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Another Kennedy thinks he's too important to follow directions

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Nope. I'm suggesting that the people "on duty" should probably know the immediate parents of the freakin' children they're caring for. It's one of my pet peeves when it comes to care. I also have a hard time believing that every person who works in that ward doesn't know which baby is the Kennedy. Mostly because I live in reality.


I have no idea, Encyclopedia Brown. I do know that far too many people who are in that line of work are bullies who treat people poorly and abuse their positions, hiding behind things like "liability" and "rules" (before all you health care people start in, pretend I'm not talking about you as an individual). We've become patently ridiculous as a society and are surprised when someone acts unfavorably in response to a system that's run completely awry because lawyers and government touch virtually every facet of our lives.

I agree completely that people in medical services tending to act like !@#$s & I'm all for telling them to !@#$ off. That doesn't excuse him doing what he did. I don't know the circumstances surrounding this and who knew what & when who arrived where. I know if RFK Jr walked up to me I wouldn't know who the !@#$ he was. Not everyone's in to celebrity hero worship.


I do know if that was my wife or daughter he threw on the ground he'd be eating through a straw right now.

Edited by Rob's House
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Nope. I'm suggesting that the people "on duty" should probably know the immediate parents of the freakin' children they're caring for. It's one of my pet peeves when it comes to care. I also have a hard time believing that every person who works in that ward doesn't know which baby is the Kennedy. Mostly because I live in reality.


I have no idea, Encyclopedia Brown. I do know that far too many people who are in that line of work are bullies who treat people poorly and abuse their positions, hiding behind things like "liability" and "rules" (before all you health care people start in, pretend I'm not talking about you as an individual). We've become patently ridiculous as a society and are surprised when someone acts unfavorably in response to a system that's run completely awry because lawyers and government touch virtually every facet of our lives.


The thing is, while they may rightly know who the listed parents are, they do not know the inner workings of the marriage/relationship between a couple. Who's to say that Mr. Kennedy didn't have a plane waiting to take him to Venezuela or if he was just going to disappear into the street with another identity because he wanted a divorce? Maybe it's rare, but it can happen. This is the theory of why rules are the way they are. As long as the baby is under their charge, it's their responsibility to ensure proper possession. If one of the parents is going to leave the hospital with the baby, protocol needs to be followed. It wouldn't have been a problem if he had just cleared it with them first and there was at least a verbal consent from his wife. Once they've signed discharge papers and are wheeled to the door, then it's the couple's deal. But while they're in the hospital, words like "liability" is one of those things people poo-poo... and yet, if something does go wrong, the hospital is on the hook for $X million lawsuit. Don't blame them for having the rule when the legal and $ penalty for not following the rule is so high.


He is an "investigative reporter" for FOX, with a concentration in health care, according to wiki. And just remember, this is a man who once rented a plane to fly over a nuclear power plant shortly after 9/11, just to make a (retarded) point. I would say it's within the realm of possibility that he was looking to make a spectacle of himself again.


You'd be wrong. Effectively, they're the hospitals' until they're discharged.


Same thing with kids in school: during school hours, the kids are the school's.


It's about proper custody.


Walk into the office and tell the principal's secretary that you need to take your child out of school and there's nothing they can do as long as you haven't had parenting rights / guardian status removed.


Walk into the cafeteria at lunch and lead junior out the door, expect to have a problem even if the teachers assigned to lunch monitoring know you.

Edited by UConn James
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I know if RFK Jr walked up to me I wouldn't know who the !@#$ he was. Not everyone's in to celebrity hero worship.

It has nothing to do with celebrity or hero worship. If you're in a job that has concerns about liability, they tell you who could make your life the most miserable. If they don't, that's just piss poor management.

I do know if that was my wife or daughter he threw on the ground he'd be eating through a straw right now.

So it's not OK for him to protect his kid from what he perceived as a threat but you can beat his ass by proxy? Thanks for playing my game.


You'd be wrong. Effectively, they're the hospitals' until they're discharged.

Duh. That's just another example of how !@#$ed up we've gotten because we let lawyers and politicians dictate everything.

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It has nothing to do with celebrity or hero worship. If you're in a job that has concerns about liability, they tell you who could make your life the most miserable. If they don't, that's just piss poor management.


So it's not OK for him to protect his kid from what he perceived as a threat but you can beat his ass by proxy? Thanks for playing my game.



Duh. That's just another example of how !@#$ed up we've gotten because we let lawyers and politicians dictate everything.



I know we disagree on a lot of things... I was wondering from the get go when your strong libertarian beliefs would chime in!




Anyway... I am not saying that I can't work within the system... I surely do everyday. Darin, you are spot on. I will be the first to admit, when I act lazy, I fall into the trap the nurses did with a character like Kennedy!

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