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Try to justify Drew's place on this team.


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Given 4 NFL games to play in, with no pressure in any of them, Losman coughed up a 38.9

quarterback rating.





That may be the dumbest thing I've heard on this board......ever. What exactly are you afraid JP might do? Throw a pick on our own 20 yard line? Successfully throw an interception and fumble at the SAME friggin time and give up a touchdown in the biggest game of the year? What exactly could JP do that would be any worse than what Bledsoe did today???????

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This makes no sense. 


Bledsoe was the starting quarterback of the team that went 9-7.

That's a winning percentage my friend.


He holds ten Buffalo Bills franchise passing records and has been here for only 3 years.


As flat as this team played today they still had a chance to win.  Had everyone done their job today, frankly it would have been an easy win.  3 of Bledsoe's incompletions were spiking the ball for timeouts.  There were 3 drops by Moulds alone.  On the Interception, Neufeld needed to go for the ball instead of letting the LB muscle him.  It actually could have been pass interference.


I'm disappointed at the loss, but it was a team loss, and I'm totally surprised they didn't come to play.




Okay, wait. So Bledsoe gets the credit for the 9-7 record? I thought it was a team game. Or is that only when we lose?


And as far as I'm concerned, we're 9-7 in spite of Bledsoe. In fact, we might have been 11-5 if we went with anyone else. We don't need the next Montana, just someone that won't lose us games with stupid throws, terrible pocket awareness and little fire.


And you point to Drew's records. Which is all Drew has, so I hope it keeps him warm at night. He puts up yards in garbage time. He has done this his entire career. Instead of looking at numbers, how about watching how he plays in games with pressure. That's what counts.


Give me a QB that gets ugly numbers but can play in the clutch over Drew the paper tiger any day.

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We need a QB who can MANAGE A GAME, not somebody who has a golden arm and performs miracles. We don't need Peyton Manning, we need Ben Rothleisberger or the equivalent. We need an accurate thrower who doesn't make mistakes.


Now that's asking quite a bit, and to be fair, for the second half of the season Bledsoe was able for the most part to play that lesser role. He had a couple of very good games (Miami, for instance) when he was much more than a caretaker. But he also had a number of terrible games (New England, Baltimore) where he was enough all by himself to lose the game.


He also made many mistakes, and even when he didn't throw picks was amazingly inaccurate on short passes (against the Browns, against the Bengals) , has no touch on screen passes (Willis's injury pass). IN the first half of this Pittsburgh game he was TERRIBLE. He held the ball much too long and avoided disaster many times by dropped interceptions and the slimmest of margins.


I'm not saying get rid of him, but I don't see us winning crucial games aginst good opponents with him under center. Pretty soon if not now it's going to be time to bite the bullet and go in another direction. I will bet that Mularkey and Clements and Wyche will see that.

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Matthews was a starter with the Bears and with the Redskins.  He has 22 career starts



Technically, you are correct, but I don't believe any team has ever gone into a season with him as the starter and he has typically played out of necessity when the true starter was either injured or stunk up the joint. In other words, he's basically an Alex Van Pelt clone. That's not the worst thing in the world, but at best, he's a stopgap if he has to start.

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Okay, wait. So Bledsoe gets the credit for the 9-7 record? I thought it was a team game. Or is that only when we lose?


And as far as I'm concerned, we're 9-7 in spite of Bledsoe. In fact, we might have been 11-5 if we went with anyone else. We don't need the next Montana, just someone that won't lose us games with stupid throws, terrible pocket awareness and little fire.


And you point to Drew's records. Which is all Drew has, so I hope it keeps him warm at night. He puts up yards in garbage time. He has done this his entire career. Instead of looking at numbers, how about watching how he plays in games with pressure. That's what counts.


Give me a QB that gets ugly numbers but can play in the clutch over Drew the paper tiger any day.




I agree with you completely........Drew was the beneficiary of a team that improved in every single area OTHER than QB........We became a complete team.........even today, our D continued to make up for our O's screw ups.......until they probably just got sick and tired and realized that no matter how many times they stop the other team on a short field or pick off the ball, it doesn't matter.......the offense was still going to suck.

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No, that's not right. That's the kind of mentality that accepts mediocrity and Drew Bledsoe, thinking we can't get anyone better.


We don't know if Shane is better or worse, but we do know this: it can't get much worse. How much worse could he possibly do? Hold on the ball too long, take sacks, throw picks, fumble at the wrong times? Drew already does all that AND sucks out a ton of money while doing it!


We don't necessairly need someone with a glitzy name. At this point, anyone with at least one working arm would be better than what we have.


It couldn't get any worse. All we ask Drew to do now is hand the ball off and make safe throws. He can't do it.


Anyone but Drew.



Hate to add fuel to the fire here....but the fact is Shane Mathews has looked good every time he has gotten onto the field...... :(

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I think this salary cap age makes everyone dizzy with hope of scrapping a stable future for the unknown.


You guys would have ran Kelly out of town after he made the Clay Matthew's pick.







Are you really comparing Jimbo to Drew????????? You should be flogged for even THINKING it, let alone posting it.

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I think this salary cap age makes everyone dizzy with hope of scrapping a stable future for the unknown.


You guys would have ran Kelly out of town after he made the Clay Matthew's pick.






Um, no. That's stupid logic, Exiled.


Drew is not some up and coming QB, he's in the twilight of his career. He's 32. He's not going to get any better. He is what he is.


He has shown us what he's capable of over 3 seasons. It just plain IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


It's time to go with Anybody But Drew.

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Are you really comparing Jimbo to Drew?????????  You should be flogged for even THINKING it, let alone posting it.



Yes... The would do some pretty stupid stuff. The problem for DB will be keeping this team together and continuity while building a better OL.


Things were going pretty rough in the clutch the first three years here for him (JK)?


Willis MaGahee coming into his own will be the equiv. of Thurman Thomas 88-90.


The OL needs to be tweeked.


The pieces are falling together... Don't scrap the project just yet... Better is not out there.

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Oh, my god. Do you think before you say these things?


Jim Kelly's first three years here were when he was a young man and was still learning!


Drew is 32. He is not improving, he is regressing. He's finished.


Come on now.

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Um, no. That's stupid logic, Exiled.


Drew is not some up and coming QB, he's in the twilight of his career. He's 32. He's not going to get any better. He is what he is.


He has shown us what he's capable of over 3 seasons. It just plain IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


It's time to go with Anybody But Drew.



I don't buy that.


The Bills have to find better... it just won't happen next year or the year after.


That is the grim reality.


The DB years remind me of the mid Fergy years.

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If you don't think it could be any worse, you haven't watched much football. Worse? Shane Mathews would be worse. There is a reason he was out of football when we picked him up. There is a reason he was never a starter for long.

Worse? JP Losman. Everybody knows he's not ready. Probably won't be next year either.

Worse? Joe Dufek, Vince Ferragamo, Billy Joe, Todd Collins, Bill Munson, etc. etc. etc.


If you're going to call for a replacment, at least have some clue about who the replacement is going to be. Don't just shout as loud as you can Drew must go! Propose a "realistic" option.


Drew probably isn't the answer, but so far you haven't come up with a realistic better answer either.



No, that's not right. That's the kind of mentality that accepts mediocrity and Drew Bledsoe, thinking we can't get anyone better.


We don't know if Shane is better or worse, but we do know this: it can't get much worse. How much worse could he possibly do? Hold on the ball too long, take sacks, throw picks, fumble at the wrong times? Drew already does all that AND sucks out a ton of money while doing it!


We don't necessairly need someone with a glitzy name. At this point, anyone with at least one working arm would be better than what we have.


It couldn't get any worse. All we ask Drew to do now is hand the ball off and make safe throws. He can't do it.


Anyone but Drew.


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I don't buy that.


The Bills have to find better... it just won't happen next year or the year after.


That is the grim reality.


The DB years remind me of the mid Fergy years.



ENOUGH comparing Drew to anyone. He is Drew Bledsoe and no one else.


And there are plenty of QBs out there that can play as well or better than Bledsoe for a fraction of the cost. Plenty.


The grim reality is that you're too stubborn to open your damn eyes.

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I think this salary cap age makes everyone dizzy with hope of scrapping a stable future for the unknown.


You guys would have ran Kelly out of town after he made the Clay Matthew's pick.







The situations are different. Jim Kelly was just entering the prime of his career. Bledsoe's best days are behind him and, at best, he probably only has two or three years left in him as a starter. Not only that, but the Bills also have invested too much in JP Losman not to give him a shot at some point fairly soon.

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ENOUGH comparing Drew to anyone. He is Drew Bledsoe and no one else.


And there are plenty of QBs out there that can play as well or better than Bledsoe for a fraction of the cost. Plenty.


The grim reality is that you're too stubborn to open your damn eyes.





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I have never seen a QB who fumbles a ball quicker and easier than Drew Bledsoe. He must also be deaf on his right side because he can't sense the oncoming rush. Bledsoe would not notice a rampaging herd of elephants coming at him.



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I have never seen a QB who fumbles a ball quicker and easier than Drew Bledsoe.  He must also be deaf on his right side because he can't sense the oncoming rush.  Bledsoe would not notice a rampaging herd of elephants coming at him.




You know, as extreme as that example is......I wouldn't doubt it.

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