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Success is all around us...literally!

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Well, Bills nation, as the 2011 season draws near, we are right in the middle of a "FREE AGENT FRENZY". And, as always, the Bills brass is firing up the phone lines of some of the NFL's most coveted free-agents, as they have in the previous 11 years. Hell, New England can have Chad Ochocinco and Albert Haynesworth...Miami is wasting time and money signing Reggie Bush and potentially inking Kyle Orton. The Jets???...they're only working on signing the biggest free-agent corner on the market in Ndamdi Asoumough and solidifying what has already been one of, if not the best, defense in football. As for our BELOVED BUFFALO BILLS???? Well, how about a WONDERFUL backup to our "starter" Fitz, ladies and gentleman, I give you...TYLER THIGPEN! And, for our wildcat offense that we never run...BRAD "SWISS ARMY KNIFE" SMITH!!! Hey Ralph, if you wonder why the Bills haven't beaten the Patriots in seven straight years, you might wanna sign some qualty free-agents to start with. Wanna know why you have had one winning season in the last 12 years?.........................

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Well, Bills nation, as the 2011 season draws near, we are right in the middle of a "FREE AGENT FRENZY". And, as always, the Bills brass is firing up the phone lines of some of the NFL's most coveted free-agents, as they have in the previous 11 years. Hell, New England can have Chad Ochocinco and Albert Haynesworth...Miami is wasting time and money signing Reggie Bush and potentially inking Kyle Orton. The Jets???...they're only working on signing the biggest free-agent corner on the market in Ndamdi Asoumough and solidifying what has already been one of, if not the best, defense in football. As for our BELOVED BUFFALO BILLS???? Well, how about a WONDERFUL backup to our "starter" Fitz, ladies and gentleman, I give you...TYLER THIGPEN! And, for our wildcat offense that we never run...BRAD "SWISS ARMY KNIFE" SMITH!!! Hey Ralph, if you wonder why the Bills haven't beaten the Patriots in seven straight years, you might wanna sign some qualty free-agents to start with. Wanna know why you have had one winning season in the last 12 years?.........................

i agree!, it is a bit frustrating watching the pats and jets actually try to get better. its just the culture that permeates OBD. it is the ralph "bottom line" mentality. pegula is the "anti ralph" and since his arrival on the buffalo sports landscape, it seems to spotlight even more the bumbling and losing mentality of the bills. cue the "ralph kept the team in buffalo crowd".

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Well, Bills nation, as the 2011 season draws near, we are right in the middle of a "FREE AGENT FRENZY". And, as always, the Bills brass is firing up the phone lines of some of the NFL's most coveted free-agents, as they have in the previous 11 years. Hell, New England can have Chad Ochocinco and Albert Haynesworth...Miami is wasting time and money signing Reggie Bush and potentially inking Kyle Orton. The Jets???...they're only working on signing the biggest free-agent corner on the market in Ndamdi Asoumough and solidifying what has already been one of, if not the best, defense in football. As for our BELOVED BUFFALO BILLS???? Well, how about a WONDERFUL backup to our "starter" Fitz, ladies and gentleman, I give you...TYLER THIGPEN! And, for our wildcat offense that we never run...BRAD "SWISS ARMY KNIFE" SMITH!!! Hey Ralph, if you wonder why the Bills haven't beaten the Patriots in seven straight years, you might wanna sign some qualty free-agents to start with. Wanna know why you have had one winning season in the last 12 years?.........................

You will have half a dozen or more people on this board criticize you for this post, but those are just the people who are so brainwashed by Ralph and his losing ways to see the truth. Your post is 100% accurate, and you could cut and paste it for the past 10 years and probably the next 10 years, just change the year and the names of the players and it will still be accurate. You always have some clueless idiots who say "Go cheer for a different team" or "don't watch then", etc., but if you really care about something (like the Bills) and aren't just some wide eyed moron who falls for "at least he kept them in Buffalo" year after year, you do get frustrated. Kinda like if you have a kid in school who fails year after year, are you supposed to quit caring about him or her? Or should you be frustrated and B word until the situation is corrected. Any intelligent person would pick the later, if not I hope you never have kids.

Edited by billsfreak
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You will have half a dozen or more people on this board criticize you for this post, but those are just the people who are so brainwashed by Ralph and his losing ways to see the truth. Your post is 100% accurate, and you could cut and paste it for the past 10 years and probably the next 10 years, just change the year and the names of the players and it will still be accurate. You always have some clueless idiots who say "Go cheer for a different team" or "don't watch then", etc., but if you really care about something (like the Bills) and aren't just some wide eyed moron who falls for "at least he kept them in Buffalo" year after year, you do get frustrated. Kinda like if you have a kid in school who fails year after year, are you supposed to quit caring about him or her? Or should you be frustrated and B word until the situation is corrected. Any intelligent person would pick the later, if not I hope you never have kids.



Ralph, Buddy and PTR just instructed me to tell me to tell you that you are wrong. I think you are wrong as well but as you have pointed out, I have no mind of my own. Must obey OBD...........out.

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Ralph, Buddy and PTR just instructed me to tell me to tell you that you are wrong. I think you are wrong as well but as you have pointed out, I have no mind of my own. Must obey OBD...........out.

Unlike some people on here, I wouldn't instruct someone on here to do anything, get over yourself.

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