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Bills slighted in article on Maher tweet

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From CNN article "Bill Maher Takes on Tim Tebow .... "


*An earlier version of this story incorrectly had the Detroit Lions as the Broncos opponent. We regret the error and apologize to Bills fans everywhere. They have suffered enough this season.



Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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I was at the Broncos/Bills game...there were plenty of equally caustic comments hurled at Tebow that day by fans. There was one fan with a sign, with a Tebow as Christ drawing that read, "Tebow: Your God Has Forsaken You". More than once, chants of "Tebow is an !@#$", etc etc...


I will admit, I like Maher, and this won't change my opinion of him...but I do feel like the anti-Tebow sentiment that exists out there is a little off-base.

Edited by Buftex
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hes said far worse about tebow on realtime. hes a atheist and religion is dumb to him . its funny people are mad at him for that. freedom of speech only works when you agree with what we think is the message i get. hes a comedian and says stuff to make some laugh. its what he does.

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hes said far worse about tebow on realtime. hes a atheist and religion is dumb to him . its funny people are mad at him for that. freedom of speech only works when you agree with what we think is the message i get. hes a comedian and says stuff to make some laugh. its what he does.


Maher's a comedian? Hahahaha - that is the funnier than anything that's ever come out of his mouth!


I love Sally Jenkins and this article shows why:

Set aside the intriguing question of whether Maher would have the nerve if Tebow were Muslim. Or whether he’s funny. (He’s not, really. Monty Python is.)


Ride Sally Ride

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Maher's a comedian? Hahahaha - that is the funnier than anything that's ever come out of his mouth!


I love Sally Jenkins and this article shows why:

Set aside the intriguing question of whether Maher would have the nerve if Tebow were Muslim. Or whether he’s funny. (He’s not, really. Monty Python is.)


Ride Sally Ride


My response to Sally's notion is, think about how popular would Tebow be in America if he indeed was a Muslim, who praised Allah at every opportunity. Would Christians be defending the passion he has for his beliefs so vigorously?

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Mahers a twat. I'm not religious but I respect those who are and would never attack them in this way. What's more he's a hypocrite. Portends to dislike all religious equally but really only shows contempt for Christians and Muslims while being a blatant propogandist for Israel. I don't have Hbo because it sucks but I did I'd cancel it and make it clear he's the reason.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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hes said far worse about tebow on realtime. hes a atheist and religion is dumb to him . its funny people are mad at him for that. freedom of speech only works when you agree with what we think is the message i get. hes a comedian and says stuff to make some laugh. its what he does.

You are right, Bill Maher has every right to his opinions on religion and God. I don't however, find him the least bit funny. I think he is a hateful, God bashing idiot. That is my opinion. I respect his right to express his views. I just don't have to give them any credence.


My response to Sally's notion is, think about how popular would Tebow be in America if he indeed was a Muslim, who praised Allah at every opportunity. Would Christians be defending the passion he has for his beliefs so vigorously?

I don't recall much of a backlash when one of the greatest athletes of all time praised Allah at every opportunity. That man was Muhammad Ali and millions of fans loved him regardless of what religion he was affiliated with. I think Christians in America are very tolerant of all religions and that is one of the basic ideas that the founding fathers fought for. Freedom of religion is one of the cornerstones of American values. It is extremism that is the problem, not religion. Anyone who says that others have to die because they practice a different religion, does not understand what their own religion is all about. Tebow has every right to wear his beliefs on his sleeve. It shows that he truly is a man of faith, who is not afraid of the backlash.

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You are right, Bill Maher has every right to his opinions on religion and God. I don't however, find him the least bit funny. I think he is a hateful, God bashing idiot. That is my opinion. I respect his right to express his views. I just don't have to give them any credence.



I don't recall much of a backlash when one of the greatest athletes of all time praised Allah at every opportunity. That man was Muhammad Ali and millions of fans loved him regardless of what religion he was affiliated with. I think Christians in America are very tolerant of all religions and that is one of the basic ideas that the founding fathers fought for. Freedom of religion is one of the cornerstones of American values. It is extremism that is the problem, not religion. Anyone who says that others have to die because they practice a different religion, does not understand what their own religion is all about. Tebow has every right to wear his beliefs on his sleeve. It shows that he truly is a man of faith, who is not afraid of the backlash.




Ali was the most beloved and the most famous person on the planet. I loved him as a kid.


As for 808, it is still freedom of speech. Maher has the freedom to say something idiotic and unfunny and we have the freedom to call him on it.

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I don't recall much of a backlash when one of the greatest athletes of all time praised Allah at every opportunity. That man was Muhammad Ali and millions of fans loved him regardless of what religion he was affiliated with. I think Christians in America are very tolerant of all religions and that is one of the basic ideas that the founding fathers fought for.

That's an interesting comparison. I grew up in a white, middle-class to upper middle class neighborhood… Williamsville. I was born in 1961.


I don't know how old you are but Ali was a very polarizing person… many people viewed him as an "uppity n_gger" and he was never beloved until much later in his life. Some people admired him for his principled stances regarding social issues AND many people hated him.


His decision to be a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, his pomposity and ego, all those things triggered a great deal of dislike for Ali.


As far as Islam in Ali's day, there was not the widespread dislike of the religion you find today but Ali was a disciple of Elijah Muhammad who was a founder of The Nation of Islam along with Malcolm X. These people were viewed by many as militant blacks during the rise of "Black Power" and was another big reason people disliked Ali.



On the other hand, Islam is not viewed the same today as it was in Ali's day. Islam is much more villified than it was before.


I love this country and am a patriotic American but I disagree with your statement that "Christians in America are very tolerant of all religions."


I'm a pretty mainstream guy and every day I hear Christians that I know socially and through work, saying the most hateful and negative things about Islam.



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I'm one year younger than you, SJ, and my memory of the people who disliked him were mostly WWII vets who hated the fact that he wouldn't serve. I think white people were scared of the Black Power/Nation of Islam thing more than offput as some are with Tebow. It was a very bad time racially in this country. And, I think it was more about race than religion.

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personally i could give a shet what he says. i think the reason he attacks christian/muslim beliefs is because they are the largest religious groups and easy to pick apart some of the insane beliefs of both groups. its like shooting fish in a barrel for him and his crowd that thinks its amusing. i find it amusing but i think religion is useless to me. do i care if other people like it? no. should religious people care that i dont care for it? no.




on a side note if people are gonna cancel their HBO because of the things mahr said is against their personal beliefs isnt that weird that they even have HBO? i mean the shows on HBO are not exactly the most christian friendly shows. id think they are pretty much against all that is HBO right?

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I'm one year younger than you, SJ, and my memory of the people who disliked him were mostly WWII vets who hated the fact that he wouldn't serve. I think white people were scared of the Black Power/Nation of Islam thing more than offput as some are with Tebow. It was a very bad time racially in this country. And, I think it was more about race than religion.

Interesting perspective about these two individuals. With regards to Ali, I sometimes wonder why the man is so beloved to this day. Sure he was a great boxer and no one could deny that. As a person he did not come off as all that likeable. He was a constant trash talker, always belittling his opponents;some of the things he said about Joe Frazier were downright racist. His vanity was almost as big as his ego. Also he put down America numerous times, despite all the opportunities he got from this country. The Vietnam thing is a different story, since he chose not to fight over there, fine, that's his decision. Not to mention that he cheated on all of his wives. Ali was quite a slimy person, and yet he's still hailed and loved for his boxing achievements, and he gets to light the torch at the Olympics in Atlanta.


Very interesting how Ali is beloved and how Tebow is scorned.


That's another thing I am at loss with Tebow. Why are people so obsessed with the man? How many players, not just in football, but in all sports giving thanks to God? Yet Tebow is the one singled out. Can someone please explain it to me. Because, I don't get it.


One last thing. Who in the hell is Bill Maher anyway?

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I don't recall much of a backlash when one of the greatest athletes of all time praised Allah at every opportunity. That man was Muhammad Ali and millions of fans loved him regardless of what religion he was affiliated with. I think Christians in America are very tolerant of all religions and that is one of the basic ideas that the founding fathers fought for. Freedom of religion is one of the cornerstones of American values. It is extremism that is the problem, not religion. Anyone who says that others have to die because they practice a different religion, does not understand what their own religion is all about. Tebow has every right to wear his beliefs on his sleeve. It shows that he truly is a man of faith, who is not afraid of the backlash.



Where were all the 'tolerant' Christians coming out to defend Muslims when they were building a mosque 2 blocks away from the WTC site?


And why would Sally even insinuate that Maher wouldn't dare tweet something that if Tebow was a Muslim? Is she inferring it's because Islam is a violent religion and he would be afraid of the consequences?


I'm not really noticing this widespread Christian tolerance you speak of.

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