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Pat Williams

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Pat Williams is a free agent at the end of the year and would make a great addition despite his age. Could you imagine Pat and Kyle and then we sign Hiloti Ngata what a D line that would be... wait I must have been day dreaming :D .But Pat could be had and is over the grudge he had and would go along way towards shoring up the line, like he did with Sam Adams, which was the last time we had a good D. That also shows you need big guys up front to stop the run and be effective.

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Pat Williams is a free agent at the end of the year and would make a great addition despite his age. Could you imagine Pat and Kyle and then we sign Hiloti Ngata what a D line that would be... wait I must have been day dreaming :D .But Pat could be had and is over the grudge he had and would go along way towards shoring up the line, like he did with Sam Adams, which was the last time we had a good D. That also shows you need big guys up front to stop the run and be effective.


If the Bills could get Pat Williams, absolutely !!!!!

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Pat Williams is a free agent at the end of the year and would make a great addition despite his age. Could you imagine Pat and Kyle and then we sign Hiloti Ngata what a D line that would be... wait I must have been day dreaming :D .But Pat could be had and is over the grudge he had and would go along way towards shoring up the line, like he did with Sam Adams, which was the last time we had a good D. That also shows you need big guys up front to stop the run and be effective.


It's amazing that Pat is still performing at a high level. He is the oldest defensive player in the league (38). Another quality player we let walk. Are we the best team in the league at doing that??

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He contemplated retirement at the beginning of the season, now it looks like he is saying he will stay a bit longer. I doubt he comes to the Bills, regardless of past ties, it sounds like he is looking for a championship. Wouldnt be surprised to see him sign as a back up on a contending team.



Also, take a look at the comments on the bottom of the page, seems like most think he is washed up.

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Big Pat is an FA after this season. I wouldn't break the bank, but it'd be worth making an offer if Vikings let him walk due to age/new regime. I was reading the Williams-Winfield and Phil Hansen articles on the front page and was reminded of what a team guy Williams used to be. He wanted less money to stay in Buffalo, but Donahoe thought he was too old. Haha. It's been 6 years and 3 pro bowls since.


I like this quote from the Hansen article.


“Phil’s was a beast,” Williams laughed. “A total beast. When I came to Buffalo as a rookie we had Bruce Smith, Ted Washington, Phil- I had a great chance to learn from some vets that knew the game. I owe them all so much. Ted’s like a brother to me. He took me under his wing and showed me the way. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Ted and those guys.”


He did grow a lot (skill and belly-wise) under Ted. True 3/4 NTs are so rare, and the Bills don't have one yet. Pat (and the waiting-in-the-wings guy that learns the technique under him, be it Troupe or somebody else) would only be on the field for 2 downs. If the Bills are committed to a real 3/4, I picture Kyle moving to end and then back to the middle on 3rd down, similar to how Ron Edwards would come in (from the bench) for Big Pat on obvious passing downs.


He's old, I admit. But you can SEE the guy still getting it done. Teddy Washington was getting signed *years* after Donahoe(again!) decided he was too old. And the people signing him were dumb defensive minds like Belichick (at age 35, 3 years post-buffalo) and Crennel (in 2007 at age 39). It's a 2 down, very specialized role. Wade brought Teddy with him from Denver the year he took the job as Marv's d-coordinator. It's a piece in a successful 3/4 front that is not optional.


Short term upside is obvious. Long term upside is what Troupe can learn. Or whoever ends up being the next mountain with legs. I'm not sure Troupe has the size yet.

Edited by steampunk.
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Same line of thinking, different mountain with legs: Jamal Williams.


34 year old highly regarded nose tackle. 350 lbs. Like Pat and Teddy, raised in a Wade Phillips system (at San Diego). Jamal is currently under contract in Denver and totally not due to be a free agent.




With McDaniels fired, and some of the hot coaching candidates (like Perry Fewell) preferring smaller Tampa fronts, it's a situation worth keeping on the radar.

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Pat Williams is a free agent at the end of the year and would make a great addition despite his age. Could you imagine Pat and Kyle and then we sign Hiloti Ngata what a D line that would be... wait I must have been day dreaming :D .But Pat could be had and is over the grudge he had and would go along way towards shoring up the line, like he did with Sam Adams, which was the last time we had a good D. That also shows you need big guys up front to stop the run and be effective.



Sure, and we can talk to Bob Lily, Alan Page, and Buck Buchanon too.


Seriously, if Pat keeps playing I would think he would stay in Minnesota or go to a contender.

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