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Fred Jackson on 710 ESPN


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Good interview (and available online at this link, I think you can rewind up to 3 hours).


Here are the highlights (paraphrased as I was typing on the fly):


-Started with Max making jokes (good natured) about Coe college, arena league football, NFL Europe etc. Marcellus joined in.


-Marcellus then comments on how Jackson has beat out Lynch and Spiller to be the feature back.


-Marcellus called Fred one of the smartest RBs in the league.


-Fred Jackson comes on (late due to meetings) as they play a Freddy Jackson song (funny).


-Marcellus called us the Los Angeles Bills.


-Marcellus asked Fred about fighting off first round RBs Lynch and Spiller:

Fred: "It's a challenge, I've had to face challenges since coming from DIII."


-Max asked if he'd donate money to Coe college to add an L to their name to make it Cole. Marcellus asked what the mascot was.

Fred: "A coe-hawk, like the Eagles mascot".


-What does it feel like to be in the NFL doing what you're doing?

Fred: "I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm happy about it but at the same time I have to continue to work."


- Marcellus: Big win over the Pats, how is the city of Buffalo responding?

Fred: "The city is going crazy. The fans are happy as well they should be. But us as a team, we have a 24 hour rule. We have to move on to Cinci. It's something we can learn from and build on, but we're 3-0 and have to look to get to 4-0".


-Marcellus: I know the company line is "we can beat these guys" but what's the REAL mentality of the Bills. Especially down 21-0 to the best team of all time (arguably).

Fred: "We have confidence. As bad as it looked, we knew we were doing it to ourselves. We were making errors on offense with the turnovers and penalties and missed assignment. They didn't stop us on D we stopped ourselves. On the sideline we had a lot of confidence knowing we could come back."


-Marcellus: What did you run in the 40?

Fred: (laughs) 4.4. Clocked at a 4.3 but that was a long long time ago when I was 25 pounds lighter.


-Max: I'm sure Fitz is being interviewed everywhere, what do you think of Fitz?

Fred: "He's great. Great leader on the team. Extremely smart guy. The last play we ran where we got down to the 1 yard line, he saw what was coming. Saw the blitz and directed me where to go and delivered it in stride. Puts us in position to make plays."


-Marcellus: Whats the difference in your preparation compared to other RBs in the league. The way you set up defenders when you block seems different and more cerebral.

Fred: "Film work with the offensive line. I get in there during their film study to see what they're doing. And Fitz. He helps us all understand how they're attacking us."


-Max: Undrafted, 4 years, 1.75 mill this year. That's not a lot of money (Marcellus chimes in). How do you feel about your contract.

Fred: DEFINITELY want something done about it this year. Something that's fair to me and the team. I've shown that I'm a guy they can lean on. I want to get something done about it this year. Hopefully something gets done.


-Max: Married with kids?

Fred: 3 kids and a wife. (Marcellus: DAMN! You're an old man!)


-Max: You're not set for life yet with three kids. You're trying to set yourself up for the future and your family. What's that like?

Fred: It's a huge motivating factor.


-Max: Do you talk to your wife about it?

Fred: We talk. It's been a conversation with my wife and agent and what can happen. That's me showing I'm the guy who goes out there and doesn't miss game due to injuries (knock on wood -- he said that).


-Max: Still hasn't been paid and he's got a wife and 3 kids. Go get it, Fred!


End Interview


After the segment, Marcellus and Max continued to harp on the Bills to pay Fred. One injury and you could be done.

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Look.. I'm on record as wanting Fred's contract redone as much as anyone. He's produced and shown that he more than deserves it.


But, this idea that he has to take care of his family is absurd. He's set to make $1.75 million this year - alone. How many people in this country raise a family and make less than that in their lifetime! To think that he is somehow poor is an insult as best. To think that he needs a raise because him and his family are somehow struggling or won't have enough money to live off is just ludicrous.


He's a starting NFL RB that has shown time and again that he deserves to be paid commensurate with his counterparts - the top RBs in the league. But, it has nothing to do with some notion that his family is struggling to get by.

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Look.. I'm on record as wanting Fred's contract redone as much as anyone. He's produced and shown that he more than deserves it.


But, this idea that he has to take care of his family is absurd. He's set to make $1.75 million this year - alone. How many people in this country raise a family and make less than that in their lifetime! To think that he is somehow poor is an insult as best. To think that he needs a raise because him and his family are somehow struggling or won't have enough money to live off is just ludicrous.


He's a starting NFL RB that has shown time and again that he deserves to be paid commensurate with his counterparts - the top RBs in the league. But, it has nothing to do with some notion that his family is struggling to get by.


It is the IDEA and not according to the numbers... and plus, he's earned that money by being the best of the best.

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It is the IDEA and not according to the numbers... and plus, he's earned that money by being the best of the best.

I completely and totally agree.


What I take exception to is the quote:

"-Max: You're not set for life yet with three kids. You're trying to set yourself up for the future and your family."


How is making a couple of million dollars a year for 3+ years not setting you up for life? Yes, he deserves a pay raise - a significant one. But, not because he's poor and struggling to take care of his family. That's all.

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Good interview (and available online at this link, I think you can rewind up to 3 hours).


Here are the highlights (paraphrased as I was typing on the fly):


-Started with Max making jokes (good natured) about Coe college, arena league football, NFL Europe etc. Marcellus joined in.


-Marcellus then comments on how Jackson has beat out Lynch and Spiller to be the feature back.


-Marcellus called Fred one of the smartest RBs in the league.


-Fred Jackson comes on (late due to meetings) as they play a Freddy Jackson song (funny).


-Marcellus called us the Los Angeles Bills.


-Marcellus asked Fred about fighting off first round RBs Lynch and Spiller:

Fred: "It's a challenge, I've had to face challenges since coming from DIII."


-Max asked if he'd donate money to Coe college to add an L to their name to make it Cole. Marcellus asked what the mascot was.

Fred: "A coe-hawk, like the Eagles mascot".


-What does it feel like to be in the NFL doing what you're doing?

Fred: "I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm happy about it but at the same time I have to continue to work."


- Marcellus: Big win over the Pats, how is the city of Buffalo responding?

Fred: "The city is going crazy. The fans are happy as well they should be. But us as a team, we have a 24 hour rule. We have to move on to Cinci. It's something we can learn from and build on, but we're 3-0 and have to look to get to 4-0".


-Marcellus: I know the company line is "we can beat these guys" but what's the REAL mentality of the Bills. Especially down 21-0 to the best team of all time (arguably).

Fred: "We have confidence. As bad as it looked, we knew we were doing it to ourselves. We were making errors on offense with the turnovers and penalties and missed assignment. They didn't stop us on D we stopped ourselves. On the sideline we had a lot of confidence knowing we could come back."


-Marcellus: What did you run in the 40?

Fred: (laughs) 4.4. Clocked at a 4.3 but that was a long long time ago when I was 25 pounds lighter.


-Max: I'm sure Fitz is being interviewed everywhere, what do you think of Fitz?

Fred: "He's great. Great leader on the team. Extremely smart guy. The last play we ran where we got down to the 1 yard line, he saw what was coming. Saw the blitz and directed me where to go and delivered it in stride. Puts us in position to make plays."


-Marcellus: Whats the difference in your preparation compared to other RBs in the league. The way you set up defenders when you block seems different and more cerebral.

Fred: "Film work with the offensive line. I get in there during their film study to see what they're doing. And Fitz. He helps us all understand how they're attacking us."


-Max: Undrafted, 4 years, 1.75 mill this year. That's not a lot of money (Marcellus chimes in). How do you feel about your contract.

Fred: DEFINITELY want something done about it this year. Something that's fair to me and the team. I've shown that I'm a guy they can lean on. I want to get something done about it this year. Hopefully something gets done.


-Max: Married with kids?

Fred: 3 kids and a wife. (Marcellus: DAMN! You're an old man!)


-Max: You're not set for life yet with three kids. You're trying to set yourself up for the future and your family. What's that like?

Fred: It's a huge motivating factor.


-Max: Do you talk to your wife about it?

Fred: We talk. It's been a conversation with my wife and agent and what can happen. That's me showing I'm the guy who goes out there and doesn't miss game due to injuries (knock on wood -- he said that).


-Max: Still hasn't been paid and he's got a wife and 3 kids. Go get it, Fred!


End Interview


After the segment, Marcellus and Max continued to harp on the Bills to pay Fred. One injury and you could be done.


Thanks for posting! It's great to see Fred getting his due. He needs to get paid, he deserves it.

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I completely and totally agree.


What I take exception to is the quote:

"-Max: You're not set for life yet with three kids. You're trying to set yourself up for the future and your family."


How is making a couple of million dollars a year for 3+ years not setting you up for life? Yes, he deserves a pay raise - a significant one. But, not because he's poor and struggling to take care of his family. That's all.

First of all, I was typing on the fly, so I didn't translate a lot of the tone and humor that was going into a lot of this. That's on me. My apologies. Max and Marcellus are a pretty good team on the radio (for me at least) and they joke around a lot.


That said, you're not thinking about the bigger picture. He's making 1.75 mill a year and supporting 4 people on that. Sounds easy. But he's got one last contract to get as a player and he's already over the dreaded 30 years of age mark for a RB. After this contract, he'll never make that type of money again (unless he goes into broadcasting ... for a long, long time). So here's a guy who has done nothing but make plays for his whole career as a Bill, who's done so on the cheap. He has every right to hold out ... but he hasn't. He just keeps playing.


That was their point.


So why did Marcellus Wiley call the Bills the Los Angeles Bills?



Yeah, really; not cool.


The better odds are on Marcellus' beloved San Diego Chargers moving to LA.


It's a running joke on the show. Again, I should have made that more clear. My bad.


Max is purposely outspoken and likes to fan the flames. Every time they have a Charger on (or a Niner or Raider) Max always says something to the effect of The Los Angeles 49ers. Stuff like that.


Max and Marcellus have talked about Buffalo moving the LA before and both are pretty adamant that won't happen. Their of the belief it's going to be the Chargers and the Rams (or the Jags if not the Chargers). Marcellus was just having fun with Max when he said that.

Edited by tgreg99
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