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Howard Stern Exposes Obama Supporters 2012


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Stern does something like this and is branded as hateful, racist, tasteless, etc


Not so much anymore. Howard's been around so long that most people get it.



and how many times, when a random person catches them in a misleading question and tells them to shove it right up their a$$, do they play that back? think that never happens? i'll bet it happens pretty frequently but we'll likely never know.




Howard Stern is not running a polling agency. Or trying to bore people. He's running a comedy show. Of course he's playing the worst clips.

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Howard Stern is not running a polling agency. Or trying to bore people. He's running a comedy show. Of course he's playing the worst clips.

my point is that these clips are in no way representative or indicative of what the thread title suggests. therefore, his manipulative and exploitative interviews should not be used to advance this assertion.

Edited by birdog1960
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and how many times, when a random person catches them in a misleading question and tells them to shove it right up their a$$, do they play that back? think that never happens? i'll bet it happens pretty frequently but we'll likely never know.

Wow, you're so smart. I totally did not think of that. I bet that only took the really really black ones, you know, the ones that are the minorities who didn't vote any way or have a chance to pay attention to the mass media to tell them what to think!? They're the victims here.


Seriously, calm down, bro. It's comedy. Anyone who really think this represents Obama supporters is a fool. There could just as easily be the toothless rednecks of Georgia polled by Stern about something similar. In fact, he has done such similar things. It is for comedy. wow.


my point is that these clips are in no way representative or indicative of what the thread title suggests. therefore, his manipulative and exploitative interviews should not be used to advance this assertion.

Oh, Sht! The internet is not true? Someone had a political headline that was not true or misleading? :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Wow, you're so smart. I totally did not think of that. I bet that only took the really really black ones, you know, the ones that are the minorities who didn't vote any way or have a chance to pay attention to the mass media to tell them what to think!? They're the victims here.


Seriously, calm down, bro. It's comedy. Anyone who really think this represents Obama supporters is a fool. There could just as easily be the toothless rednecks of Georgia polled by Stern about something similar. In fact, he has done such similar things. It is for comedy. wow.

by playing only the "funny" clips, he is intentionally belittling people. just don't see the humor or the talent in that. others apparently do. i don't like it when leno does it either but at least he asks straightforward questions without including falsehoods in them. seems like pickin on the weaker man. never found that amusing.

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by playing only the "funny" clips, he is intentionally belittling people. just don't see the humor or the talent in that. others apparently do. i don't like it when leno does it either but at least he asks straightforward questions without including falsehoods in them. seems like pickin on the weaker man. never found that amusing.

Leno, yeah, I bet you love his Jay Walking bit, and his chicken picks a football team, and all the other bits he stole from Howard. Now I think many of us understand, anyone who laughs at Leno clearly doesn't get it.


This is not to belittle people. It is trolling people at worst, but people who understand the show and Stern himself realize that this is just one example of how everyone has their "weaker" moments.

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You're forgetting about the double standard


Stern does something like this and is branded as hateful, racist, tasteless, etc


Now if somebody else went out and started asking white people if they thought Obama was a Muslim or a Communist or what country they thought he was from, and plays a clip with the crazy responses, that's OK because they're pointing out how unenlightened and ignorant Americans are


Liberal pricks



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govt lowers regs so banks can loan more and gain more profits with cdo's. economy collapses. ummm, whether you like it or not, because of this very stupid friedman/greenspan policy, we became victims when the market lost half its value.




Funny. I never remember becoming a victim. Nor did most of the sane people I know.

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Bill Mahr, wow he's so edgy, and deep. His comedy bits reports are thought provoking.


Not sure what your point is... other than you don't like Maher... I know you are a Stern fan-boy... just pointing out, people here (right wingers) always love to point out some double-standard that makes their side of the aisle look bad (see the post I was responding to)...and pretend that that they (media or whoever) just gloss over their own sides scars, lumps and bumps. It just isn't true...but when you live in a bubble, you wouldn't know it.


Not so much anymore. Howard's been around so long that most people get it.



So, you wanna tell Dave In Elma, or should we wait for him to figure it out! :lol:

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Not sure what your point is... other than you don't like Maher... I know you are a Stern fan-boy... just pointing out, people here (right wingers) always love to point out some double-standard that makes their side of the aisle look bad (see the post I was responding to)...and pretend that that they (media or whoever) just gloss over their own sides scars, lumps and bumps. It just isn't true...but when you live in a bubble, you wouldn't know it.

Ya got it all backwards, I like Maher. I was mocking the double standard. When guys like Colbert and John Stewart do it, it's ok to laugh. Especially, when they're showing someone else doing the actual work and creating the content. Maher is the black sheep of that little family.

If Limbaugh or Hannity does it they're racist, if Beck does it he is encouraging self education or some crap to make people feel like their are making their own choice. If NPR does it then it is a human interest piece on the lack of concern for the inner city issues like Harlem, where to many of these people all that matters is the ability to feed their children and where they will be staying next month.

When Stern does it, well...



There are a bunch, Htiler, Casey Anthony, Mel Gibson, David Berkowitz, etc vs. Howard. It is amazing. Gibson was more liked then Howard, Berkowitz, Casey Anthony...etc.

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my point is that these clips are in no way representative or indicative of what the thread title suggests. therefore, his manipulative and exploitative interviews should not be used to advance this assertion.


Wait. You take The Dave in Elma racist troll persona seriously? Now that's funny.

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dude, you follow an absolute ideology and totally ignore the negative outcomes...


whos braindead here... why am i wasting my time on you anyway. you ruthless !@#$s are against medical coverage for sick old people... now go away and read ayn rand

I love it when the self-described anarcho-communist, chomskyite, who also has a deep respect for Ayn Rand and the works of Karl Marx even attempts to comment on another's "ideology". While we're having a good laugh at your expense, what exactly is Doc's ideology? O, and please provide all applicable support.

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