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We need a QB!

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Here's a good article on what Tannehill offers and why if we did take him we would need to let Fitz know this is still his team but Tannehill could be the future (in a couple years)


My link



I am confused as to why the organization would have to let Fitzpatrick know that this was "his team". To me, if they like Tannehill, and he's available, you draft him. As for Fitzpatrick, there is nothing in his resume that leads me to believe that he should be anointed the starting job without any semblance of competition. Let's face it, he's not exactly Jim Kelly; heck, he's not even a Flutie. In two years as a starter, he has been quite good at times, and God-awful at others. Inconsistent is the best term to describe his play. To me, if there's a viable option, either in the draft or free agency, that would improve the talent level at that position, you pull the trigger. Fitzpatrick's feelings are of no consequence. He should have someone looking over his shoulder, vying for his job. Competition breeds success. All Fitzpatrick has proven, to this point, is that he's maddeningly inconsistent.

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I'm OK with Fitz. What I'm not OK with is the fact that we now know he was fairly significantly injured midway through last season and it affected his play. And yet, we kept him in. To me that means we have zero confidence (justified) in our backups. With the moves we're making, I'd hate to see one injury to Fitz end our season.



BJ Coleman, Kirk cousins or Brock Osweiler. We should have drafted Mallett last year and we could have won some of those games when Fitzy was hurt. And he wasn't some statue in the pocket either I watched a half a dozen of his games and he was quite the runner. His only downside was bad decision making under pressure but what QB doesn't.

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I like Aaron Corp from Richmond in the 5th. He's tall,smart and has just enough arm. But he looks like a guy who might be able to get a little bump in arm strength, if his footwork and mechanics get cleaned up just a little.

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I think there's something fundamentally wrong with having a QB you're just "OK" with.


I'm sure after last season, the Niners were ok with Alex Smith. He performed more than adequately in most areas. Yet, Lo and behold, they're working out Peyton Manning! Why? because they know what everyone else who isn't blinded by fanhood knows.


"OK" will not get you to the next level. And if by some miracle, it does, it will not keep you there. NFL Franchises serious about winning championships should always be looking to upgrade "OK" players.


Still, I'm curious, -what makes people "OK" with Fitz? Is it the fact that he threw more INT's than anyone else in the league last season? OR is it because he CHOSE to play hurt half the season for fear of losing his lucrative job?


Whatever the reasoning is, It is INSANE to build a dominating defense, just so some "OK" QB can keep them on the field ALL DAY. Sooner, or later, that will make them look bad. -No offense to the OP, but something else needs to be worked out. F@#k a backup. We need a guy that's looking to take Fitzpatrick's job. If for no other reason than to assure some type of quality control, and consistency when it comes to his performance.


That's my solution. Keep Fitz looking over his shoulder, and I guarantee you the beard (and the afternoons) won't be that long.

+100 %


No chance, this team is good when healthy. Our problem was a lack of depth, not talent

Disagree 100 % QB and lack of pass rush kept us from progressing. The Bills are better than 6-10 but not close to a contender with a turnover machine behind center AND that's why there are do many" Fitz sucks !!" topics.


So you're happy with a 5,000 to 1 shot? :devil:

If they don't draft Tannehil, then B.J. Coleman looks like a guy with great potential and you could get him in the middle rounds. He, like most rookie QB's would need 2-3 years.


Oh, and 5,000 to 1 is still better than 0 %, which what are chances of winning a Superbowl with this QB is.

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+100 %



Disagree 100 % QB and lack of pass rush kept us from progressing. The Bills are better than 6-10 but not close to a contender with a turnover machine behind center AND that's why there are do many" Fitz sucks !!" topics.



If they don't draft Tannehil, then B.J. Coleman looks like a guy with great potential and you could get him in the middle rounds. He, like most rookie QB's would need 2-3 years.


Oh, and 5,000 to 1 is still better than 0 %, which what are chances of winning a Superbowl with this QB is.


100% positively absolutely pefectly correct on ALL of your points!

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This is THE most insightful post on this board in a long time. Congratulations #34fan. You are an intelligent person.


Fitzpatrick is a weak link in this weak offensive unit.


I was thinking this morning of Mario Williams getting tired of being on the field so long because the offense goes 3 and out so much. I see him getting bored very quick!


Again, congratulations on your awesome post.


And so original too - no one else on the board here has ever expressed such sentiments in a similar way.


If this sort of thing is a coming trend, be sure to do your lip pushups regular. No sense in flabby asset osculation. :flirt:


Disagree 100 % QB and lack of pass rush kept us from progressing. The Bills are better than 6-10 but not close to a contender with a turnover machine behind center AND that's why there are do many" Fitz sucks !!" topics.


Yeah no team could ever win the Superbowl with a QB who led the league in INTs the previous year :rolleyes:. If the QB is even top three in the league for picks, you should throw him in the trash and start over. :thumbsup:

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Yeah no team could ever win the Superbowl with a QB who led the league in INTs the previous year. If the QB is even top three in the league for picks, you should throw him in the trash and start over.


...that's about right!


We Need A New Quarterback (not to mention several more key offense players)! Fitzpatrick can't get the Buffalo Bills to the playoffs! He can't last a full season!



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I think you missed the sarcasm here.


Nope! I detected the sarcasm - which is why I removed the Emoticons.


I have no time for sarcasm.


We need a new QB ASAP or we're looking at 8-8 with most of the losses happening at the end of the season when everyone on the team has given up.


P.S. I have not purchased any new Bills tickets or any Bills merchandise. When I see a playoff contender I'll start to buy.

Edited by PearlHowardman
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And so original too - no one else on the board here has ever expressed such sentiments in a similar way.


If this sort of thing is a coming trend, be sure to do your lip pushups regular. No sense in flabby asset osculation. :flirt:




Yeah no team could ever win the Superbowl with a QB who led the league in INTs the previous year If the QB is even top three in the league for picks, you should throw him in the trash and start over. :thumbsup:

The old strawman argument. Nobody ever said that or insuated that. What a bad post. Too bad so many Bills fans have become so desensitized to losing and are happy with mediocrity.

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I'm OK with Fitz. What I'm not OK with is the fact that we now know he was fairly significantly injured midway through last season and it affected his play. And yet, we kept him in. To me that means we have zero confidence (justified) in our backups. With the moves we're making, I'd hate to see one injury to Fitz end our season.




I do think they will upgrade from Thigpen. Either by the draft or free agency. My guess is that it's Wilson from Wisconsin. Yes I know he is too short but he has the strongest arm of the mid to late round QB's dHe is very smart and elusive. He fits Gailey's system. He looks like a very good career backup to me.

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