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It's pretty embarrassing, reading this board sometimes...

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I'm an optimist & I apply that to all things in my life. With that attitude I have gotten very far & I'm very happy where my life is. The Bills have been my passion since my mom took me & my brother on the Metro for the AFC cha Paul ship game against the Chiefs.


No matter where I go, I make sure I wear some Bulls gear. It represents how proud I am of my hometown & how much the Bills mean to me. No matter how silly it, the NFL is one of the biggest business in this country & Buffalo is one of 32 cities that are represented. So for me to spend my precious free time whining about it on a message board doesn't make sense to me.


I like what we did in this draft. We got big. I would have like a qb to learn under Fitz but none of these guys were sure shots to make it. Bottom-line is I'm going to enjoy the rest of the offseason & look forward to another season that hopefully ends our playoff drought. It might not happen but I damn sure will have a good time rooting for it.


Go Bills & go Buffalo!!


Glad to see you are mellowing as you mature. You used to be such a miserable, nasty, fan hating bastard back in your Dick Jauron championing days. If I had a buck for every nasty, out of line insult you hurled at fans here back then I could make it rain. Being wrong is not all bad, life has a way of humbling you and giving you a better perspective.

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Glad to see you are mellowing as you mature. You used to be such a miserable, nasty, fan hating bastard back in your Dick Jauron championing days. If I had a buck for every nasty, out of line insult you hurled at fans here back then I could make it rain. Being wrong is not all bad, life has a way of humbling you and giving you a better perspective.

:thumbsup: Thanks for turning over a new leaf, C.Biscuit97! :)
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Honestly, I know it's an open forum, which means any half-wit with an internet connection and a keyboard can speak his mind, but the gnashing of teeth over late round draft picks is both comical and embarrassing. We have supposedly "knowledgeable" football fans who can't understand how many defensive backs a team needs to go to training camp. We have folks apparently unwilling to accept that the Bills' front office didn't believe a developmental prospect at QB was more important than finding players who can contribute immediately. We have people who think two RBs are enough for an entire season. This stuff amazes me - particularly the "Joe Schmoe was sitting there in the 6th round; how did these idiots not take him?" nonsense.


The Bills just got a lot more talented and addressed a number of significant needs. They couldn't fix everything with nine draft picks, but we are in a heluva lot better shape than we were on Thursday afternoon. Did everyone suddenly forget that except for about three games, the talent-poor 2010 Bills were in a position to win every game if they make a few plays in the 4th quarter or OT?


I'm tired of the decade of losing as much (if not more) as anyone. I've only enjoyed approximately 40% of my Sundays over the last 12 years. But only the most pessimistic of fans would not be encouraged by what we're seeing out of the organization.


If I'm too "optimistic" for your liking...well, then, kiss off. :P


You'd enjoy Sunday's a lot more if you started going to church you heathen :)

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-Any card carrying Bills fan has the right to be negative after the horriffic streak of bad drafts, coaches, GM's and ownership decisions since the glory days.


-This is EXACTLY the place for them to vent/discuss their viewpoints regardless if anyone else deems it unworthy.


-They have the right to read only if thats what they choose or post as much as they want. How exactly would that make their opinion worse than someone with 2000 posts?


-I havent seen a single thread pre-draft that came close to alluding to our needing to use this draft to overhaul the D-Backfield. All the talk was front 7. Now its genius and those that do not think so are dim-wits??


-Most (if not all) of the threads and mocks included players from everyones agreed upon areas of needs(DB's way down on that list if not the bottom) ....and we had a chance to get several of them. We did not.


-In the eyes of the long suffering fan: drafting DB's in the early rounds, opting not to choose the consensus best at a position for the "sleeper" that was further down on the rankings, passing on certain players we all have a feeling are going to be studs one day...for DB's...Looks and smells like same ol' same ol'


-This regime has so far underwhelmed with last years draft where they spent the #9 pick on the position of least need.


-I don't know of any fan base that rally's around a 4 year plan happily when all the short-term signs point to the same garbage they have lived with all along.


Yet there are those that will continue to jam the square peg of this draft (rd 2-7) into the round hole of blind optimism and chastise those who just can't see it that way. Every move is brilliant and just what we wanted to do/needed. The scientists in the FO are at work and us lowly fans that do not agree with their decisions do not have enough knowledge and should be cleansed from this pristine environment of blowing positive smoke up each others a$$es. Suddenly this franchise that goes after mediocre and cheap free agents are going to get Boss or Z. Miller....or Claybo at RT. Oh yeah, simple and turnkey....get Boss....fill need. Thats the Bills. lol.


I get it....there is a long term plan and a bigger picture but until that takes shape in a more defined way, the majority of Bills fans have EVERY RIGHT to remain unconvinced. Til then, a 4-12 team with the worst run D in the league, a questionnable OL that nearly got their QB killed, a need at TE and a need for a QB of the future opted not to draft the best help possible (aside from Dareus).


It's the team's job to change the minds of the fans guys. Til then, those that remain unconvinced should be free to express whatever they wish. Congrats to the optimists...I hope you're right. I really do.

Well said. There are select individuals on this board that are so clueless, if the Bills traded their entire draft to get J.P. Losman back they would say it was a brilliant move. Your point is 100% accurate, I never once read a post on this board pre draft that anyone thought they needed to address the defensive backfield, now that they have, people on here will say it was brilliant and they knew all along that the Bills were going in that direction.

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Well said. There are select individuals on this board that are so clueless, if the Bills traded their entire draft to get J.P. Losman back they would say it was a brilliant move. Your point is 100% accurate, I never once read a post on this board pre draft that anyone thought they needed to address the defensive backfield, now that they have, people on here will say it was brilliant and they knew all along that the Bills were going in that direction.

What difference does that make? The bottom line is the defensive backfield DID need to be addressed, regardless of what the fans were saying prior to the draft -- do you disagree?


Be careful who you call clueless; there's that whole pot/kettle thing. Just sayin...

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What difference does that make? The bottom line is the defensive backfield DID need to be addressed, regardless of what the fans were saying prior to the draft -- do you disagree?


Be careful who you call clueless; there's that whole pot/kettle thing. Just sayin...



If the fans didnt think it a week before the draft, then it MUST be wrong!! We know EVERYTHING!! Just ask us... :rolleyes:

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I personally LIKED the DB picks...People forget that Florence, and Whitner are probably gone, with McGee possibly washed up and forever injured. Thats 3 of our 4 starters from last year...So yeah, DB was as big of a need as any. I also think the guys they got were great values, and some of the best at their positions.


Having said that, saying you are "embarrassed" of this board and insinuating posters that you don't agree with are "half-wits" is much worse in my opinion than the people "complaining" about DB's and late round picks... Why wouldn't people question what the FO does? The Bills have been one of the worst teams in football over the last 10+ years. This is a board to talk about the BILLS, when they are bad, people will talk about WHY.

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I'm as negative a poster as anyone and even I have to admit that this draft is an excellent one! I'm happy about Dareus more than anything and I thought of him as the best thing that could happen to the Bills, but kind of assumed he would go to Denver. The rest of the draft looks good, although we did seem to go heavy on d-backs. I'm hoping that doesn't mean we have given up on Whitner. We have to overcome the perception that we can't keep anyone any good through free agency. Getting good players is something we have to improve on but KEEPING them is another area we need work.

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I'm as negative a poster as anyone and even I have to admit that this draft is an excellent one! I'm happy about Dareus more than anything and I thought of him as the best thing that could happen to the Bills, but kind of assumed he would go to Denver. The rest of the draft looks good, although we did seem to go heavy on d-backs. I'm hoping that doesn't mean we have given up on Whitner. We have to overcome the perception that we can't keep anyone any good through free agency. Getting good players is something we have to improve on but KEEPING them is another area we need work.

I don't have any inside information, but I think the Bills would be perfectly happy to keep Whitner -- the problem is Donte's inflated opinion of his worth. I view this situation as completely different than what happened with Winfield and Clements (and even Pat Williams). In those situations, the Bills didn't want to pay market value. In this case, Donte doesn't want to accept market value. Huge difference.

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Awesome post man. I get accused by my firends of being too optimistic a Bills fan all the time. I agree 100% that the new regime is going for big & physical. Seems to work w/ the Steelers (Whalen?) Really though, what do you expect? Have you been to a Bills game and tailgated in the main lot? It's not exactly a MENSA gathering.


That is so right! I was watching the draft and reading TBD after the Williams pick, whom I wanted, when I screamed out loud my frustration with this board. My wife's response was "These are the same people we see in the parking lot that still think they look good in their Zubaz!"

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That is so right! I was watching the draft and reading TBD after the Williams pick, whom I wanted, when I screamed out loud my frustration with this board. My wife's response was "These are the same people we see in the parking lot that still think they look good in their Zubaz!"


HEY, Im fair and balanced AND still look good in my Zubaz. Thank you very much!! B-)

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Honestly, I know it's an open forum, which means any half-wit with an internet connection and a keyboard can speak his mind, but the gnashing of teeth over late round draft picks is both comical and embarrassing. We have supposedly "knowledgeable" football fans who can't understand how many defensive backs a team needs to go to training camp. We have folks apparently unwilling to accept that the Bills' front office didn't believe a developmental prospect at QB was more important than finding players who can contribute immediately. We have people who think two RBs are enough for an entire season. This stuff amazes me - particularly the "Joe Schmoe was sitting there in the 6th round; how did these idiots not take him?" nonsense.


The Bills just got a lot more talented and addressed a number of significant needs. They couldn't fix everything with nine draft picks, but we are in a heluva lot better shape than we were on Thursday afternoon. Did everyone suddenly forget that except for about three games, the talent-poor 2010 Bills were in a position to win every game if they make a few plays in the 4th quarter or OT?


I'm tired of the decade of losing as much (if not more) as anyone. I've only enjoyed approximately 40% of my Sundays over the last 12 years. But only the most pessimistic of fans would not be encouraged by what we're seeing out of the organization.


If I'm too "optimistic" for your liking...well, then, kiss off. :P

Great post. You hit the target dead center.

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I am OK with whatever people want to post in their own threads, but when the random opinion bashing, or internet tough guy nonsense occurs when somebody doesn't agree with your views, that's when I get nauseated with the banter around here. OR if someone thinks a thread is dumb, or ill-thought out, why even make a comment? If you don't like it, and have nothing to add, or even have a counter point that's not an insult, then what do you have to gain from it?


Trust me, nobody thinks your half-witted, or smartassed comments are cool except you.

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Replying to It's pretty embarrassing, reading this board sometimes...


It is a board for opinions-and everyone is entitled to their own. Is there someone with a gun to your head making you read it? If I see something I don't want to read I go back to the main menu. It is a free country, thousands have died for the freedom in this country, and millions of others have served proudly to protect our freedom of opinion (20 years myself), so don't get so uptight.

You seem to imply that you have a constitutional right to say whatever you want (which you don't...the constitution only protects POLITICAL speech from infringement by the government) free from any critical response. You don't.

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You seem to imply that you have a constitutional right to say whatever you want (which you don't...the constitution only protects POLITICAL speech from infringement by the government) free from any critical response. You don't.


Bingo! And I think here is the crux of the real argument.


It's not that us optimists want to stop people we dont agree with from posting at all.


If you can come with a well thought out and valid negative point, great. Let's discuss it.


But there are a LARGE number of people that use the board as a "venting place" for their irrational and ignorant opinions. And then they get offended when someone tries to offer an opposing view. They dont want to actually discuss the point. They just want to stand on their soapbox and yell a bunch of garbage, and some have even admitted that they dont care if the information they base their opinions on is wrong!! They just want to com ehere to voice their opinion and vent so they can feel better. Great...


THAT is why some of us say that certain posts are "embarrassing".


If someone doesnt like the draft, there are plenty of valid reasons why they might not. But when someone makes a thread the second we picked a CB in round 2 (with our 2nd out of NINE picks) that says "Jauron is back. Same old Bills. We were all set at DB already!!", They better be ready to hear the FACTS that we werent really "set" at DB.


Its equivalently ridiculous to me saying the team will never succeed because Ralph is actually a space alien and on his planet losing is better than winning. Cmon man!

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You seem to imply that you have a constitutional right to say whatever you want (which you don't...the constitution only protects POLITICAL speech from infringement by the government) free from any critical response. You don't.

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia:


freedom of speech - Right, as stated in the 1st and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content. A modern legal test of the legitimacy of proposed restrictions on freedom of speech was stated in the opinion by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in Schenk v. U.S. (1919): a restriction is legitimate only if the speech in question poses a "clear and present danger" — i.e., a risk or threat to safety or to other public interests that is serious and imminent. Many cases involving freedom of speech and of the press also have concerned defamation, obscenity, and prior restraint (see Pentagon Papers).


Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/freedom-of-speech#ixzz1LD53TVJh

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What difference does that make? The bottom line is the defensive backfield DID need to be addressed, regardless of what the fans were saying prior to the draft -- do you disagree?


Be careful who you call clueless; there's that whole pot/kettle thing. Just sayin...

You missed the entire point of my post and the one I was replying to.

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