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Gillette and the evil empire

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Guys, this may be too petty, but do any others avoid buying gillette products so that you are not feeding in to the evil empire? As I stand in the grocery store, I look at my choices, and I get sick when I see gillette and realize that Marcia is going to receive a lot of that dough. I'm not even sure if Kraft still owns Gillette, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is at least on the board. Anyway, this is a call to boycott ALL gillette products!!

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Yes. We should all avoid Gillette, but not so much because of their connection with the Pats*. The real evil empire is Proctor & Gamble. They bought out Gillette in 2005 and they're known for putting poisons in all their products (*see Triclosan) as well as being Satanic. Also, do we really need a razor with 5 blades!!!!!? I recommend Bic.

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I use a Gillette Fusion. Always have and I won't change now because 30 cents of my purchase may go toward the naming rights for tne Patriots stadium. Buncha crazies up in here, whether this post is serious or not

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I stopped buying Gillette products for that exact reason. But then I realized that Schick razors are **** so I bought the Fusion, which is a damn good razor - but that is the only Gilette product that I will buy.

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I've been shaving with a double edge razor using non-Gillette blades, a brush and soap for about a year and a half. A great shave for a lot less money (after the initial outlay.)


This is a very smart way to shave, as long as the soap isn't loaded with chemicals. For best results, use the double blades without "lubricating strips" because they can also contain Triclosan. When triclosan mixes with tap water it creates chloroform gas, which is a carcinogen. Look it up. Read the labels. Almost every Gillette product is loaded with it. Bob Kraft is trying to kill us all!!

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This is a very smart way to shave, as long as the soap isn't loaded with chemicals. For best results, use the double blades without "lubricating strips" because they can also contain Triclosan. When triclosan mixes with tap water it creates chloroform gas, which is a carcinogen. Look it up. Read the labels. Almost every Gillette product is loaded with it. Bob Kraft is trying to kill us all!!


Bob Craft has nothing to do with Gillette, other than taking P&G's money for naming the stadium.

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This is a very smart way to shave, as long as the soap isn't loaded with chemicals. For best results, use the double blades without "lubricating strips" because they can also contain Triclosan. When triclosan mixes with tap water it creates chloroform gas, which is a carcinogen. Look it up. Read the labels. Almost every Gillette product is loaded with it. Bob Kraft is trying to kill us all!!

So your telling me, I'm slowly killing myself? :cry:

Edited by Teen Insight
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This is a very smart way to shave, as long as the soap isn't loaded with chemicals. For best results, use the double blades without "lubricating strips" because they can also contain Triclosan. When triclosan mixes with tap water it creates chloroform gas, which is a carcinogen. Look it up. Read the labels. Almost every Gillette product is loaded with it. Bob Kraft is trying to kill us all!!


double edge blades don't have anything as far as lubrication, they just get loaded right into the razor. this is my setup:






You can get razors and soap for much less, but I splurged since I'm saving a ton on cartridges.

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shaving tips aside this practice of boycotting sponsor brands has been around for a long time in NASCAR. I wont shop at Lowes because they sponsor Jimmie. Its very common for fans to be so loyal to their team that they dont use products from the opponets camp. That being said I will most likely continue using my Gillette razors

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To all,


In order to make your razors stay sharp longer, DRY THE BLADE on a towel after use. I don't know why that works but I'm on month 4 with mine. Saves an azz-load of money at $20.00 a refill pack :)


Carry on



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Guys, this may be too petty, but do any others avoid buying gillette products so that you are not feeding in to the evil empire? As I stand in the grocery store, I look at my choices, and I get sick when I see gillette and realize that Marcia is going to receive a lot of that dough. I'm not even sure if Kraft still owns Gillette, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is at least on the board. Anyway, this is a call to boycott ALL gillette products!!



I stopped buying Gillette products for that exact reason. But then I realized that Schick razors are **** so I bought the Fusion, which is a damn good razor - but that is the only Gilette product that I will buy.



shaving tips aside this practice of boycotting sponsor brands has been around for a long time in NASCAR. I wont shop at Lowes because they sponsor Jimmie. Its very common for fans to be so loyal to their team that they dont use products from the opponets camp. That being said I will most likely continue using my Gillette razors


Well, Im happy to see Im not the only crazy fan out there. :thumbsup:

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shaving tips aside this practice of boycotting sponsor brands has been around for a long time in NASCAR. I wont shop at Lowes because they sponsor Jimmie. Its very common for fans to be so loyal to their team that they dont use products from the opponets camp. That being said I will most likely continue using my Gillette razors

Same here


I guess we should stop using band aides to because Johnson and Johnson owns the Jets. :worthy:

Band-aides are for pansies!

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