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Bills-based Household Pet Names


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I recently got a dog from Waycroos, GA. That happens to be where Leodis Mckelvin is from, actually passed high school when we were there. So our dog's middle name is Leodis. I know, I know its a middle name but my girlfriend wouldnt let it be his first name everyone calls him by. Pierre Leodis.

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I recently got a dog from Waycroos, GA. That happens to be where Leodis Mckelvin is from, actually passed high school when we were there. So our dog's middle name is Leodis. I know, I know its a middle name but my girlfriend wouldnt let it be his first name everyone calls him by. Pierre Leodis.


My dog's names are Bisquit and Tally

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LOL...This is MY topic!!!


Over the past 20 years I've had Brother cats named Cornelius and Thurman...My 3rd Cat was Gabe (yep, after Gabe Northern)...Sister cats named Kelly and Sammie (after Sam Cowart)...Another cat named Antoine (after Winfield not Smith) who died WAY too young unfortunately...And my current Cat Reuben!!!


I had a Varactyl Pet on Star Wars Galaxies named Pozilla... :lol:


I recently got a dog from Waycroos, GA. That happens to be where Leodis Mckelvin is from, actually passed high school when we were there. So our dog's middle name is Leodis. I know, I know its a middle name but my girlfriend wouldnt let it be his first name everyone calls him by. Pierre Leodis.


I was going to name My Cocker Spaniel Leodis, but I settled on Leonidas instead... B-)

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We named our dog Buzzy -- after the pizza/wing place in Niagara Falls. Not exactly Bills related, but at least WNY related. :)


Dog: http://www.flickr.co...57624152136993/


Restaurant: http://www.buzzyspizza.com/





I guess it's a better pet name than "La Hacienda". Maybe if you get a female pet, you can name her "Viola".


BTW, cute dog.

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lol, some of these are awesome and I'll definitely consider naming a pet after a Bill someday. Both my current dogs are girls and therefore have girl names.


I did have a red, white, and blue bong back in college that I called "Andre Weed" though...


My dog is a girl - and her name is Kelly :thumbsup:

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I have two dogs...unfortunately... both with down syndrome


I named them McKelvin and Maybin.


Is your dog that is named after maybin a thin, shivering Chihuahua with no body hair that aimlessly spins around in circles and yaps?

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I have a 2 year old Beagle that I named Trent. Kinda jumped the gun on that, but it was during the 5-0 start and there were already MVP rumors starting up (how wrong they were). Oh well, still a cute name for a dog and I just tell people I like the name Trent now ;)

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