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Bill Clinton

Cowboys vs Giants


What do you think America will be watching tonite?


Libs will be watching Clinton. Why would they want to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game where they might hurt each other? Liberals watch sports like soccer, where they can fall down and claim someone hurt them, then to actually get hit.

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I'm really going to miss Page #6 from this thread,


where else can you find reference to........the N word, Irene Ryan, Baby Castro, Bill Clinton, Cowboys vs Giants, Hitler and Eva Braun,




lol ..................its DNC time again..................



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And of course they'll blame the low ratings on the football game because they love the blame game. The reason ratings are down is there are so many other ways to watch this stuff than on network TV. And it's my understanding that ratings don't take into account DRVs. I could be completely wrong on that.

Correct -- at least the overnights. DVR ratings are calculated into the final ratings but those aren't released for 3 to 7 days after the event depending on the show/network/event.


It's quite amazing that the viewership from the Conventions from both Democrats and Republicans have plummetted the way they have.


People are really turned off, I'm guessing that overall voter turnout will be way down, which I believe favors the R's

I have a feeling this will turn out to be true as well.

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As the DNC enters its second trimester, oh I'm sorry, I mean second day...(I stole that from Mark Steyn)


It will be interesting to see what doesnt come up again,


16 trillion debt


23 million out of work


Have you heard any reference to the victims of hurricane Isaac ?

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And of course they'll blame the low ratings on the football game because they love the blame game. The reason ratings are down is there are so many other ways to watch this stuff than on network TV. And it's my understanding that ratings don't take into account DRVs. I could be completely wrong on that.


Anyone who DVR's a party convention for personal use is a !@#$ing psychopath.

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My how times have changed, it wasn't all that long ago where I'd use to eat mushrooms and hang with my circle of friends, now I record political speeches and catch them when I get home off of work. :bag:

... watching the conventions on shrooms? That sounds like a terrifying yet amazing idea.

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My how times have changed, it wasn't all that long ago where I'd use to eat mushrooms and hang with my circle of friends, now I record political speeches and catch them when I get home off of work. :bag:

Have you considered the possibility that your former heavy use of psychedelics might be causal? ;)
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she is a close counsel to the most powerful man in the world. i'm certainly glad she's not a high school dropout. and i'm very happy that she completed studies at ivy league schools. but that probably is a strike against her to you.but back to your reasoning: if romney made a bad leveraged bet, then it follows that he shouldn't borrow any more money to make future bets?

You do know her father was making $50,000 a year in the 70s? When a new well equipped car cost $3000? The whole loan thing was pandering to the base-idiots $100,000 in debt for spending 8 years pursuing a degree in art appreciation.

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