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Torell Troup working on his core


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i isolate/watch the DT's at all home games....he needs to work on his LEG strength AND technique.


#1- he is weak and gets very little push. in fact, he gets knocked back often.


#2- technique wise he does the strangest thing i've ever seen. in an effort to gain leverage by getting low....he bends his right leg and turns his knee down and inwards.....thus putting most of his weight and pushing strength ALL on his left leg....it's not working.



yea yea...i know, he's young.......hope they can coach him up.





so your in shape....."round" is a shape....lol




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god...good thing none of you guys are the s&c coaches. core is maybe the most important part of the body when it comes to athletics, stabilization, coordination, and maximum physical output are all linked to core strength. also alot of injuries can be traced back to core issues. it actually shows pretty good insight into the body and strength, id be willing to bet that if more athletes took a page from troupe you would see less injury at 1 bills drive

When you have trained for 22 years let me know, core training is just another fad, like stability training that has now gone by the way side with core to join it in a few years . Nothing will replace the powerlifts, olympic lifts and strongman training why do you think they hired a world champion powerlifter to train the team, it wasn't to strengthen their cores.

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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When you have trained for 22 years let me know, core training is just another fad, like stability training that has now gone by the way side with core to join it in a few years . Nothing will replace the powerlifts, olympic lifts and strongman training why do you think they hired a world champion powerlifter to train the team, it wasn't to strengthen their cores.


You understand that he is doing other things BESIDES core training, right? He's just concentrating on his core in the offseason because it was a weak spot for him.


Saying core training is a fad, is like saying bicep training is a fad. Its a muscle group that needs to be developed.

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Some of you are getting bogged down in semantics, AND making a greater effort to disagree than to agree.


Core is a loosely-used term, widely applied but not well-defined.


Common sense tells us that a core exercise is the opposite of an isolation-type exercise…that core training exercises the muscles which make the human body a full and coherent system…the core (trunk) ties the lower body with the upper body. I'm guessing that "core training includes (I'm guessing…this is an intuitive response) lower back, abdominals, glutes and obliques. It is the polar opposite of something like a preacher curl.


If I'm correct, then things like dead lifts and squats can be argued to be core training exercises and in that respect, no one could argue that "core exercises" are not invaluable.


The other point that a few here seem to be missing even though it has already been pointed out, is that Torrell is doing these exercises AND the exercise regimen administered by the Bills Strength and Conditioning coaches, both whom have sterling credentials and one who is a legendary power lifter in his own right.

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WTF! Going light on upper and lower to focus on core training, F'ing retarded. the only core training he should be doing is seeing how many steaks and potatoes he can stuff in there to get his weight back up. People forget that core training also includes the back and he (and everyone else) should be hitting Squats and Deadlifts and pushing the sled. World renown strength Coach Charles Poliquin says the only core training one needs is squats and deadlifts and I couldn't agree more. When I quit ab training it had zero effect on my performance and my squat and dead have gone from 545 to 645 over time.


We will really need to draft a real nose after this. I have been hoping that Troupe would have seen his shortcomings( no leg drive, can't handle double teams) and worked on this. It seems now that he is trying to be more fit like his dad instead of focusing on becoming an elite NT. :doh:



A) It's the off-off season


B) Don't you think the Bills trainers are going to put him on a serious lower body routine?


Bodies need rest. I think it's good that he is doing core work before the off season workout routine starts. That's when he will start on all the power stuff, I am sure. We do have an old power lifter as a S&C coach.


When you have trained for 22 years let me know, core training is just another fad, like stability training that has now gone by the way side with core to join it in a few years .


Really?!?! Pilates is a fad? You are now officially talking out your ass.


Merriman has previously said he does Pilates (which is core work) every morning. You are obviously just some meathead pounding on a keyboard. Welcome to my ignore list.

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Think about the people you know who are REALLY INTO working out.


Almost all of them likely have STRONG opinions that are the REALITY (in their eyes anyway). Everyone has THE answer when it comes to training/fitness/diet.


Just think, there are people who think bread and broccoli are bad, while eating sticks of butter wrapped in bacon is healthy.


It's almost like religion and politics. There's no use even discussing it unless you agree.

Edited by trolls_r_us
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WTF! Going light on upper and lower to focus on core training, F'ing retarded. the only core training he should be doing is seeing how many steaks and potatoes he can stuff in there to get his weight back up. People forget that core training also includes the back and he (and everyone else) should be hitting Squats and Deadlifts and pushing the sled. World renown strength Coach Charles Poliquin says the only core training one needs is squats and deadlifts and I couldn't agree more. When I quit ab training it had zero effect on my performance and my squat and dead have gone from 545 to 645 over time.


We will really need to draft a real nose after this. I have been hoping that Troupe would have seen his shortcomings( no leg drive, can't handle double teams) and worked on this. It seems now that he is trying to be more fit like his dad instead of focusing on becoming an elite NT. :doh:


My man, this is just one type of exercise he is doing. And he doesn't look to be missing any meals from the looks of him. When you quit ab training you got YOUR results. Different bodies will respond differently to certain exercises. He knows his body. Let him be.

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