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Im bringing my paper bag this Sunday


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I dont usually get my hopes up for the Bills winning a lot of games. This year I thought we might have a chance to be better, but come out and play like we did last week, This is the first time I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a bills fan so im bringing myself a bag just in case they start to make a habit of playing like crap.


Instead of a paper bag use a plastic bag and make sure you tie the handles real tight, you don't want any air getting in.

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I agree in normal circumstances with other teams to relax, but this team has come off 12 I repeat 12 horrible seasons and it's not just one game, but the most embarrassing performance from a starting QB people have ever seen in quite some time.


They either shape up this week, or just pack your jersey away and hope somehow they start making better decisions than giving a back up QB 60 mil.


I'm so disgusted with the entire team. Fitz was horrible but so was the defense, including the front 4, and the secondary. On offense, the WR were horrible.


If we look anything like that again, then just hang it up and root for the 49 ers who we hoped to be.

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Instead of a paper bag use a plastic bag and make sure you tie the handles real tight, you don't want any air getting in.


Couldn't have said it better. What would be even better is if all these pessimists would stop starting BS topics like this and go away. Of course they would be the first one's back raving how Fitz is amazing and Chan is the best coach if we went on a streak.

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Couldn't have said it better. What would be even better is if all these pessimists would stop starting BS topics like this and go away. Of course they would be the first one's back raving how Fitz is amazing and Chan is the best coach if we went on a streak.


Your confusing history with pessimism. What is the bills record the last 10 games ? Who was president the last time we made the payoffs...do you remember what millineum it was in? How many poor seasons have we suffered through???


I love the bills but with as high as the expectations were this year and how bad things have been for so long that if this season is anything like week 1 it will get real ugly fast

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Your confusing history with pessimism. What is the bills record the last 10 games ? Who was president the last time we made the payoffs...do you remember what millineum it was in? How many poor seasons have we suffered through???


I love the bills but with as high as the expectations were this year and how bad things have been for so long that if this season is anything like week 1 it will get real ugly fast


And I agree, all fans have suffered, but for everyone to just be throwing in the towel after one game is ridiculous! If we're having this same debate in 6 weeks, I'll be right there with you. For the love of God give them a chance first! One week is hardly a chance!

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All Hope is not lost....I think after the A@# kickin they got last week every player will be on point....there will be NO Turnovers and few big plays on the defense...Watch..

The problem is they shouldn't have to feel embarrassed about thier loss last week. They shouldn't need motivation to win this week. This is the NFL. If they were any good they would just play well. None of this crap like we've seen over the past decade of get a win here, loss there, win again cuz were pissed, loss again in a hearbreaker, etc... Or how bout the absolutely rediculous excuses we use every year "well, if we didn't have so many injuries, we would have won" blah, blah, blah. All teams have injuries. The Giants were decimated by injuries at the begining of the year last year. Good teams find ways to play through them because THEYRE GOOD!!! Or how bout the fact that if we had a good coaching staff and strenght and conditioning department we wouldn't lead the league in injuries EVERY YEAR!!!

I agree that it's just ONE GAME. But this is getting really old every time we lose a game. it's a lame a$$ excuse. We were high this season, we needed a statement game that we weren't going to be pushed around anymore and we ended up getting the worst a$$ kicking of the week.

If we dont win the next 3 I'm pretty sure that 7-9 is the best record were going to get.

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I'm wearing my new Fitz jersey to Sunday's game, but it's only because my Dareus jersey is too big. I want to believe but they don't make it easy.

I was going to wear my Mario jersey but I'm having 2nd thoughts because the numbers are coming off after 2 washings. Gosh I hate Nike. My Flutie jersey still has the number in tact after countless washings and dryings. Nike sucks.

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I too am suprised and confused and pissed by the way the Bills played last weekend and I dont know how they are going to fix it, but when I was talking to a friend of mine about the game today, I had a thought about a certain Bills team that crushed the Patriots 31-0 in week one some years ago! Can anyone remember how the Patriots finished that year? Im not saying the Bills are like the Patriots were, but who knows! It was just week one and I am sure after that game everyone was thinking how good the Bills were and how bad the Patsies looked.

I have to give them a chance and see how it plays out because I am a Bills fan and that is who I will root for every week.

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And I agree, all fans have suffered, but for everyone to just be throwing in the towel after one game is ridiculous! If we're having this same debate in 6 weeks, I'll be right there with you. For the love of God give them a chance first! One week is hardly a chance!


J yo I gotta give it up, ur optimism is sweet and it's rubbing off on me a bit.....much like another poster stated its a history thing that has most of us down 1-10 record......in my head the jets game was gonna be a statement win where we pound them and Mario has Sanchez on the ground all day......the statement obviously wasn't made.....here's to hoping it ain't that bad my friend

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I dont usually get my hopes up for the Bills winning a lot of games. This year I thought we might have a chance to be better, but come out and play like we did last week, This is the first time I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a bills fan so im bringing myself a bag just in case they start to make a habit of playing like crap.

You obviously haven't been a fan for too long then.

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This isn't just a response to 1 lost game its to 13 straight lost seasons

So the first 12 were acceptable, but this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Fool me 12 times, shame on me; 13 ... shame on you!

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And I agree, all fans have suffered, but for everyone to just be throwing in the towel after one game is ridiculous! If we're having this same debate in 6 weeks, I'll be right there with you. For the love of God give them a chance first! One week is hardly a chance!

Throwing in the towel? Nah.


Lowering expectations to 0? Yup.

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I dont usually get my hopes up for the Bills winning a lot of games. This year I thought we might have a chance to be better, but come out and play like we did last week, This is the first time I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a bills fan so im bringing myself a bag just in case they start to make a habit of playing like crap.


I agree. If they can't defeat the Chiefs, It's gonna get ugly very quick

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