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His Luck's Run Out: 11/25/2012 - Bills @ Colts GAME THREAD

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This is it for The Bills...Take this Game over from this point on, or another Season out of the Playoffs is pretty much guaranteed...If this Team actually has what Gaily and Nix say they should have...Then we'll see something...If not, all the talk was pretty cheap...

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Phucken ban me idc.....phucken put me outta my misery!!!


Out classed out coached out muscled!!!!!



Worthless phucken bums !!!!

actually there is a new policy here at tbd...the punishment for bad behavior is you are NOT banned. now suffer, sinner!

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i feel like crying.


this team just sits on my chest like an elephant, crushing all hope, optimism, and belief that things can get better in life if you just have a positive outlook.


i can see whats going to go wrong from 100 miles away, but so what? every bills fan can.


why wouldnt gailey just take a knee to end the half? why havent we scored an offensive touchdown in 3 weeks? why do i even care.


flutie takes us to the playoffs?


rebuild with johnson, with bledsoe, with losman, with edwards, with fitzpatrick, and then with someone new next season.


i hate this team, i hate this season, i hate that i wasted 11 sundays this fall caring about this. i hate it all.


Anxiety and depression, its bad man. Don't let this disgrace we cheer for bring you to that. Just laugh at it, trust me you will feel better about what you're watching. We stink and we know it lol

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Yes we can say that, can't we? :lol:


BTW, who were those 35 people a day who called about the HC job? :w00t: I think we need to follow up with them after this game.


Didn't he say something about the Raiders being a joke too? He's a big mouth who's done nothing with this opportunity. Makes you wonder why he couldn't get a GM job before. :bag:

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Nothing more frustrating than getting killed on 3rd down. Such a shame since we have more talent in every phase.

Read 'em and weep


Edit: Link doesn't work right (due to frames?) but it shows that we are dead last in the NFL on 3rd down, giving up a whopping 46% conversion rate.

And that was before today

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