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What do you like most about Mike Mularkey?


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Must be all minds are on our cars....It's suppose to be in the 50's tomorrow and I'm off work. I was thinking about getting her out of the garage for a bit for some TLC.


I still gotta get you those pics Thailog......I'd still like to see yours!



Ray...could you please PM me your e-mail again.

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I like his take no prisoners approach to a game. If he has a chance to put the game away, he goes for it. We don't sit on a small lead, he tries to take the game over when we can, instead of having the game come to him he goes after the game. In the future, if he has a situation like the Patriots successfully did against the Rams in SB XXXVI, I don't expect to see him playing for overtime when he can win it in regulation. He is not afraid of being 2nd guessed like 3/4 of the NFL coaches are. Buddy Ryan said it years ago when named coach of Arizona, but I think it's more applicable to Mularchy : You've got a winner in town

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I like the way he lately seems to find the right time to run the right play when the opposition absolutely least expects it. Coming to my mind quickly are the onside kick to start the second half, Bledsoe's fake QB sneak, and my personal favorite (can't remember which game) when there were something like 2 seconds left to the end of the 3rd quarter, we just got a first down but went out of bounds to stop the clock, and everyone just figured we'd go with a running play on first, period ends, go to commercial...and he goes play action and deep down the left sideline to Evans.


I know the other coaches probably call the plays, but he brought that attitude with him.

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He's not a steeler anymore...



Bills fans agree with you on that one.


Jerry Sullivan said it best a couple days ago: He has a real toughness while Gregg Williams just tried to project toughness. Williams responded poorly to criticism and yelled and screamed at his athletes. MM responds to criticism by not panicking, staying the course, and just working harder. It seems obvious that the players really respect him.

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I like the fact that he isn't a fat bag of doughnuts.



He's not afraid of his players; especially the 'superstars' and get in their faces if they're phucking things up royally. IIRC, he did that several times during our losing streak.

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I can't pick just one...I have been really impressed from day one--even though I didn't want to be.


1) Very little ego/very self-effacing

2) Smart-Surrounds himself with the best assistants

3) Dry wit/great sense of humor in press conferences

4) Knows when to push the buttons--can sense when guys are dogging it or are tired and gives them the nudge they need.


As I excited as I am about this year...I am more excited about the next 4 and beyond with him as our coach.

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