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Just when you thought the GOP race couldn't get anymore

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See I know as much about the situation as you do. You don't like me calling her a B word but you can call him a molester and a pervert. Ah the hypocrisy of the left continues.

Who cares, this guy is just another Conservative loser going down the drain, I wonder if he will meet Joe the Plumber down there :)

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President Clinton? Why are you comparing him to this clown?

I agree. Cain was only accused of doing things that made girls feel uncomfortable. Clinton was nailing every skirt in his path. No way Cain is in the same league as "Let me roll my cigar in there" Clinton.


Since when did sums in the "five figure range" become over a hundred thousand dollars"?

Probably about the same time earning $200K a year made you "a millionaire."

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President Clinton? Why are you comparing him to this clown?

Clinton is (depending on what the definition of "is" is) a known womanizer and scumbag. Whether it be Paula Jones, Monica, the other rumors, or his treatment for sex addiction, Clinton certainly had his weaknesses. You don't seem to hold that against Billy C. If what you claim has any truth to it and Cain shares Clinton's penchant for buggery, then why is this a big deal to you?


In other words:


Clinton was sex pervert too friend Dave. Compare clown to clown. Have cake and eat turnips too you can't. Thursday is coming, did you bring your coat shirt?

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Sexual harassment? Possibly. That's not the issue for me however, it is his consistent ability to be inconsistent. One minute he says, he barely remembers the account, then in a separate interview he remembers specific details. Then he says in two separate interviews/press conferences that he ABSOLUTELY does not remember any settlements then all of a sudden on Greta's show he does.


This isn't the first time he's had issues. People talk about Romney and his flip flopping yet when Cain does it, he gets a free pass. On one interview he says its up to the families for abortions in certain circumstances and then when he realizes he is about to receive some criticism he flops on it. Then about the Gitmo deal. Then there is electric fence, he says he is for having an electric fence and once the criticism comes in he says he was just kidding. For crying out loud, he had 10 freaking days to get his story and facts straight and when confronted he wings it.


I said that he was a gaffe machine about a month ago, and some of you came out said that was a cheap shot of sorts. Come on Now! Face it, he is and if this is the guy you guys back, 4 more years of the one holding office will certainly be the case.

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If you give me 10k, I will go away. :thumbsup:


Ok but I'm not sure you can run a 10k but if you do and complete it you can go away. :devil:


Sexual harassment? Possibly. That's not the issue for me however, it is his consistent ability to be inconsistent. One minute he says, he barely remembers the account, then in a separate interview he remembers specific details. Then he says in two separate interviews/press conferences that he ABSOLUTELY does not remember any settlements then all of a sudden on Greta's show he does.


This isn't the first time he's had issues. People talk about Romney and his flip flopping yet when Cain does it, he gets a free pass. On one interview he says its up to the families for abortions in certain circumstances and then when he realizes he is about to receive some criticism he flops on it. Then about the Gitmo deal. Then there is electric fence, he says he is for having an electric fence and once the criticism comes in he says he was just kidding. For crying out loud, he had 10 freaking days to get his story and facts straight and when confronted he wings it.


I said that he was a gaffe machine about a month ago, and some of you came out said that was a cheap shot of sorts. Come on Now! Face it, he is and if this is the guy you guys back, 4 more years of the one holding office will certainly be the case.


Oh I don't think he's getting a free pass for his flip flopping. He's been getting hammered pretty hard about it the past couple of days.

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Ok but I'm not sure you can run a 10k but if you do and complete it you can go away. :devil:




Oh I don't think he's getting a free pass for his flip flopping. He's been getting hammered pretty hard about it the past couple of days.

I don't know about getting a free pass from you guys, but every poll that comes out he is increasing his lead, that's what I mean by getting a free pass. Having said that, I don't believe that most of the voters when crunch time comes around, will caste their vote for him.


While Herman Cain struggled for a second day in Washington to push back against sexual harassment allegations, the high political drama almost went unmentioned Tuesday in one of the most important courts of public opinion — Iowa.


On the campaign trail, on local conservative talk radio and in conversations among activists, Republicans here have so far greeted the story with a shrug.



Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/67410.html#ixzz1cYoZR32Y


Even OReilly went soft on him last night, how could he not confront Cain on his inconsistencies of his accounts of the harassment accusations? What sort of journalism is that? It's not, that's the answer.


People are so desperate to get a "purist" conservative candidate (even when they really aren't) that they'll ignore all the gaffes, inconsistencies and electability just to get in their perceived "purist" candidate.


What a load of crock!

Edited by Magox
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Clinton is (depending on what the definition of "is" is) a known womanizer and scumbag. Whether it be Paula Jones, Monica, the other rumors, or his treatment for sex addiction, Clinton certainly had his weaknesses. You don't seem to hold that against Billy C. If what you claim has any truth to it and Cain shares Clinton's penchant for buggery, then why is this a big deal to you?


In other words:


Clinton was sex pervert too friend Dave. Compare clown to clown. Have cake and eat turnips too you can't. Thursday is coming, did you bring your coat shirt?

Clinton was also president, something Cain will never be.

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