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This season will now always be special to me.


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This year wasnt the greatest year for me and Im glad to see it end in alot of ways!


The Bills mean more to me than most people close to me know and when they win wether its against the Browns or Jets it gives me a great feeling thats hard to explain.


Back in early September the one thing i was looking forward to was the start of another Bills season after just getting direct tv, watching the simoncast, and getting pumped up, but as you know the season started out poorly!


After watching the dismal heartbreaking start, I took alot of abuse from the guys i watch football with every week and talk to on a weekly basis, and if theres one thing about me, no matter how bad we suck I will never fully admit that to other football fans .....while backing the Bills when people take shots at them even though im very tough on them on this board with you all.


I will never forget in late October 04 when I walked into a local Subway wearing my Bills hat and the kid behind the counter said "I give you credit for wearing that hat'' and as we talked football and made Bledsoe jokes while he was getting my grinder ready, I thought will this team ever show people that we arent a laughing stock and that they are better than what most know of them?


After the Jets win, I felt good for the first time about the Bills since opening day 03 when we beat the sh-- out of the Patsies but then after the Sunday night game and the torment of patriot friends that i have, I came back to earth thinking....its over......its really over this time.



Now wether or not you believe me, I watch every Bills game from start to finish and I dont care if we are 1-13 or are losing by 30....i watch.


After we beat the Rams i realized that we had an easy sched but thought if we beat the seahawks which was a big IF....we did have a decent chance taking a game at a time.


As teams we needed to lose....lost I began to get that feel for the playoffs that I kind of forgot cause its been so long but also said to myself no matter what....this is a special time to be a Bills fan.


Through the amazing run this past month, the Bills gave me alot to cheer for as my favorite team and made Bills football everything i remember growing up as a kid, except with new faces and now when people say negative things about the Bills...it doesnt bother me at all because I know that this team is a good football team and are finally getting some respect which the city, the fans, and the franchise deserve!


It was a rough 04 after many medical problems for my family and my dog passing away of 15 years but for me my escape was football in alot of ways and thats why this season became very emotional to me and seemed to be more special than others i remember!


One of the few bright spots of my year was this great turn-around by the Bills and whatever happens....I will remember it for a very long time.


IM real proud of this team and to be a Bills fan with all you guys.




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This team has brought me more pride this year than I've felt in a long time. i am always proud to be a bills fan, i'll always waer the jersey and hat everywhere i go, but when our team does something amazing like they did this year, well this is when it pays to be the guys who root for the teasm during a 3-13 season.

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Oh cry me a friggin river...


After watching the dismal heartbreaking start, I took alot of abuse from the guys i watch football with every week and talk to on a weekly basis


Rudy dont you realize that you dont watch football with your boys anymore now that you got your sunday ticket nobody sees him on Sundays anymore. Not that I am complaining about that!


but then after the Sunday night game and the torment of patriot friends that i have, I came back to earth thinking....its over......its really over this time.


Thats right we smacked you guys back into reality. If, and I mean "If" you guys make it into the playoffs, we or whoever you guys play in the first round is going to smack you down right beck into reality.


Believe me, from watching Bledsoe for years and years, HE IS AWFUL!!! Put him in Fluffalo and stick a fork in the team, because you guys are done.

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Great post Rudy! I share that same "secret pride". People around me know I love the Bills, but they don't know HOW much. Its been nice in the past couple of weeks having people call and talk about how great the team is playing.

I hope to hell I'm still watching a Bills game next weekend. I don't want the ride to end.

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Thats right we smacked you guys back into reality.  If, and I mean "If" you guys make it into the playoffs, we or whoever you guys play in the first round is going to smack you down right beck into reality.


Believe me, from watching Bledsoe for years and years, HE IS AWFUL!!!  Put him in Fluffalo and stick a fork in the team, because you guys are done.



You can't play us in the first round dimwit because you have a freaking bye.

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After we beat the Rams i realized that we had an easy sched but thought if we beat the seahawks which was a big IF....we did have a decent chance taking a game at a time.


Thats pretty much how I felt except that since I went to the game in seattle it wouldve been ultra-sh------- if we lost. The other night i watched the tape of that game for the first time since nov. 28th(the day we won) and it hadnt occurred to me before but we just blew them out, they weren't even close. AND the bills have only gotten better.


I agree that this really has been a special season, but i'd like to see it capped off with at the very least a playoff birth. But its good to be a winner

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Oh cry me a friggin river...

Rudy dont you realize that you dont watch football with your boys anymore now that you got your sunday ticket nobody sees him on Sundays anymore.  Not that I am complaining about that!

Thats right we smacked you guys back into reality.  If, and I mean "If" you guys make it into the playoffs, we or whoever you guys play in the first round is going to smack you down right beck into reality.


Believe me, from watching Bledsoe for years and years, HE IS AWFUL!!!  Put him in Fluffalo and stick a fork in the team, because you guys are done.



First off--nice post Rudy--explains why you fret so much in times leading up to the games.


Mr. Bradyfan, you seem to have some anger about Rudy getting Sunday Ticket and not inviting you over....I can see why he wouldn't really want you around.


You don't have many friends do you Mr Bradyfan.......that's so sad....how about posting something cathartic like your buddy Rudy just did. It might help you. Your teams have won, and yet there is still an empty anger in you....what could it be...bare your soul to us...we will be understanding and helpful.

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Oh cry me a friggin river...

Rudy dont you realize that you dont watch football with your boys anymore now that you got your sunday ticket nobody sees him on Sundays anymore.  Not that I am complaining about that!

Thats right we smacked you guys back into reality.  If, and I mean "If" you guys make it into the playoffs, we or whoever you guys play in the first round is going to smack you down right beck into reality.


Believe me, from watching Bledsoe for years and years, HE IS AWFUL!!!  Put him in Fluffalo and stick a fork in the team, because you guys are done.




I LOVE this ignore feature...using it now!!!! :ph34r:

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I definitely was most impressed by Buffalo's wins in Seattle and Cincinnati during this run. They went from being a team that could not win on the road to laying the smack down on other teams on the road, and two decent ones at that. Road wins in the NFL just aren't that easy, so to me that really is a sign of a team playing its heart out.


It's unfortunate that there is no control for them on Sunday, but certainly the team deserves a chance to play one more game having won seven in a row if they defeat Pittsburgh. I wish all of you luck for a winning scenario.

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Back in early September the one thing i was looking forward to was the start of another Bills season after just getting direct tv, watching the simoncast, and getting pumped up, but as you know the season started out poorly!


I thought if you were a true Bills fan you would have jumped at the chance to go to Buffalo to see your first Bill's game in Bills country with three friends (two Patriot fans and one Bills fan) to see the Pats @ Bills game. I question the integrity of your loyalty as a Bills Backer. I guess it is easy to root for a team when it is convenient for you and you dont have to do much. You can just sit back at your house and watch it on DirecTV.

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