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To the Dump Drew crowd: What about MM?


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Those who wanted Drew benched 7 weeks ago are back in force after Sunday and from what I can gather, their point is that anyone who at all thinks we should keep him is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool.


That being the case, why aren't they calling for MM's head? Certainly, MM wouldn't hesitate to bench Drew for JP if he thought for a second that JP gave us a better chance to win. Obviously then, MM believes that Drew is the best QB on our roster and so he is the starter. He clearly then is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool because he doesn't see what the brilliant Dump Drew crowd knows is the absolute gospel truth, that JP should have been starting 7 weeks ago and sure as anything ought to be the starter next year.


Instead of repeating the same old complaints over and over about Bledsoe, why not focus your ire on the guy who keeps him at the helm. Shouldn't we fire MM for starting Drew in the first place? Afterall, he is only the head coach, he has only been watching these guys play day in and day out since August, what the heck does he know?

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MM didn't bring him here, TD did. TD is catching a lot of flak for that decision, among others. You can say that MM is the one who makes the call on Bledsoe, but I dunno. Seems to me TD could lean on him to play those making the most $$.


That said, if I see Bledsoe lining up as the starter next season at the opener I will openly and loudly question their competency at running our beloved Bills. I don't know how high their ivory tower goes, but it can't be so high that they couldn't hear the boos raining down on Bledsoe during the game.

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Those who wanted Drew benched 7 weeks ago are back in force after Sunday and from what I can gather, their point is that anyone who at all thinks we should keep him is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool.


That being the case, why aren't they calling for MM's head?  Certainly, MM wouldn't hesitate to bench Drew for JP if he thought for a second that JP gave us a better chance to win.  Obviously then, MM believes that Drew is the best QB on our roster and so he is the starter.  He clearly then is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool because he doesn't see what the brilliant Dump Drew crowd knows is the absolute gospel truth, that JP should have been starting 7 weeks ago and sure as anything ought to be the starter next year.


Instead of repeating the same old complaints over and over about Bledsoe, why not focus your ire on the guy who keeps him at the helm.  Shouldn't we fire MM for starting Drew in the first place?  Afterall, he is only the head coach, he has only been watching these guys play day in and day out since August, what the heck does he know?



As much as I want a change at QB, I would have stuck with Drew for the duration of the streak and for as long as we were alive in the playoffs. Once that changed, my QB would change. Drew DID give us the best chance to win this year as far as the postseason went.......but that is not the case anymore. Whether it's next year or not, Drew's days here are numbered......JP will be handed the reigns sooner or later

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Those who wanted Drew benched 7 weeks ago are back in force after Sunday and from what I can gather, their point is that anyone who at all thinks we should keep him is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool.


That being the case, why aren't they calling for MM's head?  Certainly, MM wouldn't hesitate to bench Drew for JP if he thought for a second that JP gave us a better chance to win.  Obviously then, MM believes that Drew is the best QB on our roster and so he is the starter.  He clearly then is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool because he doesn't see what the brilliant Dump Drew crowd knows is the absolute gospel truth, that JP should have been starting 7 weeks ago and sure as anything ought to be the starter next year.


Instead of repeating the same old complaints over and over about Bledsoe, why not focus your ire on the guy who keeps him at the helm.  Shouldn't we fire MM for starting Drew in the first place?  Afterall, he is only the head coach, he has only been watching these guys play day in and day out since August, what the heck does he know?



I see. So the first time you got a C, D, of F in whatever level of schooling, you should have been expelled.


Liberal love and compassion and understanding strikes again, Mick? :)

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Those who wanted Drew benched 7 weeks ago are back in force after Sunday and from what I can gather, their point is that anyone who at all thinks we should keep him is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool.


That being the case, why aren't they calling for MM's head?  Certainly, MM wouldn't hesitate to bench Drew for JP if he thought for a second that JP gave us a better chance to win.  Obviously then, MM believes that Drew is the best QB on our roster and so he is the starter.  He clearly then is a moron, an idiot, a complete fool because he doesn't see what the brilliant Dump Drew crowd knows is the absolute gospel truth, that JP should have been starting 7 weeks ago and sure as anything ought to be the starter next year.


Instead of repeating the same old complaints over and over about Bledsoe, why not focus your ire on the guy who keeps him at the helm.  Shouldn't we fire MM for starting Drew in the first place?  Afterall, he is only the head coach, he has only been watching these guys play day in and day out since August, what the heck does he know?



I'm guessing MM has also seen enough of DBs act. Folding just when you

would expect, on que.

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I see. So the first time you got a C, D, of F in whatever level of schooling, you should have been expelled.


Liberal love and compassion and understanding strikes again, Mick? :)


If Bledsoe is that bad, how bad is the head coach for starting him? You can't take the position that Bledsoe sux so bad that only an idiot would want him to start without conluding that the guy who started him is an idiot. I agree with MM, Drew is the best QB on the roster. The instant that changes, you bench him but not one second before. Of course, the non-hysterical option would be to conclude that the question is a little more complicated and that reasonable football minds could disagree and leave it at that.

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Why? It makes a TON of sense from where I sit. Who forced MM to go with Drew once JP was healthy?


still contending for the playoffs..MM would have lost every player in the locker room if he went with JPL..Drew sucks, but were were still winning...see Tom Coughlin

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That's just a tad disingenuous. The Bills were TRYING to make the playoffs and MM didn't want to bust up the momentum.





Mularkey has been very consistent about this with his personnel decisions. If the team still has any kind of a chance at the playoffs, he is going to play who he thinks is the best guy. Simple as that. People were up in arms about MM not playing Willis sooner, but MM believed that Willis was not ready "He's not ready"- MM actually said that.


I have no reason to believe that MM will change this stance anytime soon. IMO, its becoming apparent that MM is not the kind of coach who will put in a kid just to 'get a spark' or to 'change direction'. As long as the team is 'still in it', he is going to play who he thinks is better, period.


IMO, he only strayed from this thinking twice, and both times were in garbage time and only involved no more than 5 minutes of playing time total.


1) Putting in Matthews during the Bengal game. It was apparent that that was the last time Shane Matthews would ever play in the NFL, so MM, cognizant of that, put him in first. This was a move that might tell others in the leaague that MM was a good coach to play for.


2) Losman in the NE game. That was a direct message to Losman that he needs to be ready, at all times, when he has a uniform on. Injury or not. Also, to stop worrying about your leg, you can play, and you need to be ready, at any time



Now, once one of MM's team's in the future is 'out of it' as far as the playoffs are concerned, who knows what he will do, there is no history on this.


Also, how much longer MM will think Drew is better than any other QB on the team is also in question, but to me, it's pretty obvious that he is not going to change the QB just for the sake of making a change, or to 'spark the team', but to play who he thinks is the better guy, period.



All of this is IMO. Thanks.

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If Bledsoe is that bad, how bad is the head coach for starting him?  You can't take the position that Bledsoe sux so bad that only an idiot would want him to start without conluding that the guy who started him is an idiot.  I agree with MM, Drew is the best QB on the roster.  The instant that changes, you bench him but not one second before.  Of course, the non-hysterical option would be to conclude that the question is a little more complicated and that reasonable football minds could disagree and leave it at that.





Please understand the audience you are speaking to (anti-DB). Logic escapes them. They live in a zero sum world. They know all. They will boo if DB starts next year, even if he outperforms all competitors. They know all. That is why they are all experts of the NFL. Can't you tell by their objective and mature writing style that they are a very thoughtful, smart, and fair bunch?


By reading their season long pansy-ass posts I have learned that the Bills won inspite of DB and lost due to him. I hope you learn this lesson as it is a very powerful one. I just wish DB would have tackled the Pittsburgh runners last Sunday, I wish he would not have committed so many penalties, I wish he would have made that field goal, I wish he would have blocked the third string defenders better, I wish he would have punted better, I wish he would have tackled better on special teams, and finally, I wish he would learn how to field a punt and not fumble it.


Good luck.

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By reading their season long pansy-ass posts I have learned that the Bills won inspite of DB and lost due to him.  I hope you learn this lesson as it is a very powerful one.  I just wish DB would have tackled the Pittsburgh runners last Sunday, I wish he would not have committed so many penalties, I wish he would have made that field goal, I wish he would have blocked the third string defenders better, I wish he would have punted better, I wish he would have tackled better on special teams, and finally, I wish he would learn how to field a punt and not fumble it.


Good luck.


So you feel that no matter how much JP improves over the off-season that DB should still be the starter in 2005? Is three years of DB at QB not enough to make you realize that the Bills will never win a SB with him as our starting QB?

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By reading their season long pansy-ass posts I have learned that the Bills won inspite of DB and lost due to him.  I hope you learn this lesson as it is a very powerful one.  I just wish DB would have tackled the Pittsburgh runners last Sunday, I wish he would not have committed so many penalties, I wish he would have made that field goal, I wish he would have blocked the third string defenders better, I wish he would have punted better, I wish he would have tackled better on special teams, and finally, I wish he would learn how to field a punt and not fumble it.



Obviously all you do is read the long, pansy-ass posts 'cuz you sure as hell ain't watching the games. NO ONE denies that the Bills made mistakes throughout the game. Thing is, EVERY TEAM makes mistakes during a game. Sometimes you just need to count on the QB to pull the team's fat out of the fire (or at the very least don't compound the problem with even MORE mistakes). If you really think Drew is one of those QB's, then you are the true pansy-ass sir.

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Please understand the audience you are speaking to (anti-DB). Logic escapes them.  They live in a zero sum world.  They know all.  They will boo if DB starts next year, even if he outperforms all competitors.  They know all.  That is why they are all experts of the NFL.  Can't you tell by their objective and mature writing style that they are a very thoughtful, smart, and fair bunch?


By reading their season long pansy-ass posts I have learned that the Bills won inspite of DB and lost due to him.  I hope you learn this lesson as it is a very powerful one.  I just wish DB would have tackled the Pittsburgh runners last Sunday, I wish he would not have committed so many penalties, I wish he would have made that field goal, I wish he would have blocked the third string defenders better, I wish he would have punted better, I wish he would have tackled better on special teams, and finally, I wish he would learn how to field a punt and not fumble it.


Good luck.


you really cannot be this blind...come on..I support Drew but he is not capable of winning a game, and for 6 million per, he should be winning multiple games on his own...

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So you feel that no matter how much JP improves over the off-season that DB should still be the starter in 2005?  Is three years of DB at QB not enough to make you realize that the Bills will never win a SB with him as our starting QB?



No. If JPL comes into camp fit, PREPARED, ready to learn and not super "jumpy" I say put him in ASAP. But if he does not, then why bench DB? Just because? Everyone here is so keen on "data" to support their claims, the bottom line is that the Bills (not DB) were 7-1 this year against losing teams and 2-6 against teams with winning records. As such, everyone needs to ramp up their skills to be more competitive not just DB.


The blame of our early season losses is easy to spread around. To isolate DB is about as pathetic as singling out TH. Remember, this is DB second or third OC in how many years and who knows how many if any QB coaches he has had. It was his FIRST year with Sam Wyche and look at the improvement. Maybe next year he will perform in big games better - I have no problem admitting he looked pitiful in the big games, but you know what, so did other Bills. By the way, a lot of pro QB's look pitiful in big games do I need to name names here or do we get the point?

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you really cannot be this blind...come on..I support Drew but he is not capable of winning a game, and for 6 million per, he should be winning multiple games on his own...




Thanks for not being too personal and see my response above.

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