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Bills and Gailey propose a rule change

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You don't often hear about the Bills proposing rule changes.


It sounds like it was the brainchild of Chan Gailey:


“We proposed that we take the replay review system and take it upstairs to a replay review official that has quicker and easier access up there,” Gailey said in the rules meeting, as shown on NFL Network. “It should reduce the time.”


For fans, both at home and in the stands, it can be frustrating to be caught up in a game only to have it brought to a screeching halt by a lengthy replay review. Gailey argued that the upstairs official can get it done more quickly, to the point where it can be done during a standard commercial break.


“When they go to commercial it’ll be done,” Gailey said.



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I love this idea because they dont have to sit there argue with the players argue with the other refs and it comes down to plain and simple what is the correct call. I'm tired of this BS of refs having the majority of the power. All I want them to do is call penalties and make sure everything is being run right. Hopefully (when a ref throws a flag) and another ref buts in and they bicker about who saw what, someone upstairs can can solve the dispute. In my opinion its just dumb watching them argue for 5 minutes and going with who has more experience. I dont want every play being reviewed for penalties, but if they're unsure and 1 ref already threw a flag then yes by all means

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I've been saying this for years. There's absolutely no reason for the Ref on the field to have to run to a special monitor on the sideline and wait for the video to be cued up before making a decision. If anything, they proved how silly it is this past season when they started reviewing every TD upstairs.

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What...you guys don't want the picture of a man wearing zebra clothes peeking into a dark Monitor screen with his b*** peeking out for the other cameras ? Who will they show as the guy who is making an honest/independent replay...May be if this was done in the booth 12 years ago, they call that forward pass a forward pass and not be worried about a full stadium empyting on him for making the right call....makes too much sense...


BTW, Cricket has been doing this for decades...of having a third umpire who refers to replays for all close calls....

Edited by ganesh
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if you cant get the stevie johnson first down catch in cincy right then something is seriously wrong anyway


just give it to them

Oh my god i was so mad about that. They got it wrong twice. Made we think the game was fixed or the refs had an agenda. That BLOWN CALL cost us the game too. Still mad about it lol

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Am I the only one that couldn't help but read that in Chan's accent?


Now that you mention it. No. But just for the fun of it try reading it to Colton from Survivors voice. Takes on a whole new meaning.

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I'll play devil's advocate here a little bit. This does sound like a good idea. However, this is how they did it the first time around with Instant Replay in the 1980s. That system was stopped because it seemed that there was good ole boy ref system where the guy upstairs was very hesitant to over rule his buddies on the field. They didn't want to make him look bad.


I remember a lot of obvious calls that weren't over ruled in that system. That's why when they brought replay back, they let the ref on the field do it.


So going back to the guy upstairs doing it, instead of getting more calls right, you may get less over rules and worse calls. That's if history repeats itself, which it often does.

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I'll play devil's advocate here a little bit. This does sound like a good idea. However, this is how they did it the first time around with Instant Replay in the 1980s. That system was stopped because it seemed that there was good ole boy ref system where the guy upstairs was very hesitant to over rule his buddies on the field. They didn't want to make him look bad.


I remember a lot of obvious calls that weren't over ruled in that system. That's why when they brought replay back, they let the ref on the field do it.


So going back to the guy upstairs doing it, instead of getting more calls right, you may get less over rules and worse calls. That's if history repeats itself, which it often does.


That's a fair argument. However, couldn't such buddy-buddying be curbed simply by not allowing the replay official(s) to go nameless? I would think there would be more pressure on an official's reputation with not just the league offices, but also in the world of public opinion, than there would be to please his coworkers. Especially in a world these days where an official's name becomes known with simply one or two highly visible tweets.

Edited by West End Stench
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couldn't such buddy-buddying be curbed simply by not allowing the replay official(s) to go nameless?

The replay officials did not go nameless in the 1980s. They even showed them on TV. It is a different world now than it was then, so maybe it wouldn't be an issue. Now that other leagues have it and calls are regularly overturned, booth refs might no be as hesitant over turn their on field buds.

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We've been saying this for a long time. Nobody cares that they can SEE the official looking at the replay on the field. It's like, wait are you kidding me? you're actually wheeling out a television in the snow for an official to look at the replay when you have a high speed machine and a bank of monitors upstairs?


If they're so worried about some mysterious officiating then put a camera on the official in the upstairs booth.


I'm not kidding when I say I have tivo'd NFL games on a delayed start just so I don't have to sit there and watch the super slow mo replays over and over and over again.


And TIVO kills advertising revenue because people just blow by the ads, the NFL should know that. The advertisers do.

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