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Free speech is great as long as I agree with what's being said

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Hey, I certainly wouldn't take umbarage if the president wanted to go punch the guy calling him a "nig" in the mouth, where as I would be opposed to a law preventing him from calling the president a "nig". I believe that most problems can be sorted out without invasive legislation telling us what we're allowed to think or express; not because I support the particular speech, but because I support the concept that speech must be protected in order to avoid a slippery slope.




What are your thoughts on flag burning as a form of free speech?

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That's a seperate issue. Besides, I'd never hit you with a battery. This is Buffalo, not Philly.

This is Buffalo? yet you live in RI with you Housekeeper and Gardner and blah blah blah- RI is probably what you call the basement and your Mom and Dad wish you'd stop referring to them as the Housekeeper and Gardner.
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Hey tgreg, you distract him by calling him an intellectually dishonest whiny little baby and I'll go around back to take all his stuff so we can go give it to all the lazy ethnic people.

This is why we get along! It's like you're the Brain and I'm Pinky. Brilliant!

Edited by tgreg99
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Hey tgreg, you distract him by calling him an intellectually dishonest whiny little baby and I'll go around back to take all his stuff so we can go give it to all the lazy ethnic people.


There's what I've been looking for!


Now only a few more pages until Godwin can be invoked.

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I'm going to assume that the reason you can't wrap your head around an individual working hard to get ahead, and as a result earning a modest, yet quality living, is because you've been uncapable of doing it yourself.

I just think that you are a liar sir
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We don't burn those guys, we drag 'em. YEEHAW

Burn 'em?!?!? Those sequins and glitter must be made out of super asbestos cause they don't burn for sh$t. We don't have all day. Gotta take the kids down to the monster truck rally this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Tie 'em to the back and go. Two birds with one stone.

Edited by Jauronimo
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I just think that you are a liar sir

You are welcome to that opinion. Again, I imagine that the reason you assume me to be a liar, is because you've never actually had a job where you weren't required to wear a name tag. Making money is easy when you invest in your own future, and are willing to make sacrifices.

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I just think that you are a liar sir


lyrbob, calling someone a liar is well..............................ironic. Anyway, what's your expertise in the real estate and mortgage industries? After asking you that many times, I still haven't received a response.

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lyrbob, calling someone a liar is well..............................ironic. Anyway, what's your expertise in the real estate and mortgage industries? After asking you that many times, I still haven't received a response.

If I had to guess, his resume would include: having been inside a house once.

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