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Obama Calls Sandra Fluke to Console Her

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While I think his phone call apology was a bit over the top, I do commend the gesture. The problem is that you can't do it for everybody.


Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann (and many others) deserve the same courtesy as Ms. Fluke (and I don't mean from the office of the President- I mean from everyone)




What exactly was the gesture that you are commending?


Who exactly deserves such a gesture from the POTUS?

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Freedom requires free birth control. Without free birth control, women are sexually enslaved.



(The organization that Fluke represents...that's their position on the matter. Seriously.)


So, they completely absolve themselves from responsibilty for a consensual act, and compare themselves to slaves if the are not given "birth control" that is actually utilized before the act..............


Wow, if I had been the GOP, I would have called her first before the committee (even though the hearing was NOT about contraception at all)




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So, they completely absolve themselves from responsibilty for a consensual act, and compare themselves to slaves if the are not given "birth control" that is actually utilized before the act..............


Wow, if I had been the GOP, I would have called her first before the committee (even though the hearing was NOT about contraception at all)





I think it's the other way around: they're not free to make the choice to have sex in the absence of birth control, because their freedom of choice is constrained by the possibility of getting pregnant.


But who knows? It's just !@#$ing retarded.

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What exactly was the gesture that you are commending?


Who exactly deserves such a gesture from the POTUS?

I think it was nice of him, but I was saying that unless he is going to call everyone that is insulted in that manner, it may be best not to do it.


I may or may not agree with you.

You may or not be right. This is probably the result of our opposing avatars.


Equivicate, equivicate, dance to the music....................................

You apparently haven't seen me bust a move on the dance floor. Do you disagree that Palin and Bachmann were wronged in the same way?

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I think it was nice of him, but I was saying that unless he is going to call everyone that is insulted in that manner, it may be best not to do it.


I'm curious how you define the gesture in order to conclude that it was "nice".


One might think it was nice if it was sincere phone call to potentially give comfort to the woman.


Someone else might conclude that it was self-serving and asinine phone call that really had the desired effect of trying to denigrate a third party, and in all actuality had nothing to do with Ms. Fluke.


How are you defining the gesture?

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I'm curious how you define the gesture in order to conclude that it was "nice".


One might think it was nice if it was sincere phone call to potentially give comfort to the woman.


Someone else might conclude that it was self-serving and asinine phone call that really had the desired effect of trying to denigrate a third party, and in all actuality had nothing to do with Ms. Fluke.


How are you defining the gesture?

Um, by giving the benefit of the doubt. I won't say that I am not skeptical about it, but he probably would have been better served by not doing it- which is what I meant about him not doing it for everybody. Had I done it, it clearly would have been for the right reasons. Or it could have been the wrong reasons- I'm not sure. What was I talking about?

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Um, by giving the benefit of the doubt. I won't say that I am not skeptical about it, but he probably would have been better served by not doing it- which is what I meant about him not doing it for everybody. Had I done it, it clearly would have been for the right reasons. Or it could have been the wrong reasons- I'm not sure. What was I talking about?


Do you admit confirming not denying that you may not have disagreed with him?

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CHICAGO -- While slamming Mitt Romney for not standing up to the “strident voices” on his side, a top Obama advisor is planning to spend some quality time with one on his own, The Daily has learned.


David Axelrod, President Obama's senior campaign strategist, is scheduled to appear on Bill Maher's late-night talk show within the next few weeks, according to Kelley Carville, an HBO spokesman.


As the controversy over Rush Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke continued, a former Obama White House official today joined Republicans in pointing out that Maher, who recently donated $1 million to a pro-Obama super PAC, has a history of his misogynistic slurs.


Last year, he was rebuked by the National Organization for Women for calling Sarah Palin a "dumb tw*t."


“palin is right to point out that bill maher has said some pretty disgusting things about women, comedian or not. they are rush like,” Austan Goolsbee, the former chairman of President Obama’s Council on Economic Advisors, and currently a professor at the University of Chicago, tweeted.


After Obama spoke with Fluke, the Georgetown University Law Student called a “slut” and “prostitute” by Limbaugh, Palin challenged Priorities USA to return Maher’s donation.


"Pres. Obama says he called Sandra Fluke because of his daughters. For the sake of everyone's daughter, why doesn't his super PAC return the $1 million he got from a rabid misogynist?," Palin wrote Tuesday on her Facebook page.


In a conference call with reporters today, Axelrod invoked Limbaugh on several occasions.


“He’s going to continue to lose independent voters when he walks away from issues like the one involving Rush Limbaugh last week, where he essentially refused to comment on what was a really egregious set of comments by Limbaugh,” Axelrod said. “Why? Because he’s afraid to challenge a guy who’s the de-facto head of his party.”

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The war on conservative women

By Michelle Malkin • March 7, 2012


I’m sorry Rush Limbaugh called 30-year-old Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut.” She’s really just another professional femme-a-gogue helping to manufacture a false narrative about the GOP “war on women.” I’m sorry the civility police now have an opening to demonize the entire right based on one radio comment — because it’s the progressive left in this country that has viciously and systematically slimed female conservatives for their beliefs.


We have the well-worn battle scars to prove it. And no, we don’t need coddling phone calls from the pandering president of the United States to convince us to stand up and fight.


At his first press conference of the year on Tuesday, the Nation’s Concern Troll explained that he phoned Fluke to send a message to his daughters and all women that they shouldn’t be “attacked or called horrible names because they are being good citizens.” After inserting himself into the fray and dragging Sasha and Malia into the debate, Obama then told a reporter he “didn’t want to get into the business of arbitrating” language and civility. Too late, pal.


The fact is, “slut” is one of the nicer things I’ve been called over 20 years of public life. In college during the late 1980s, it was “race traitor,” “coconut” (brown on the outside white on the inside) and “white man’s puppet.” After my first book, “Invasion,” came out in 2001, it was “immigrant-hater,” the “Radical Right’s Asian Pitbull,” “Tokyo Rose” and “Aunt Tomasina.” In my third book, 2005′s “Unhinged,” I published entire chapters of hate mail rife with degrading, unprintable sexual epithets and mockery of my Filipino heritage.


If I had a dollar for every time libs have called me a “Manila whore” and “Subic Bay bar girl,” I’d be able to pay for a ticket to a Hollywood-for-Obama fundraiser. To the HuffPo left, whore is my middle name.




And then there’s the left’s war on Sarah Palin, which would require an entire national forest of trees to publish.


A reporter asked Obama to comment on examples of liberal hate speech at Tuesday’s press conference. He whiffed, of course. This is, after all, the brave leader who sat on his hands while his street thugs attacked tea party mothers and grandmothers as “Koch whores” during the fight over union reform in Wisconsin

So no, we won’t get any phone calls from Mr. Civility. Acknowledging the war on conservative women would obliterate The Narrative.


Enjoy the silence.



Michelle Malkin

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Hypocrisy at it's most ugly...





It was sad that no one asked the president why he accepted Bill Maher's million dollar donation at the press conference after Obama's almost tearful reflection about the effect such language could have on his daughter's lives. Just don't grow up to be conservative women. According to him, these liberal congresswomen and the MSM, you would obviously deserve it.

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You repubs really need to get off this because you are looking foolish.


Mr. Limbaw who I think might be Alaska Darin based on the way their opinions line up, is a political commentator. His target is an ordinary broad who just wants some free pills. He called her a slut and it has since come out that she is a lesbian. Sure, lesbians can hop from bed to bed but I don't think you can technically be a slut without several men being part of the equation. So now not only is a political commentator saying mean things about a regular everyday person, but they are even wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if she owned his radio show soon, Personally I don't think she needs free pills and may want to take a biology course while she is at Georgetown but that is besides the point.


Mr. Maher on the other hand went after a public figure and called her some really mean names. I don't like it but he is not a political guy, he is a comedian. You might think he is funny or not but the ultimate measure of success for a comedian, or anyone else for that matter is good old $$$$$$$$$$. If he can only afford to give a million of them to Obama he might not be doing so well but maybe he just doesn't like Obama so much. Anyway he is making enough $$$$$$$$ so therefore he is funny. All sorts of people like all sorts of comedy so just because you don't like him calling people mean names doesn't mean you get to write his act for him. Get over yourself already. These poor congresswomen were put on the spot for their taste in comedy by this idiot reporter? Really? Come on. You are grasping at straws here.


If I were a repub I would focus on illegal immigration as pretty much everyone is sick of looking around and seeing Mexicans stealing jobs and Canadians stealing welfare checks and dental care. If they don't do this they will lose.

Edited by ieatcrayonz
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You repubs really need to get off this because you are looking foolish.


Mr. Maher on the other hand went after a public figure and called her some really mean names. I don't like it but he is not a political guy, he is a comedian. You might think he is funny or not but the ultimate measure of success for a comedian, or anyone else for that matter is good old $$$$$$$$$$. If he can only afford to give a million of them to Obama he might not be doing so well but maybe he just doesn't like Obama so much. Anyway he is making enough $$$$$$$$ so therefore he is funny. All sorts of people like all sorts of comedy so just because you don't like him calling people mean names doesn't mean you get to write his act for him. Get over yourself already.


These poor congresswomen were put on the spot for their taste in comedy by this idiot reporter? Really? Come on. You are grasping at straws here.


If I were a repub I would focus on illegal immigration as pretty much everyone is sick of looking around and seeing Mexicans stealing jobs and Canadians stealing welfare checks and dental care. If they don't do this they will lose.



Thanks for your free advice, but continuing to point out the biases and hypocrisy in the media and dem "leaders" does not make anyone look foolish.


Your simplistic rationalizations, along with what has to be the funniest line of the week (these poor congresswomen.....lol) has made my morning.





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Thanks for your free advice, but continuing to point out the biases and hypocrisy in the media and dem "leaders" does not make anyone look foolish.


Your simplistic rationalizations, along with what has to be the funniest line of the week (these poor congresswomen.....lol) has made my morning.







OK whatever. Be careful not to spill your coffee with those blinders on.

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You repubs really need to get off this because you are looking foolish.


Mr. Limbaw who I think might be Alaska Darin based on the way their opinions line up, is a political commentator. His target is an ordinary broad who just wants some free pills. He called her a slut and it has since come out that she is a lesbian. Sure, lesbians can hop from bed to bed but I don't think you can technically be a slut without several men being part of the equation. So now not only is a political commentator saying mean things about a regular everyday person, but they are even wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if she owned his radio show soon, Personally I don't think she needs free pills and may want to take a biology course while she is at Georgetown but that is besides the point.


Mr. Maher on the other hand went after a public figure and called her some really mean names. I don't like it but he is not a political guy, he is a comedian. You might think he is funny or not but the ultimate measure of success for a comedian, or anyone else for that matter is good old $$. If he can only afford to give a million of them to Obama he might not be doing so well but maybe he just doesn't like Obama so much. Anyway he is making enough $ so therefore he is funny. All sorts of people like all sorts of comedy so just because you don't like him calling people mean names doesn't mean you get to write his act for him. Get over yourself already. These poor congresswomen were put on the spot for their taste in comedy by this idiot reporter? Really? Come on. You are grasping at straws here.


If I were a repub I would focus on illegal immigration as pretty much everyone is sick of looking around and seeing Mexicans stealing jobs and Canadians stealing welfare checks and dental care. If they don't do this they will lose.

Mr. Maher IS a political commentator. The show that was cancelled on ABC wasn't callled Bill Mahers Comedy Hour. It was called Politically Incorrect. His current show on HBO is called Real Time in reference to current political events. His guests are Political: Political Operatives and Political Pundits. He's a frequent guest of MSNBC's political commentary shows.



Mrs. Palin, despite being a politician is still a citizen. Mrs. Bachmann is as well. They both are daughters, wives, and mothers.

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Mr. Maher IS a political commentator. The show that was cancelled on ABC wasn't callled Bill Mahers Comedy Hour. It was called Politically Incorrect. His current show on HBO is called Real Time in reference to current political events. His guests are Political: Political Operatives and Political Pundits. He's a frequent guest of MSNBC's political commentary shows.




Day by Day



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Mr. Maher IS a political commentator. The show that was cancelled on ABC wasn't callled Bill Mahers Comedy Hour. It was called Politically Incorrect. His current show on HBO is called Real Time in reference to current political events. His guests are Political: Political Operatives and Political Pundits. He's a frequent guest of MSNBC's political commentary shows.



Mrs. Palin, despite being a politician is still a citizen. Mrs. Bachmann is as well. They both are daughters, wives, and mothers.



Cry me a river of fake tears. Geez. When they sign up for politics they sign up to have comedians AND political commentators call them names. Maher talks about politics but as a joke. It is like Bill Cosby talking about his kids. It is just material. I don't remember any repubs complaining about the treatment Ferraro received but they sure cry about Palin's private parts from a funnyman. Personally I don't think he is that funny but a lot of people do because he makes boo koo bucks.


Anyway, Rush lambasted a college kid which is a lot different.

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Cry me a river of fake tears. Geez. When they sign up for politics they sign up to have comedians AND political commentators call them names. Maher talks about politics but as a joke. It is like Bill Cosby talking about his kids. It is just material. I don't remember any repubs complaining about the treatment Ferraro received but they sure cry about Palin's private parts from a funnyman. Personally I don't think he is that funny but a lot of people do because he makes boo koo bucks.


Anyway, Rush lambasted a college kid which is a lot different.



Correction, a 30 year old women who injected herself into a political issue via her testimony at a congressional hearing. Calling a women such names is wrong no matter who it is. However, if you want to qualify it only to political types then she was fair game according to the liberal's rules of misogyny.


So it's a-ok for liberals if Rush called Hillary a c*** or t***? Yeah right.

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