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House cleaning coming

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Nope. This staff will be here till Ralph dies. They are doing exactly what he said, BS the fanbase into thinking Nix can build a winner through the draft and don't spend crap in Free Agency. All the time claiming it was the previous GM's/ Coaches faults.

Would you rather have Jauron right now? Seriously? Out of all of the HC's we've had the last 10 years, which one is having success as a HC elsewhere? Are Donahoe and Levy working anywhere building a winning team right now?

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Would you rather have Jauron right now? Seriously? Out of all of the HC's we've had the last 10 years, which one is having success as a HC elsewhere? Are Donahoe and Levy working anywhere building a winning team right now?


Wasn't Jauron 7-9 all 3 years? What was Gailey last year? What does it look like this year? The only difference between the two is one was 'Eeyore' and one is a hick that somewhat tells it straight that the team sucks. Say it, don't say it in the end it all = this team stinks.


Then stop posting, seriously. Most of us have faith that the Bills will remain in Buffalo and will finally get it right.


Define 'Most'. From all I read on anything having to do with the Bills 'most' agree and are finally coming to the realization it is what it is. And out of curiosity what Billionaire (since there are a limited number in the US) is going to sink nearly a billion dollars in this franchise and keep them in a market they won't see a ROI on? See you still think and talk like a fan, I am coming from a realistic fan standpoint that has zero vested interest in the city of Buffalo or surrounding communities. I also see it from not only a fan standpoint but a business one as well, as will anyone thinking of buying this team.


Although I love the people of Buffalo and they are hands down the best collection of people I have met in my travels, there is no way in hell I would keep the team there it is just bad BUSINESS and I AM A FAN saying that. If Jim Kelly honestly has backers that will make him the guy who runs the Bills and he kept them in Buffalo, we will now see why his previous businesses went bankrupt, he has no concept of how to run a successful business.


Now I will say if the Fans of the Bills actually want to pay realistic ticket prices, Businesses will pay realistic prices on luxury suites and buy them, someone will pay for naming rights, the County will pony up hundreds of millions for a new stadium on the riverfront... ok it has a shot. A slim one but a shot none the less. And I can tell you for ME to keep that team there that in addition to what I previously listed I would make PSL's mandatory.


Now Local Buffalo fans will say 'but we can't afford that/ this economy can't support that'. I will counter with 'Exactly' which is why they will end up moving.

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Face it. Whatever this staff is doing,which isn`t much. Is going to be wiped clean with a new owner, in the near future. So we will be going in another direction soon. Another rebuilding stint. Just hope it`s in Buff. I`m not getting any younger.

All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong. I will also tell you that it is about 99% sure that the Bills will be in Buffalo for the forseeable future. I can not provide specifics so don't ask. I do however know what I've been told and nothing is a sure thing so I can not say 100% but I know that there is a plan in place. I will also say that the building blocks are in place for this team.

I also believe, and I am far from a conspiracy theorist, the NFL officiating has been unkind to the Buffalo pass rush all year and opposing teams know it when they look at film. The come into to Buffalo week knowing that they can HOLD and it won't be called. All the bad calls aside the lack of holding calls is my single biggest problem with officiating in Buffalo games this year. I watch alot of Football and it is definitely just Buffalo games that holding is not called in. I am surprised that the Bills coaching staff has not spoken out publically yet. It in my opinion has change the outcome of at least 3 of Buffalo's losses (Cincy, Giants, Jets II). I also believe it made the Raiders game closer than it really was.

Is it a League directive? that would be most unfortunate. Is it simply that the Bills need to demonstrate that they can overcome bad officiating before their given respect. I have been a fan for a very long time. I started watching and remembering games in 1978. This change in the NFL officiating really started in about 1995-1996 it was at this point that penalties started to influence the outcome of games much more than in the past. Anyone who argues this I would point to teams like The Raiders and even the 49ers who would incur many penalties and still win. This is because these penalties were not thrown at turning point moments in the games. Flags today are thrown when the game is on the line and they are often questionable calls. This in my opinion is deplorable and perhaps Vegas is lining someones pockets it is hard to tell but I sure hope that is not the case.

That said even at 8-5 this team is not going to the promise land this year so 5-8 is what is, Growth. The playoff experience would have been nice but experience for Rookies and depth is what we get to work on this year. It has always been a three year plan never two!! If the team falls on its face next year I will join the naysayers but until then I will pull for 8-8. If 1986 and 1987 never happenend 1988 would not have been possible it is always a three year plan.

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All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong. I will also tell you that it is about 99% sure that the Bills will be in Buffalo for the forseeable future. I can not provide specifics so don't ask. I do however know what I've been told and nothing is a sure thing so I can not say 100% but I know that there is a plan in place. 8-8.


Ok I have to stop you right there. Since the inception of this board we have had people come on here with 'insider info' and its all pure BS. Until you post names and specifics its BS. You backed up your post with the 'nothing is 100%' which proves my point. Anyone can say they know the janitors daughter 2x removed from Ralph Wilson's 3rd Aunt that told you something.


Ralph Wilson only cares about money. He is the luckiest SOB on the planet by lucking into Bill Polian being on his staff when he was, and by landing the Buffalo Franchise where their fans are more than content with below mediocrity as long as the team doesn't move. No where else in America would have put up with this from him. The Facts are nothing is going to get better until he is no longer owner and odds are any businessman worth his salt isn't going to keep this team where he can't get a ROI worth a damn. Now I know its sacrilegious to speak facts and reality on Bills message boards, but sorry folks that ax is much closer to dropping than ever before and it wouldn't shock me if it falls this off-season.


And as for as telling the poster 'All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong.' You would be incorrect to a significant degree (not willing to say 100% since I am not God and can't know such things to such completeness.) I am willing to bet a new owner cans damn near everyone, but you can bet Nix and Gailey are done.

Edited by Toshiero
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Face it. Whatever this staff is doing,which isn`t much. Is going to be wiped clean with a new owner, in the near future. So we will be going in another direction soon. Another rebuilding stint. Just hope it`s in Buff. I`m not getting any younger.


just your opinion! I think and its coming from the sun does'nt shine!

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Ok I have to stop you right there. Since the inception of this board we have had people come on here with 'insider info' and its all pure BS. Until you post names and specifics its BS. You backed up your post with the 'nothing is 100%' which proves my point. Anyone can say they know the janitors daughter 2x removed from Ralph Wilson's 3rd Aunt that told you something.


Ralph Wilson only cares about money. He is the luckiest SOB on the planet by lucking into Bill Polian being on his staff when he was, and by landing the Buffalo Franchise where their fans are more than content with below mediocrity as long as the team doesn't move. No where else in America would have put up with this from him. The Facts are nothing is going to get better until he is no longer owner and odds are any businessman worth his salt isn't going to keep this team where he can't get a ROI worth a damn. Now I know its sacrilegious to speak facts and reality on Bills message boards, but sorry folks that ax is much closer to dropping than ever before and it wouldn't shock me if it falls this off-season.


And as for as telling the poster 'All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong.' You would be incorrect to a significant degree (not willing to say 100% since I am not God and can't know such things to such completeness.) I am willing to bet a new owner cans damn near everyone, but you can bet Nix and Gailey are done.


I love how his speculation is BS, but yours is not..... :doh:

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I love how his speculation is BS, but yours is not..... :doh:

My OPINION is just that but it is also based on over 50 years of facts if you just go research them. I am not going to come on here and say 'I have these facts from so and so within the org' or whatever.


Look it has been the same ever since 1996, I have told people for over a decade, things were not going to change with Ralph as owner and that he lucked into the best GM of our time and let his ego get in the way and fired him. Now it doesn't take a rocket surgeon (my mix of two analogies) to figure out that many of us have been right about Ralph and the Bills situation. It also isn't hard to figure out many things if you look at them from a business perspective and that is exactly what the Bills are, a business.


But I am done with this conversation because it always ends the same, the facts keep presenting themselves each year and the koolaid drinkers keep whistling through the grave yard hoping against hope.

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2. I hate to tell you no one is going to pay 700 million for a franchise and keep them in Buffalo. Sorry, not going to happen. its called ROI and there won't be any in Buffalo.

No, they will stay in Buffalo because no one will pay 700 millioin dollars for this franchise in this economy, PLUS the expense of moving and rebuilding the franchise in a non-football city (i.e., LA). I predict that when Ralph passes, the estate is lucky to have a Pegula or Kelly Conglomorate or somebody pay 500 million on the premise they can rebuild a competetive team to reinvigorate the existing fanbase. After all, if there's one thing the Bills FO has done successfully, it has shown this team can be profitable in Western NY.

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Wasn't Jauron 7-9 all 3 years? What was Gailey last year? What does it look like this year? The only difference between the two is one was 'Eeyore' and one is a hick that somewhat tells it straight that the team sucks. Say it, don't say it in the end it all = this team stinks.




Define 'Most'. From all I read on anything having to do with the Bills 'most' agree and are finally coming to the realization it is what it is. And out of curiosity what Billionaire (since there are a limited number in the US) is going to sink nearly a billion dollars in this franchise and keep them in a market they won't see a ROI on? See you still think and talk like a fan, I am coming from a realistic fan standpoint that has zero vested interest in the city of Buffalo or surrounding communities. I also see it from not only a fan standpoint but a business one as well, as will anyone thinking of buying this team.


Although I love the people of Buffalo and they are hands down the best collection of people I have met in my travels, there is no way in hell I would keep the team there it is just bad BUSINESS and I AM A FAN saying that. If Jim Kelly honestly has backers that will make him the guy who runs the Bills and he kept them in Buffalo, we will now see why his previous businesses went bankrupt, he has no concept of how to run a successful business.


Now I will say if the Fans of the Bills actually want to pay realistic ticket prices, Businesses will pay realistic prices on luxury suites and buy them, someone will pay for naming rights, the County will pony up hundreds of millions for a new stadium on the riverfront... ok it has a shot. A slim one but a shot none the less. And I can tell you for ME to keep that team there that in addition to what I previously listed I would make PSL's mandatory.


Now Local Buffalo fans will say 'but we can't afford that/ this economy can't support that'. I will counter with 'Exactly' which is why they will end up moving.


TV contracts and stadium rights are all you need to get your "ROI" as an NFL owner.

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I believe it or not have not been a fan as long as you guys... I came back from the army in 2002 and didn't really follow football that much... and when I was at a friends house they were watching the Jets game here in Queens and started teaching me the rules of the game and asked me what team I liked and i answered that when I was younger and used to play Tecmo Bowl I used to always pick the Bills cuz their overall was 99... Then they told me that they hated me and that the Bills were in their division and then they lied to me and said we got a great QB named Drew Bledsoe so I started listening to the games on aol radio cuz they didn't have Directv back then and me living in Queens I couldnt watch the Bills games on the local channel... Then when I got Directv i started watching all the games so I basically became a fan of this loser team at the worst possible point... I could have chose any team when my friends asked me what team I liked and I had to say the Bills and now that I love them it's too late... I can't root for another team even if I wanted to... When I love something I love it all the way so I apologize if I'm not familiar with all the Bills history guys


Definitely not young... I'm 33 and I know I should learn more about Bills history but I dont think I'm less a fan than anyone else... I go to 2 home games every year now for the past 6 years... I drive 6 and a half hours up to Buffalo and stay the night at Binghamton and then drive back to queens the following morning... I've been to Bills-Jets games here in the meadowlands in Jersey also and nothing compares to Bills fans... New Jersey is not a football environment... Everytime I come up to Buffalo I feel like I'm at home even though I don't live there...

For what it's worth 1978, I have a similar story, chose the Bills (in a Steelers market!) later in life and now must be loyal to the end . . . must be a military thing, most out-of-market fans would have jumped ship after the third SB loss, or the Music City Miracle, or DJ, or whatever . . . cheers! :beer:

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Ok I have to stop you right there. Since the inception of this board we have had people come on here with 'insider info' and its all pure BS. Until you post names and specifics its BS. You backed up your post with the 'nothing is 100%' which proves my point. Anyone can say they know the janitors daughter 2x removed from Ralph Wilson's 3rd Aunt that told you something.


Ralph Wilson only cares about money. He is the luckiest SOB on the planet by lucking into Bill Polian being on his staff when he was, and by landing the Buffalo Franchise where their fans are more than content with below mediocrity as long as the team doesn't move. No where else in America would have put up with this from him. The Facts are nothing is going to get better until he is no longer owner and odds are any businessman worth his salt isn't going to keep this team where he can't get a ROI worth a damn. Now I know its sacrilegious to speak facts and reality on Bills message boards, but sorry folks that ax is much closer to dropping than ever before and it wouldn't shock me if it falls this off-season.


And as for as telling the poster 'All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong.' You would be incorrect to a significant degree (not willing to say 100% since I am not God and can't know such things to such completeness.) I am willing to bet a new owner cans damn near everyone, but you can bet Nix and Gailey are done.

You will be offered a chance to be a part of it...... I can't say anymore than that other than it is a nice piece of mind for me and I hope that some others on here are comforted by the truth.


You will be offered a chance to be a part of it...... I can't say anymore than that other than it is a nice piece of mind for me and I hope that some others on here are comforted by the truth.

He is 100% wrong about the future plan for the team right now. I can't say the team is 100% locked up until a deal is signed and in print. It is reading comprehension that is one of the weakest skills of American education right now. I guess this is why we have to teach the "Common Core" standards in every subject area now.

Edited by Lenigmusx
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But, you weren't even born when this happened, so no problem on not knowing it. Football stat numbers are not as famous as say baseball with Ruth's 714 homers, Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak............I think you had to a Bills fan in the 70s and before Dickerson broker the record in the mid-80s, to catch the reference. It was a big number for us back then.


I think it's really cool that you stick with the Bills even though you got stuck with them at the worst time! Good job on making it up to the games and the ones in the swamps of Jersey.



Yeah me coming up to Buffalo is like a nice vacation... I basically save up and go to one game with my girlfriend and the second game I go up with just the guys... It's fun either way... Sometimes I feel bad that I dragged my girlfriend into being a fan also but I'm hoping that in a couple of years we'll know what it feels like to watch a playoff game together...


This explains everything. Now I feel bad for picking on the "special" guy.


Yo SD my good old friend wussup brother hows things? lol


33 isn't old and maybe you should work for that guy from Chicago who said he was going to move here just because he is a Bills fan and was looking for good towns to move to. Sorry don't remember his name or if he moved here but at least you wouldn't be down there in that non football environment. Please tell me Jersey Shore isn't really like it is on TV.


I live in Queens not in Jersey so I've never been to the Jersey shore... The Giants and Jets stadium is like 20 minutes driving from my house with no traffic but the Jersey Shore is at the tip of Jersey so it's about like a hour and a half driving maybe a hour... As far as moving up to Buffalo I definitely would wanna buy a house up there cuz I was checking prices on craigslist and a decent house goes for about 75,000-125,000. I wouldn't want to move there but I would definitely wanna have a house to stay at when I come watch the Bills play instead of wasting money in hotels... That's only if I had money to spend like that of course... I'm definitely not a snow person but I made a promise to myself and everybody that I know that if the Bills made the playoffs and the game is at Buffalo? I'm in there like swimwear... Idc how much that game costs but the first Bills home playoff game after this non playoff appearance record we have is someplace I have to be....


For what it's worth 1978, I have a similar story, chose the Bills (in a Steelers market!) later in life and now must be loyal to the end . . . must be a military thing, most people would have jumped ship after the third SB loss, or the Music City Miracle, or DJ, or whatever . . . cheers! :beer:


Cheers brother... I'll take two shots for that one... :beer: :beer:

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And the cost of a new stadium is about $1 billion.


It does seem to me that with all this - the Bills are very viable. Throwing in a $1B stadium on top of having to pay almost that much for the franchise itself seems crippling.


Here, you get a debt free stadium, a fan base that will pack the place for any meaningful game. What you might lose in corporate suites, etc. on the revenue side, you surely would make up on the expense side.


Just having 1/32 of that TV money is a great ROI.

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Wasn't Jauron 7-9 all 3 years? What was Gailey last year? What does it look like this year? The only difference between the two is one was 'Eeyore' and one is a hick that somewhat tells it straight that the team sucks. Say it, don't say it in the end it all = this team stinks.




Define 'Most'. From all I read on anything having to do with the Bills 'most' agree and are finally coming to the realization it is what it is. And out of curiosity what Billionaire (since there are a limited number in the US) is going to sink nearly a billion dollars in this franchise and keep them in a market they won't see a ROI on? See you still think and talk like a fan, I am coming from a realistic fan standpoint that has zero vested interest in the city of Buffalo or surrounding communities. I also see it from not only a fan standpoint but a business one as well, as will anyone thinking of buying this team.


Although I love the people of Buffalo and they are hands down the best collection of people I have met in my travels, there is no way in hell I would keep the team there it is just bad BUSINESS and I AM A FAN saying that. If Jim Kelly honestly has backers that will make him the guy who runs the Bills and he kept them in Buffalo, we will now see why his previous businesses went bankrupt, he has no concept of how to run a successful business.


Now I will say if the Fans of the Bills actually want to pay realistic ticket prices, Businesses will pay realistic prices on luxury suites and buy them, someone will pay for naming rights, the County will pony up hundreds of millions for a new stadium on the riverfront... ok it has a shot. A slim one but a shot none the less. And I can tell you for ME to keep that team there that in addition to what I previously listed I would make PSL's mandatory.


Now Local Buffalo fans will say 'but we can't afford that/ this economy can't support that'. I will counter with 'Exactly' which is why they will end up moving.



And Ralph Wilson is losing money? What a point and without writing a novel. I'll follow my team....Go find yours!

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