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Bills O-Line Getting Respect...

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I'd give the credit to the Oline coach. I pray he's retained this off season. He's a huge part of our success on the Oline IMO.

you guys all want Chan fired if memory serves. that means the whole staff gets canned. that is the way it works. Can't have it both ways. If Chan goes, they all go. And we start all over again with 20 new coaches.

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...should we now call the right side of our offensive line "The Wall"?


And should we call Urbik the "Old Bear" for watching over those two and keeping them out of trouble?


And does getting a starting job on our offensive line equate to "taking the black"?


I could go on all night, really.


Did you get into some Utah moonshine? I have zero idea what in the hell you are taliking about LOL?


I am assuming some kind of drug addled PInk Floyd reference." Taking the black " i am also lost. I am guessing some med school secret society or something.

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Interesting reference if the OP meant this one : http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Night's_Watch " Lord Jeor Mormont, 997th Lord Commander of the Watch, known as "The Old Bear." Towards the end of his tenure, he became increasingly worried as more rangers were lost beyond the Wall" " Once, serving on the Wall was honor and a sign of selfless devotion to duty, with many knights, honorable men, and nobles taking the black ..."

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Cut Fitzpatrick save money. Let go of Barnett & send McGee & Merriman packing. If Pears is signed cut him. Hairston is a fine backup at T, but he has not shown be much in getting good push on the rush.I'd like the Bills to draft an interior lineman, preferably a Center. Why not get Jake Long? Have you seen the weather we play in 4-6 games a year? We need the best lines on both sides of the ball. I think like we purchased Mario, we should do the same with our offensive line.Letting go of our veterans who are bad, and drafting a quality Dalton type QB would do wonders to upgrade our team in 2013.


UDFA . . . Please, deal with reality.


And yes, our Oline has been the best unit on this team the past few years, I can't even think of another area that you can make an argument for--maybe Running Backs? I do believe it is in the top five in the NFL.


As for today, I think Young will do well--he has done the job in his limited opportunities. Snow is the question mark; however, I think they will provide both with extra help. Expect to see a lot of Cory Mcintyre and Lee Smith today

Edited by CSBill
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you guys all want Chan fired if memory serves. that means the whole staff gets canned. that is the way it works. Can't have it both ways. If Chan goes, they all go. And we start all over again with 20 new coaches.


Simply not true. Coaches are retained regularly. Typically just 1-2 but it happens all the time. We still have Jauron guys here.

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Winter is comming and these two will face the stark reality of NFL football in Dec. As winterfeLl we will Watch to Night to see if the glimmer of playoff hope will win or die.


Well, at least a couple of you got the reference.

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