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Kyle Williams

QB Bills

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Williams played every bit as well as Dareus in the first three games. Didn't have his best game against Cincy. The first three weeks though K-Weezy got penetration against the run and did a good job of moving down the line laterally in pursuit several times. He must be one of the best 300-pounders in the league at the latter.


If we could do a better job of setting the edge we would have a strong run defense, and both stud DTs would get more opportunity to make plays on the ballcarrier. Merriman has been alright in this regard, but Kelsay continues to disappear on running plays outside that go his way. In my opinion Barnett and Davis are solid in the middle but OLB and Leodis McKelvin are the problems with the defense right now.

Edited by Big Bad Boone
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Its a tean game and the Bills team (and Kyle Williams actually) are 3-1 right now. Ifyou ask Williams whether he would prefer to make the Pro Bowl as an indivdual or make the playoffs as a team he would of course choose both but given a choice between the two its the playpffs hamds dowm. I have sero problems with Willaims play as long as the team wins 75% of their games.


Talk to me about Williams poor play when the team is below .500.

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His problem is this Hybrid Defense. When he was just playing nose last year he was doing way better now they got him (and everybody else) doing too many things and therefore is becoming average at everything instead of mastering one position.


You have to start somewhere, we have the best of both worlds, winning while still learning the kinks of the defense.

Edited by Fixxxer
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there's not much more to say other than you're wrong. dareus has outplayed williams through 4 games. it's a concern.



Why would Dareus playing well be a concern?


Oh, right, because in Gloomville everything is a concern. Sheesh.


It is possible that Dareus and Williams are both getting used to playing together. Defenses are slack across the league right now, it may take time.

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We need some Line backer support. We need to Blitz up the middle. I see it as teams know we are not gonna bring any inside pressure from our backers so the gameplan can be simplified by only having to worry about the 3 or 4 guys up front.


I also think we would benefit by running some inside stunts/ dropping back and delaying pressure from our big guys. Keep opposing O-lines guessing. especially this week against the athletic Vick.


Also some stunts to the outside drawing the guard to go to he outside and bringing merriman up the middle could confuse the Eagles O line and neutralize Vick.

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I re watch a lot of the games, and I don't agree that Kyle is playing any different than he has in the past. The only recent surprise that I saw was the Dalton QB draw play went pretty much right to Kyle's spot and he got turned around and Dalton ran right at him into the end zone. I think he didn't see Dalton


He's still working hard, still great at keeping hands off him, playing low with leverage, getting upfield on the pass plays and holding the point on the runs.


I didn't bother clicking on the stat link someone posted because he doesn't have a stat type position. Don't care how many sacks or tackles he has and neither does Kyle.


The one thing I'm surprised at is how they keep Dareus and Kyle together all the time, and Edwards pulls them out of the game together quite a bit. I understand on long drives giving them a breather, and we are deep at Dline (I do love that Heard kid), but a few times they've been out on 3rd and short EARLY in a drive when they clearly don't need a breather.


Having your only two pro bowl defenders on the sideline at the same time when they aren't tired seems to be overcoaching and getting too cute.

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aren't they all double teamed? they must be with the lack of sacks we are seeing. cause they are doubling williams, dareus, merriman, and edwards. so by my estimate there shouldn't be a problem. theres almost 2 offensive lines blocking the bills

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