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The front 4 on D is solid, but what about the rest of the D?

Jerry Jabber

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From my observations of the preseason games and today, it seems that the Bills have a solid defensive front 4, but the rest of the D is not up to par. McKelvin was beaten early and often. Aaron Williams is a young player and continues to struggle. Gilmore is not ready.


With the front 4 being solid, teams have been able to pick apart the rest of the D with screens, sideline passes and a lot of short passes. Is it a lack of talent? Play calling by Wannstedt? Or players needing time to develop and get used to the new defensive system?

Edited by Jerry Jabber
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The Bills have the worst set of linebackers on any team in the entire NFL. (starters and reserves incl.)


A defense that ranks in the bottom 3 over the last few years cannot be fixed by one or two FA's.


This defense will never succeed as long as "quality" players like McKelvin and Kelsay are on this team. (This is not a referral to today's game specifically, but in general.)

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Front 4 has a lot to prove to be solid. Best thing to say about them is they werent bad stopping the run.


Jets had trouble running the ball last year, so it may not actually be a good barometer.


Really upset with Dareus. Watch a guy like Watt, A.Smith, Von Miller, AJ Green, Julio Jones, and you see their impact immediately. Dareus plays well against inferior competition, but seems to disappear against superior players. Mangold ate his lunch today. Didn't impact the pocket at all and didn't bat a pass down, didn't even see him get his hands up. He was engulfed by Moore and Mangold. Really disappointing.

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I expected Kyle Williams to be in the backfield all game long, it happened once and he whiffed the tackle. I expected Super Mario to be extra disruptive and get those long arms in the air when he can't get close, didn't happen. I expected MD to be singled up and have a monster game, didn't happen.


If the LBers and secondary can't cover anyone and the QB plays like Fitz did last year in getting the ball out in 3 seconds....it was a long day for the defense.


Chris Kelsay played like he wanted to win, but it didn't matter since no one else was.



The offense, the defense, the special teams all played like it was still pre season save Kelsay and Spiller...when do the rest start to play?

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Fitz sucks and the threw three picks but that's not the only reason why the Bills lost this game. I'll give one of the scores to Fitz on the pick six but two of those picks required long sustained drives from the Jets. Not forcing a punt until the 4th quarter? Are you kidding me?


If this over hyped defense forces the Jets to go three and out on one pick and settles for a field goal on the other this could have been a VERY different outcome. Sure Fitz played poorly but our secondary was non-existent yesterday.


Probably doesn't help that our special teams fell asleep..........

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Agreed. Other than the obvious pic 6 the other turnovers did not put the D in terrible position as far as defending against points. Also I'm not sure the D even earned that early interception on Sanchez. It looked like Scott's second step came down out of bounds on the replay.


I understand Gailey's comment about Sanchez getting the ball out quickly but even so if the D-line was as amazing as advertised they should have at least been getting hits on him after he threw. I can't recall any serious pressure the entire game.


Basically aside from some decent play against the run the defense looked exactly the same as last season.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Fitz sucks and the threw three picks but that's not the only reason why the Bills lost this game. I'll give one of the scores to Fitz on the pick six but two of those picks required long sustained drives from the Jets. Not forcing a punt until the 4th quarter? Are you kidding me?


If this over hyped defense forces the Jets to go three and out on one pick and settles for a field goal on the other this could have been a VERY different outcome. Sure Fitz played poorly but our secondary was non-existent yesterday.


Probably doesn't help that our special teams fell asleep..........


I am repeating myself from another post but is probably appropriate here. There are a lot of new players/players playing new positions on the D. They need time to gel and start being a cohesive unit. Gilmore is a rookie, Moats is playing LB. In this situation, the D was put in bad situations early and often. This was probably the worst of all situations coming at the same time. We will have to wait for another 2-3 games before we start showing outrage about the D. I am pretty sure that when you put this collection of talent together, results will come. The O, on the other hand, I have less hopes for considering the lack of WR talent and continued poor QB play.

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Everyone wants to complain about the pass rush, but the biggest problem was that none of the CBs could cover anyone. Receivers were wide open all over the field all day long. Sanchez missed a wide open Holmes for a TD in the first half or it would have been worse.


I don't remember the secondary ever looking this bad even against the Patriots.

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The thing with defense, in today's pass happy league, is you are only as good as you weakest link. Good coaches will find ways for their offense to mitigate opposing defenses strengths while exploiting their weaknesses. The Jets have excellent coaches and they did just that yesterday.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Fitz sucks and the threw three picks but that's not the only reason why the Bills lost this game. I'll give one of the scores to Fitz on the pick six but two of those picks required long sustained drives from the Jets. Not forcing a punt until the 4th quarter? Are you kidding me?


If this over hyped defense forces the Jets to go three and out on one pick and settles for a field goal on the other this could have been a VERY different outcome. Sure Fitz played poorly but our secondary was non-existent yesterday.


Probably doesn't help that our special teams fell asleep..........


Yesterday?? As opposed to any other game last year weeks 6-16? The preseason was a harbinger of thing to come and we got our answer loud and clear yesterday:

1) Our defensive players lack aggressiveness and killer instinct - they are a bunch of coddled primadonnas (sp?) who have forgot how to "earn" a paycheck and a spot on this team...they feel they are "entitled" to their paycheck...they are not hungry.

2) Our coaching on both offense and defense was like watching a monkey hump a football...can't be done, the ball keeps shifting and moving out from under him as quick as he tries to adjust. Wanny needs to watch some Harbaugh (Niners) and Ryan (Jets) tape to see how its done...this is not 1990's...the game changes and requires some degree of creativity and ingenuity (same applies to Chan...here's an idea. Your RB ran for 165 yds. RUN the F#%$@!in Ball and keep it out of your own QB's hands...yeah I said "Keep the ball out of Fitz' hands)

3) Thank God we didn't cut Brad Smith.....whooooo...*wiping my brow* He saved us yesterday...he's a gamer.

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Everyone wants to complain about the pass rush, but the biggest problem was that none of the CBs could cover anyone. Receivers were wide open all over the field all day long. Sanchez missed a wide open Holmes for a TD in the first half or it would have been worse.


Yep. This was the most worrisome thing I saw all day...Williams, Gilmore, McKelvin all getting absolutely burned. Even Byrd seemed to look lost on a few plays. Sanchez could make decisions pretty quickly because there was zero coverage from our secondary.

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Agreed. Other than the obvious pic 6 the other turnovers did not put the D in terrible position as far as defending against points. Also I'm not sure the D even earned that early interception on Sanchez. It looked like Scott's second step came down out of bounds on the replay.


I understand Gailey's comment about Sanchez getting the ball out quickly but even so if the D-line was as amazing as advertised they should have at least been getting hits on him after he threw. I can't recall any serious pressure the entire game.


Basically aside from some decent play against the run the defense looked exactly the same as last season.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Yep. This was the most worrisome thing I saw all day...Williams, Gilmore, McKelvin all getting absolutely burned. Even Byrd seemed to look lost on a few plays. Sanchez could make decisions pretty quickly because there was zero coverage from our secondary.


I agree 100% Our secondary was beaten early, often & badly. McKelvin needs to go. A. Williams has not developed yet and continues to struggle, and Gilmore is not ready either.

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