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Oprah: I want OJ to confess to me

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If the IQ of the jury was 60, the IQ of the prosecution's team was about 40 then, they are the reason that O.J. walked from that trial. O.J. had a defense team of the top lawyers in the country, they didn't need the prosecutions help, which they got anyway. Kinda funny though, so many of the media's legal type reporters have big careers now, and a few of them their own shows because of that trial. Between having him try on that glove and not doing their homework before they called Mark Furhman (the racists cop) up to testify, they screwed themselves.

I was putting it nice, but the jury was a bunch of !@#$ing retards!

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I was putting it nice, but the jury was a bunch of !@#$ing retards!


Most are.


If I'm ever on trial, I plan to try for an acquittal on the constitutional grounds that I should be tried by a panel of scientists, as the mongoloids in the jury pool are not even remotely my "peers". :devil:

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Most are.


If I'm ever on trial, I plan to try for an acquittal on the constitutional grounds that I should be tried by a panel of scientists, as the mongoloids in the jury pool are not even remotely my "peers". :devil:



I've only had to go downtown once for jury duty. They told us it was a murder trial before we had to fill out the questionnaire. I made sure I stressed my molecular biology background. Got out of it due to financial hardship reasons.

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I want Oprah to apologize to all of America for Barack Obama.



..........and who is to "apologize to America" for George W Bush, the architect of the current fiscal mess we're in. Should it be his father, his mother, the state of Texas, Florida?

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..........and who is to "apologize to America" for George W Bush, the architect of the current fiscal mess we're in. Should it be his father, his mother, the state of Texas, Florida?


Yeah because Alan Greenspan, The Benbernanke :worthy:, Bill Clinton and Phil Gramm (repeal of Glass Stegal) had nothing to do with it. It was all W's fault



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You forgot Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.


And Angela Mozilo and Kerry Killinger - CEOs of Countrywide and Washington Mutual, respectively, who created the idiotic business practice of "loan money to people who don't pay it back."


And Jeff Skilling and Andrew Fastow, whose accounting fraud at Enron caused the SEC to adopt the "mark-to-market" accounting that wrecked the financial industry's liquidity in '09.

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These people should be jailed instead being given bonuses and appointments in governemnt cabinets. It's sickening to think that these people were rewarded for setting our country back 50 years in the financial sense.

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You know what i would love to see from our mentally challenged buddy spider, how George W crafted the fiscal mess we are in today? Not these generalities that get thrown around that you hear on the campaign trail that are taken as gospel by the sheep we have in our society, but specific policies that created the mess we are in today.


Please enlighten us Spider

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You know what i would love to see from our mentally challenged buddy spider, how George W crafted the fiscal mess we are in today? Not these generalities that get thrown around that you hear on the campaign trail that are taken as gospel by the sheep we have in our society, but specific policies that created the mess we are in today.


Please enlighten us Spider

you're pumping a dry well. This guy makes Dave in Norfolk look like John Stuart Mill, intellectually speaking.

Edited by Rob's House
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You forgot Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.


And Angela Mozilo and Kerry Killinger - CEOs of Countrywide and Washington Mutual, respectively, who created the idiotic business practice of "loan money to people who don't pay it back."


And Jeff Skilling and Andrew Fastow, whose accounting fraud at Enron caused the SEC to adopt the "mark-to-market" accounting that wrecked the financial industry's liquidity in '09.


There's plenty of blame to go around. I only provided a couple off the top of my head to refute the knee jerk BushBad! reply by our Aracahnofriend


You know what i would love to see from our mentally challenged buddy spider, how George W crafted the fiscal mess we are in today? Not these generalities that get thrown around that you hear on the campaign trail that are taken as gospel by the sheep we have in our society, but specific policies that created the mess we are in today.


Please enlighten us Spider

Duh, 9/11 WTC7 and the Katrina Weather Machine. That alone proves he's a diabolical mastermind. A diabolical mastermind who chokes on pretzels and is a complete moron. A man who is capable of pulling off the greatest conspiracy ever and bringing down the most powerful economy ever but didn't get very good grades in college. Yep, that's W

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You know what i would love to see from our mentally challenged buddy spider, how George W crafted the fiscal mess we are in today? Not these generalities that get thrown around that you hear on the campaign trail that are taken as gospel by the sheep we have in our society, but specific policies that created the mess we are in today.


Please enlighten us Spider

I suspect Spider is one of those guys who believes that the GOP had control of both houses for the entire eight years Bush was in office.

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Reagan deregulated Wall Street, played both sides of the fence by playing chess in the middle east(breeding the hatred that exists today) and investing our financial futures in the most questionable of folks. Bush "H" lied to the American public by stalling the system with "NO NEW TAXES" then folding at the last minute with imposing the very taxes he had stalled our economic machine with. Clinton's share is minimal but still he gets credit for waiting until he was at the end of his second term to give us the shaft (Signing a bill to deregulate the last sector of Wall Street(The Risky sub-primes sector).


Last but surely not least, Bush "W" a "Man" gave tax breaks KNOWING that they'd destroy the economy(After being told by experts that his moves would put us into debt until 2019) he kept signing the tax breaks and those spending proposals with a smile. Also he launched us into a war with a country for no good reason but to obtain oil & revenge on his papa's behalf. Obama's mistake is hiring some of the very same criminals that caused the credit crisis, mortgage crisis and budget crisis.


We're at that point of no return and instead of pulling back to solve the problem, we're putting on a show to maintain our public image. We borrow, print, borrow and gamble this nation's future on unknowns. Change? If only it were true...

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