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111,111,111 X 111,111,111=12345678987654321


Cool, huh?


Please go forth and amaze your friends and/or enemies.

Did YOU know that somehow Sage has been able to supply himself with lentils for 4+ days now while you were sitting around doing math and not dumping lentils near Nantucket?


Not cool huh?

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The reason it "works" is that 1x11=11. If you think about how one multiples several digit #s, you take each digit of 1 # in turn and multiple it across all digits of the other. In this case, each time, you're adding another to the next position/power of ten. This occurs until you start running out of carries, then the process is reducted by one each time.

I probably didn't do a good job explaining that, but think about it & it should be apparent to you.


On a somewhat related note, did you know that 0.999999... = 1.0?

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The reason it "works" is that 1x11=11. If you think about how one multiples several digit #s, you take each digit of 1 # in turn and multiple it across all digits of the other. In this case, each time, you're adding another to the next position/power of ten. This occurs until you start running out of carries, then the process is reducted by one each time.

I probably didn't do a good job explaining that, but think about it & it should be apparent to you.


On a somewhat related note, did you know that 0.999999... = 1.0?

you and Tom really should start dating...

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Did YOU know that somehow Sage has been able to supply himself with lentils for 4+ days now while you were sitting around doing math and not dumping lentils near Nantucket?


Not cool huh?

<_< Those aren't lentils. I bought up all of the little blue pills I could find which was over a million (notice that our Phizer Phriend is in a rare good mood today...must be bonus time, thanks to me stock prices have soared). I took the pills to that painter you use all the time, Mike Angola, and he made them all look like lentils so that's what Sage has been chowing down on. Funny side note though Mike laid on his back to paint the lentils and he kept screaming about 'the popa', not sure what he was talking about.


Only downside I see is that a bunch of wrinkely old men (who you have as much or more respect for as anyone) can't satisfy their wrinkley old women.

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