretty strong. Has it only been radical, extremist Muslims dancing in the streets after every time we are attacked?

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Listen. There are numerous threads discussing this very subject matter from September 2001 to God knows when.


And the whole reason PPP was created, was to give the people that wanted to discuss politics, etc, their own place to hang out, instead of filling up TSW and eventually OTW.

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And the whole reason PPP was created, was to give the people that wanted to discuss politics, etc, their own place to hang out, instead of filling up TSW and eventually OTW.


Seems like the rest of TSW ph34r5 us



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There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens


By Mark Steyn



As is now traditional in these stories, we’re now being told that the Brothers Tsarnaev are merely the latest card-carrying members of Local 473 of the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves. No broader pattern can be discerned, or should be discerned. All jihad is local. Nobody could have seen this coming:

Boston bombing suspects Tamerlan, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev appeared to lead normal lives



If by “normal lives”, you mean reported to the US Government by a major foreign power as possible terrorists, interviewed by the FBI, had your citizenship application put on hold, and cheerily posting a series of videos to YouTube as part of your “Terrorists” playlist. No doubt millions of people in America lead lives that “normal”.



The beatification of the pre-Marathon Tsarnaevs obscures a very disquieting pattern. As Michael Mukasey writes:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is the fifth person since 9/11 who has participated in terror attacks after questioning by the FBI. He was preceded by [Fort Hood "workplace violence" facilitator] Nidal Hasan; drone casualty Anwar al Awlaki; Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad (born Carlos Leon Bledsoe), who murdered an Army recruit in Little Rock in June 2009; and David Coleman Headley, who provided intelligence to the perpetrators of the Mumbai massacre in 2008. That doesn’t count [Detroit's incoming Pantybomber] Abdulmutallab, who was the subject of warnings to the CIA that he was a potential terrorist.


That’s quite a high failure rate, with quite a cumulative death count.







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Dead men don't talk. You never once heard the perps say they're Muslim. Their actions prove they're not Muslim. Suicide is strictly forbidden in Islam. Murder of innocence is strictly forbidden in Islam. Going to strip clubs is also forbidden. There's more proof that they aren't religious than proof that they are.


Tell that to the Palestinians.


If by “normal lives”, you mean reported to the US Government by a major foreign power as possible terrorists, interviewed by the FBI, had your citizenship application put on hold, and cheerily posting a series of videos to YouTube as part of your “Terrorists” playlist. No doubt millions of people in America lead lives that “normal”.


Chechens reported as terrorist by the Russians? To the Russians, Chechens ARE terrorists. The surprising thing is that the FBI took it as seriously as they did.


This is the first instance I can think of where a Chechen attacked the US...mostly because Chechens have no reason to.

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