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Oh yes, the "middle class" how many times will the speakers on stage say middle class in the next 3 days? Every tool with a D next to their name sounds like a broken record. It goes something like this; middle class, blah, blah blah, Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah, tax the rich, blah blah, middle class, blah blah, war on women, blah, blah. Fricking pathetic!!

i don't know what you're on about. i was just explaining my preferences for parties. do you actually like petit fours and "mustang sally"?

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They can't tout any accomplishments from the past four years, so they've got nothing else than focus-group approved buzz words, catchphrases and lines.


It's incredibly telling that the libtard mouthpieces can't answer a simple question such as, "are Americans better off now than they were four years ago?"


Isn't it ironic that the guy running with the campaign slogan "Forward" only wants to look back. He does nothing but blame Bush for all of his failures, and wants to ride Clinton's coat tails into a 2nd term. I think a fair amount of people feel stupid for being suckered into think Oblahblah was something special in 2008. He isn't going to be able to flap his gums with any credibility this time around.

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The Dude abides ... on screen and off.


Jeff Bridges, the versatile actor perhaps best known as The Dude in "The Big Lebowski," got the chance to address the Clint Eastwood RNC speech this week.

Bridges could have thrown the veteran actor under the bus as some of his peers did - along with "Inside the Actor's Studio" vet James Lipton.

Bridges, who is attending the DNC this week in a nonpartisan quest to end child hunger, wasn't having it.

Asked about fellow actor Clint Eastwood’s odd RNC speech in Tampa, Bridges said he actually didn’t see it. And he refused to knock Eastwood, his co-star in the 1974 movie “Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.”

“I’m not going to say anything against Thunderbolt, man, are you kidding?” he said.

By Tuesday morning, it sounded like Bridges had seen the Eastwood bit.

"I thought his acting was pretty good. I thought, you know, it really seemed like there was somebody in the chair,” he said on CNN’s “Starting Point.” It was a little hardhearted. I don't agree with his politics, but he's a splendid actor, a great director."

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Holy ****! Every network is televising this. Perhaps I missed it, but did the networks cover day 1 of the RNC?


ABC's running "Your Voice, Your Vote - 2012 Democratic National Convention". Really? Can they be a little more manipulative? Maybe?

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The keynote guy reminded me of a timeshare pitch man I saw a few years back. Loved the NBC split-screen of guys family.


Now NBC is doing a friends & family endorsement of Michelle. This is so shameless that it would be infuriating were the brazen nature of it all not so amusing. They're actually pumping up & priming the crowd for her speech.

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The keynote guy reminded me of a timeshare pitch man I saw a few years back. Loved the NBC split-screen of guys family.


Now NBC is doing a friends & family endorsement of Michelle. This is so shameless that it would be infuriating were the brazen nature of it all not so amusing. They're actually pumping up & priming the crowd for her speech.

it's on pbs too so i'm guessing it's produced and presented by the democrat party...but it was pretty nauseating.

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Snoozeville (both the speech and the "hotties").

Hey man dont let partisanship make you lose your appreciation for hotties. Talk about letting the other side win, geez


The speech from the San Antonio dude didn't live up to the hype. So far the only half way decent speaker has been duckworth

I thought he was great, more "real" than Obamas high minded shallowness and presidential poses. I thought Michelle got off to a good start too but she lost me with Obamas mom made less moneythan male counterparts, don't want govt micro managing personel decisions.

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don't think the first lady's speech was any more impressive than mrs. romney's which is to say, not very impressive. they're both playing scripted parts and not very well. but i'll bet that more than just me related to student loans bigger than their mortgage early in their careers. maybe we didn't build it all by ourselves.

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I gotta say, I think Michelle's speech was the most effective of the night. It's hard for me to gauge what will sway those who don't know (or don't want to know) what I do, but in my estimation of the sensibilities of moderates, I assume her speech had the most impact. It wasn't great, but for a 1st lady speech it was pretty good.

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